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New video shows Indian Army beaten and retreating

20 cowardly Indian soldiers attacking 2 PLA soldiers; seems like these 20 Indian soldiers got beaten to death later.
If the two were Indians they would have long surrendered or tried to run away, but those two didn't give up fight and didn't even try to run. Full of fighting spirits even being massively outnumbered.
Seriously dude, just look at this Google earth image it shows quite a few rivers, how do you think lakes get filled? Get your facts before you talk nonsense:-

View attachment 668181
Dude tell me how many rivers drain into this lake?

Do they feed into the lake by flowing at the speed shown in the video, then the lake would have become an inland sea.

Let me tell you that only two streams feed the lake. They are not the size as shown in this video and clash never happened there as they are on our Indian side. The place these stream join the lake is also a marshy area, so not like the rocky place shown in the video.

It's sad :cry: that the chinese after losing 9000 sq km of land south of Pangong Tso instead of fighting and capturing the land back are now satisfying themselves with old videos when Indians were following rules.
It's sad :cry: that the chinese after losing 9000 sq km of land south of Pangong Tso instead of fighting and capturing the land back are now satisfying themselves with old videos when Indians were following rules.
Huh 9000 sqkm, what kinda math is that? So if China takes 1000sqkm, India will x9. Lol. You are on the LAC dimwit. Lol

I guys friggin are delusional living in fantasy world. Too much Bollywood is bad.
Huh 9000 sqkm, what kinda math is that? So if China takes 1000sqkm, India will x9. Lol. You are on the LAC dimwit. Lol

I guys friggin are delusional living in fantasy world. Too much Bollywood is bad.
We now control the entire territory south of Pangong Tso lake up to the International Border. You can crawl for the time being. Unless you clear us from the hills this territory will soon be ours 100%.

You can keep l!cking the fingers 5 to 8 on the north shore until we take back that too.
We now control the entire territory south of Pangong Tso lake up to the International Border. You can crawl for the time being. Unless you clear us from the hills this territory will soon be ours 100%.

You can keep l!cking the fingers 5 to 8 on the north shore until we take back that too.
Sitting on the ridge exactly on the LAC does not equate to controlling the whole south of pangong lake mate. Chinese troops are below the ridge, at Spanggur pass, Reqin pass, helmet and black top. Are you smoking pot?
I have already mention. India and China fight war. The Chinese always win. :enjoy:
The video once again proves my point!
Chinese win if the Chinese outnumber the opposition atleast by twice
That was One guy against a mob lynching crowd. Look at the video, the numbers are quite even mate. Lol. You guys ran away like rats. Lol

Didn't you guys claim. Baby sikh killed 13 with his bare hands. Lol
No it was not ,watch the video again .everyone can see the first veichale from the convoy was being attacked and rest of the convoy gets out of their vehicles and watch,thank God he was being shielded by an Indian guy.
I really don't remember did Chinese loose any combat with Indian but don't tell me 1967 unless you can show me some death Chinese soldiers or captured soldiers by Indian.
I too don't remember China escalating in the last 40 years when the opposition has stood it's ground .
It's sad :cry: that the chinese after losing 9000 sq km of land south of Pangong Tso instead of fighting and capturing the land back are now satisfying themselves with old videos when Indians were following rules.
Some supporting north hindu fascist. You are destroying your own tamil culture.

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