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Turkey insults and bullies Albania over Israel/Palestine

Funny how Erdogan is calling other cowards, and yet he's the most pro-American guy there is. He's the true coward.

And people view this guy as the next head of the Caliphate?
Who cares about Albania?? Erdogan is trying to regain the Position as Muslim leader like Ottomans and he is successful to a great extent , by criticizing albania, he went one step forward.....

He is the leader of Turks, and if you would like to add Bangalis and Pakistanis, then it's your own choice, but don't include others. We will not buy words anymore, we have been in hell because of those empty pro Palestine words and sentiments. Look at Iran, fighting Arabs in the name of supporting Palestine, so we don't need an another Iran.
He is the leader of Turks, and if you would like to add Bangalis and Pakistanis, then it's your own choice, but don't include others. We will not buy words anymore, we have been in hell because of those empty pro Palestine words and sentiments. Look at Iran, fighting Arabs in the name of supporting Palestine, so we don't need an another Iran.

dont include us too bcz we are fed up of ur wahabbi vs shia thing ....
We should impose harsh sanctions on countries like Albania. But wait, there is a problem; Turkey isn't any less Zionist than Albania. I guess Erdogan is kind of schizophrenic.

Explain please

Sanctions !? About what ?

Who are, WE !?

Why you are talking in the name of every one in Forum !?

Who are you and when you come from which one you are representing !?
From what i read from your stories you must have been traveled many countries thanks to your job , BTW :welcome: to :pdf: bro :enjoy: @Albanian

Yes Brother..

Haw i say Between Nations we have no problems.( they are some leaders some time do some mistakes)
Actually Albanian and Turkish people they have excellent brother wood between them and they respect each others even from the PAST..Not all has been Black we have learn to love each others..

I thing is no one in Albania more respected then Turkey..( am sure even Turkish respect the Arnauts= Albanian )
We have things in commune..religion food culture and Hospitality..
I been many times in Turkey from Instabull -Marmaras -Dalaman-Fetie and others when i have more then 1000 friends and one of family has merit Women from Izmir.

To be honest i live Dubai but when i go Turkey i fill Home. This is my impression. ( forget about Politics)

I salute mr. Erodgan and he is a true leader

Allah Bless Him..and Gave HIM the EYE to see the REALITY.
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Just to confirm The Brother Hood between Albania and Turkey..What i write here 24 hours a head....

Turkish Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz, launched on Thursday an official visit to Tirana, in the context of strengthening military cooperation between the two countries. Turkish minister's visit agenda began with the official reception at the headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, the Albanian Defence Minister Arben Imami, which would then have a bilateral meeting.

BalkanWeb.TV | Imami-Yilmaz: Bashkpunim i ngusht Shqipri-Turqi n fushn ushtarake ( even U tube )
Albania, Turkey strategic partners: Albanian president -- Shanghai Daily | ???? -- English Window to China New

he says; Strong Albania is the Best solution for all Peace in Balkan..He support strong Albania and he says Albania is one of the Most imported country for Turkey.

( This is to Show the Prime Mister of Turkey Erdoghan just done small mistake and he understand very quick ) Maybe Reading my posts here .lol and to don,t live any one to talk bully about both country's.


This is add to TURKEY Goverment website


The general characteristic of the bilateral relations between Turkey and Albania is mutual friendship, trust and solidarity.

Successful high-level visits and contacts are carried out on a periodical basis between the two countries.

The official visits of the then President of Albania H.E. Bamir Topi in October 2011 and Prime Minister H.E. Sali Berisha in April 2012 to Turkey as well as Speaker of the Turkish Parliament H.E. Cemil Çiçek’s official visit to Albania in May 2012 have been the recent highlights of our bilateral relations. Most recently, Foreign Minister H.E. Edmond Panariti visited Turkey and participated at the International Conference entitled “From Balkan Wars to Balkan Peace” co-sponsored by the Center for Strategic Research of Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities in October 2012 in İstanbul, and held talks with H.E. Foreign Minister Davutoğlu.

The considerable number of Turkish citizens of Albanian origin living in Turkey and of Albanians who chose to stay in Turkey due to education, health and employment or marriage bonds; the growing size of the Turkish community settling in Albania, either as employers or professionals, strengthen the cooperation potential of the two countries.

Turkey considers Albania as a strategically important country for the establishment of enduring peace and stability in the Balkans and supports its integration with Euro-Atlantic institutions.

Turkey is also supporting Albania, in its efforts at bilateral and multilateral level, for improving diplomatic relations and international effectiveness.

Cooperation in the field of defense constitutes a strong dimension of Turkish-Albanian bilateral relations. Teams assigned by the Turkish Land, Naval and Air Forces have been training Albanian Armed Forces and supporting them in logistics and modernization aspects, while Albanian soldiers assigned to Afghanistan within NATO framework are serving their mandate within the Turkish troops deployed in this geography.

Turkey, along with Italy, Greece, China and Germany is one of Albania's major trade partners.

The total value of Turkish investments in Albania is close to 1.5 billion Euros.

The most recent meeting of the Joint Economic Commission (JEC) was held in November 2011.

The Business Council's most recent meeting was held in Ankara during then President Topi’s visit to Turkey in October 2011.

Leading Turkish investments are as follows:

-Construction and building materials: ENKA, Gintaş, Armada, Metal Yapı, Aldemir, Servomatik

-Telecommunications: Çalık Holding/Türk Telekom, Makro-Tel/Hes Kablo

-Banking: Çalıkbank/Şekerbank-BKT

-Iron and Steel Industry: Kürüm

-Health: Universal Hospital Group - Mining: Ber-Oner, Dedeman,

-Manufacturing / Consumer goods retail: Yilmaz Cable, Merinos, Everest, Pino, RM Kocak

-Education: Gülistan Foundation, Istanbul Foundation, Epoka University

-Transportation: Albanian Airlines (Evsen Group)

As a result of close interaction and cooperation between the two countries, Albanians have a great interest in Turkey and Turkish language. There are more than three thousand common words in Albanian and Turkish languages due to our historical relations.

Tiran Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center, which was inaugurated during the visit of the Turkish President in December 2009 has been offering Turkish language courses and hosting various cultural activities. Shkodër /İşkodra Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center has also been inaugurated in October, 2012.
Albania’s Abstention on Palestine U.N. Vote and the Islamist Response


On November 29, Albania was the sole Muslim-majority country in the United Nations to be counted among the 41 abstainers from the proposal to admit Palestine as a non-member observer. Certain Islamists were displeased, to say the least. In particular, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, head of the “fundamentalist-lite” Justice and Development Party or AKP, responded with one of the tantrums that has become a hallmark of his administration.

Erdogan declared that he had exerted pressure on an unnamed Muslim land to abandon its intention to vote “no,” encouraging it to support the Palestinians, and arguing that an abstention would be considered the same as a “no” by Turkey.

“I told them that this would damage bilateral relations we have. . . . It would upset us,” Erdogan complained. He went on to lament, “there are many cowards in the world.” The Istanbul daily Hurriyet soon revealed that the target of Erdogan’s fit of pique was Albania and its prime minister, Sali Berisha.

Outsiders may not grasp how offensive Erdogan’s snit was to Berisha and his people, especially as it came during Albania's celebration of the centennial of its independence from the Ottoman Empire. For a Turkish politician to call Albanians “cowards” is breathtakingly heedless and arrogant.

The leading Albanian-American journalist Ruben Avxhiu, editor of the New York-based semi-weekly Illyria, warned on December 7, in the daily Panorama published in Tirana, that the Albanian proclamation of freedom in 1912 “ended five centuries of Turkish occupation. Albanians . . . were determined not to let Turkey ever again make decisions on their behalf. This remains true today.

Avxhiu observed, “Albania enjoys excellent relations with Israel . . . the intention of some of the actors [at the U.N.] is not peace for all the people of the region, but punishment and condemnation of Israel.” He wrote, “The Palestinian President, who a few days ago asked for the right of self-determination for his people at the UN, has denied it several times to Kosovo. In an official visit to Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, he said that Kosovo’s independence was a breach of international law and advised Kosovars to go back to the negotiating table and decide their status in agreement with Serbia. This is interesting advice, considering that it is exactly the opposite of what he is doing at the UN by asking for status while bypassing talks with Israel. Furthermore, Kosovars could only wish that Serbia would publicly agree in principle to a two-state solution, the way Israel has done. . . . Abbas’s advice is highly hypocritical.”

Regarding Erdogan, Avxhiu remarked on “the lure of the popularity that he has won in the Arab Street because of his harsh criticism of Israel. He hates to be surpassed by anyone else in this context, and certainly not by Iran's Ahmedinejad. . . . There may be other explanations of his position on the Palestinian issue, but nothing seems to distinguish him as ‘brave,’ at least not to the point of having the right to call a ‘coward’ the leader of another country, who makes his decisions based on different geopolitical, electoral and cultural parameters and circumstances.” In an obvious reference to the Turkish leader, Avxhiu concluded, “the person who is harmed the most is almost always the one who cannot resist running his mouth.”

Albanian officials, including Prime Minister Berisha, who spoke on Albanian national television about the controversy with Erdogan, were restrained and dignified, but firm. Albania had chosen to follow the lead of the United States on the Israel-Palestine issue, which Berisha described as “the most complicated in the world.” Abstention represented a step back from a “no.” But the government in Tirana would support a peace process and a two-state solution, not a one-sided vote to satisfy the Arab and Islamic alliances.

Nevertheless, ameliorative gestures by the Arab powers were soon visible. Qatar, which operates a large academic and investment center in the middle of Tirana, hosted a lavish reception at the Hotel Sheraton Tirana to mark the Gulf emirate’s National Day, which falls on December 18. The Qatari event was held at the end of November, in advance of the official date, with Berisha and other Albanian politicians in attendance.

For its part, Turkey sought to heal the breach with a celebration, on December 3, of the 20th anniversary of Ankara’s diplomatic recognition of the post-Yugoslav states of Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Croatia.

Turkish foreign ministry official Mehmet Hasan Gogus told the Tirana media, “We have so much in common, historical ties exist between the two countries and peoples, and there are no political problems whatever between Ankara and Tirana.”

At the same time, the Turkish authorities emphasized their friendly view of Serbia. Gogus stipulated, in an idiom treated with suspicion by many Albanians, that Islamist Turkey has no ambition to “unite the Balkans under a Turkish umbrella. . . . [A] Pax Ottomanica has never been mentioned.”

Erdogan and his colleagues, however, have frequently admitted their expansive attitude toward the former Turkish possessions in Europe, and the Turkic cultural sphere in Central Asia as the basis of a revived dominion.

On December 10, Albanian media described a visit by Saudi officials, headed by the president-general of the Saudi Youth Welfare and Olympic Committee, Prince Nawaf Bin Faisal Bin Fahd Bin Abdulaziz. The Saudis were praised by Berisha for their assistance to Albania through the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the Islamic Bank. At the same time, a leading Saudi business figure, Fawaz Alkohair, arrived and celebrated Albania’s “geographical location . . . low fiscal burden, business services, labor and cultural flexibility,” while promising new investment projects.....

(Rest of article is irrelevant and about Serbia).


Stephen Schwartz is a well known anti-Muslim propagandist however this story is relevant.

I do not support Israel (obviously being from Bangladesh I wouldn't) but:

1. Erdogan should really learn to control that ****** mouth of his and stop interfering in other countries affairs and decisions.

2. This is essentially bullying by a strongman from a country hyped up full of excessive nationalism and delusions of grandeur.

3. Erdogan has not just done this with Albania but with other Muslim countries.....whilst his regime (beyond the rhetoric) have not-so bad relations with the Israelis.[/QUOTE
Sorry Albanian guy but you are giving false information here. Ottomans fought against Serbs and won Kosova war and now Kosova is 90 percent Albanian, how come? Do not say that Serbs stole your land, you also stole their land. Albania is not a muslim country, the governmental people are mostly christian and there is an enourmous Anti-Türk sentiment in your history books to create a national feeling and there is a lot of distortion of truth, if Albania sees Ottomans as oppressors then Albanians were also the oppressors and Turkey is supporting Albania immensely since 1990's, giving direct money, educating military, giving military equipment, supporting Kosova and making connection with other muslim countries to recognise it and of course in return Turkey is gonna expect something like a vote for Palestine.
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