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News from within CAC (J-10B and J-20, also Pakistan related)

J-10B is half a generation ahead of the J-10A. It has extensive airframe modifications, AESA radar, DSI, more sensors, greater application of RAM, etc.

Brother, these upgrades do not mean a generation change. But all these modifications were taken at the behest of PAF. I will be really surprised if Pakistan does not go for a version that it calls FC-20 which has the same characteristics that of a J-10B.

If Huzhigeng is correct than the only reason will be Pakistan not able to afford the upgrades.
Sir from what i have heard from some very reliable inside sources; FC20 has not been pushed down, it is still slated to join PAF during the 2014-2015 time frame which was originally envisioned. Due to an immediate need for a high tech fighter to keep up with the developing threats, J10A is being acquired to fullfill that gap.

Thanks. yes I can agree with that. It makes sense. Impression left was that Pakistan will not be receiving the FC-20s/J-10B but replaced by J-10A instead. I am also aware that the number of J-10s was increased. Most probably, it means some J-10A will be purchased to meet the immediate need in addtion to J-10B/FC-20 slated to be received three years later.
i think its not the issue of affordiblity (why would have PAF been negotiating f-16s then?), it the time issue..PAF needs it on URGENT basis..
they cant get j-10 as it would require sometime to get in operation, so they are going for an upgraded j-10a..

there isnt extensive airframe modification in j-10a and j-10b..
its same as f-16a and f-16 c with some difference in airframe and lots in avionics..

but pakistani version will be like F-16MLU ..ie an j-10 a with upgrades, as it was mentioned in the original post
Incorporating an AESA radar into J10A will not be possible because the nose has to be redesigned thats what done on J10B for AESA but one thing is true having an mature PESA radar will make J10A very potent fighter

Well it seems you guys don't read carefully before commenting.

J-10B's nose got redesigned not due to AESA but due to the fact it got that DSI inlet. So to accommodate the DSI inlet there was redesign in the nose.

Its a wrong conception that the nose got changed due to AESA radar, no it was due to DSI inlet.

The current round nose of J-10A can perfectly hold the AESA radar if required.

And once the AESA radar is fully matured, the current J-10A's are gonna start getting them as upgrades, since these J-10A are pretty new and have a lot of life left in them.
I dont understand why getting the j-10a or an upgraded version of the fighter is such a death blow, people are seriously overreacting. We are in desperate need of new fighters to replace an aging fleet of mirages and f-7s (in the technology department atleast). These j-10s are exactly what we need. Some people cry about us getting handicapped f-16s and then have a problem when the PAF decides to do something about it and fast tracks into service highly capable aircraft.
The Pak-Indo theatre is highly dynamic, new threats emerge all the time and the j-10b will come, till then, why not also get some j-10a. It makes a great deal of sense to procure these aircrafts, because the reality is, we have very little to put up against the IAF at this point, if a war were to break out. And wars are not fought in the highly unpredictable world of future procurements, but what a force has to offer here and now.
I dont understand why getting the j-10a or an upgraded version of the fighter is such a death blow, people are seriously overreacting. We are in desperate need of new fighters to replace an aging fleet of mirages and f-7s (in the technology department atleast). These j-10s are exactly what we need. Some people cry about us getting handicapped f-16s and then have a problem when the PAF decides to do something about it and fast tracks into service highly capable aircraft.

As these J-10As would be purchased with soft loans, This is what PAF should have done when they signed the contact in 2006 by now PAF would have procured 2 J-10A squadrons already.

It is evident from the photograph the potential of J-10A that it was more then adequate for PAF requirement for a 4th Generation Fighter to serve PAF incase F-16s become sitting ducks.
if a war were to break out. And wars are not fought in the highly unpredictable world of future procurements, but what a force has to offer here and now.


You really think that it is easy for pakistani colleagues to understand this statement of yours----.
Sir from what i have heard from some very reliable inside sources; FC20 has not been pushed down, it is still slated to join PAF during the 2014-2015 time frame which was originally envisioned. Due to an immediate need for a high tech fighter to keep up with the developing threats, J10A is being acquired to fullfill that gap. PAF envisioned in the past that they could fill this void with the release of additional used F16's from the US, but seeing how things stand with the US at current, PAF is putting its contingency plan into action. Also i agree, i heard the same thing that our J10A will not be the same as the Chinese one which are currently in use. There will be improved avionics and radar that will be on board this aircraft. On a different topic, i still believe that it is not the Air but the threat from Sea that is more dangerous to Pakistan. Flankers and the new MIG29K can simply outfly PAF jets in terms of endurance, PAF desperately needs aircrafts that are high in endurance and can cater to the threat from the sea. Air Warfare in sea is going to be much more different than Air warfare above land, we need fighter aircrafts near the coast that can fly CAP's for prolonged periods and if push comes to shove, can fight off enemy aircrafts from stand off ranges. With the way the IN Aviation is gaining strength and additional SU30MKI's joining IAF, our shorelines are becoming increasingly dangerous from the air. I still believe that PN is well equipped to fight IN's surface and underwater fleet with its dozens of ASM's and other force multipliers in our waters, but its the threat from the Air that is most definitely PN is not designed to fight.

My friend, isn't this what i stated? FC-20 is NOT out, rather J-10A has filled the high end space for now. What is the difference. IF A is coming before B, then B is pushed down by A :D

If everything is that of JFT, then are engines and more fuel capacity the only two edges which J-10A would have over JFT ? Don't we have F-16s for that specification already?

Add to the above, the payload almost same as F-16, higher performance, combat radius, ferry range, these advantages are not small. Above all, J-10A or B, is designed to fulfil the HIGH END role, unlike the JFT that will take, despite all its advances in electronic warfare, avionics, sensor fusion, will still remain a medium end fighter. Unless we see something drastic.
j10A upgraded one not just j10A pakistan is getting by the way it might be kept secret what pakistan is getting there is no doubt pakistan is getting j10b
or maybe jf17 blk2 is better than j10A and has completed all pakistan requirements ' also in this cac source has said pak to get naval version of j10' :D
What would be the color scheme? I don't want it to have black nose like CHinese J-10s.

Grey nose like that of JFT would do great :)
I could show you a mirror on a certain place called BR.
Instead out there they consider their chicken way more than a chicken.. and there aint no chicken like that in the whole world.

So you need to become Rabid dogs if people there are one.....so childish.......why can't it be like that ....rather....."we should be better"......than a dick measuring thing like....."who should count more chickens than them to make them look puny".(don't relate it with that chicken proverb.....this was for these lines only......hope you understand)

Im not sure WHOM you are quoting.. but here on this thread..
It has been the J-10B.. as stated by those with the blue streak.. they generally are on target.. which is WHY they have a blue color.
The J-10A was considered back in 2005.. then the Chinese came up with the J10B.. which is why the program was delayed..
Now after may 2.. we realize things aren't peachy with the red white and blue's.. so we ask for a fast track program.

The only difference being that those in blue.. or huitong... or anybody else cant bring their source with the credentials and have them record the statement on video.
Although Im sure some skeptics will still bring in excuses to doubt even that.

Leave that thing......I have also left that......
Never blamed any blue for any wrong information.....only wanted to point out even blues get their info from some where....and add tits and bits to come up with their own kind......and never did I see the blue you might be indicating saying that my info is 100% and it will happen....and you can blindly follow me.

Now J-10B was never delayed it is natural for prototype which were launched a couple of years back perhaps to go under rigorous testing and things Like avionics, AESA radar, IRST to take time being mature enough to be working near their optimum capabilities.....but some how we had people denying the fact and coming up with stuff like Chinese are ultra fast....and they give Priority to Pakistan's requirements before even China's........they can ship us 50 JF-17s in one year etc...etc...:sick:

They are also humans and No country does that for the other......we are 5000 years of human civilization now however some people still don't learn.....

For me J-10A is best suited for Pakistan now......and rather than buying F-16/JF-17 it should spend that money on J-10A......which would give it a better platform against Su 30MKI and Mig 29SMT of IAF if configured with airsuperiority role as the PLAAF has for itself......plus it could prove to be a better option in case the American become further hostile......but the big question is does the budget supports any such acquisition on large scale.......which involves new basing facilities, maintenance facilities and staff, pilot training etc.......buying 4-5 or a couple of dozen won't do.......its better to go for JF-17 in that case or wait for Chinese to export J-10B......which would be possible only if some orders of PLAAF is completed 1st......and that would be by 2014-15 not before that.
This was bound to happen. Now people saying that things suddenly changed after 2nd May, are they implying that before that PAF had no clue specially when couple of years ago Pakistan was threaten to be bombed back to stone age, yet we still decided to induct the F-16s. Why was J-10 not looked at when it was offered back in 2005? Now don't tell it wasn't mature enough back then. Had we Inducted the plane then, by now not only the pilots would have been trained but also the infrastructure for it would have been developed. With time upgrades would have been installed. PAF screwed once again and i am sure this isnt the last time. So whatever the reason we are getting the J-10 A for, fill in the gaps, no more F-16s or whatever, fact is its too little too late. This is the second time first was the mirage deal, now this.
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