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New video shows Indian Army beaten and retreating

As expected Chinese have more numbers .when will we see China pick up a fight even if the opposition is at 80% of the Chinese.
Indians whingeing about numbers. Seriously, you can't make up the contemptuous crap spewing forth from the mouths of people like you. Anyway, why should numerical ratios affect Hindustan? Send the mighty Sikh mercenaries in and watch each of them manhandle 10 opponents.
Indians whingeing about numbers. Seriously, you can't make up the contemptuous crap spewing forth from the mouths of people like you. Anyway, why should numerical ratios affect Hindustan? Send the mighty Sikh mercenaries in and watch each of them manhandle 10 opponents.
No wonder you need Gurkhas and Sikhs, these yindoos are a timid bunch. They get pushed over like pussies. Lol
No wonder you need Gurkhas and Sikhs, these yindoos are a timid bunch. They get pushed over like pussies. Lol

India cannot even create its own country, they need Britain to created for them. Now, they are running the place to the ground that even South Sudan or Congo is more hospitable than India.
I mean they get kicked into the river and they just stay docile. Wtf am. I watching? Are these the so called 13 neck snapping Jawans? I was laughing at that guy getting kicked over and over again in the river. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. FCKING COWARDS. THEY GET OWNED LIKE A BITCH.
It's like when Chinese guy was beaten by indians in front of the Chinese convoy couple of months back. That's fcking cowards . As I said I have yet to see China pick up a fight when the opposition if even at 80% of the Chinese strength.
Honestly the video footage is embarrassing for IA. Falling over into rivers and lakes seems to have become a rite of passage for all Indian soldiers. Playing tug-o-war with flags? Wtf is going on? Is India planning to do a sit-down protest in front of the advancing PLA?? ..... At least send your Gurkhas or Sikhs or even some boy scouts so someone can make an actual fight of it.
Indians whingeing about numbers. Seriously, you can't make up the contemptuous crap spewing forth from the mouths of people like you. Anyway, why should numerical ratios affect Hindustan? Send the mighty Sikh mercenaries in and watch each of them manhandle 10 opponents.
There are some regiments which the Chinese had requested not to be posted along lac as they feel they are too aggressive.google it up
Because according to the Indian posters here, now the Indian soldiers would just use their firearms and kill the Chinese soldiers pushing them back. As if they think there will be no consequences at all :hitwall:. I think this is a ready admission by Indian posters that they cannot defeat the Chinese in hand to hand combat so they must resort to firearms, which unbeknownst to them the Chinese have a much larger advantage is. The greater the escalation, the greater the Chinese advantage, all the way up to nuclear weapons.

So going by this logic the next time China bests them in a shoot out with small arms it still isn't fair since they couldn't bring artillery and tanks? And next time it still isn't fair because they couldn't bring jet fighters/bombers? And next time it still isn't fair because they couldn't bring missiles and nukes...
There are some regiments which the Chinese had requested not to be posted along lac as they feel they are too aggressive.google it up
Yes I believe they also requested Bihar regiment show up empty handed to a spiked-club party. It's quite easy for the Chinese when Indians simply do exactly as they're told.
The sooner India settles border issue with China, the better deal it would get.

In 60's to 90's, China tabled the proposal to swap the eastern sector for the western, but arrogant Indians flatly rejected. In 00's, Indians tried to roll back to the old Chinese proposal, but it was China's turn to flatly reject India. China is now asking Tawang to be returned to China. Who knows whatelse China will be asking in the future.

Time is not on Indian side, and India should have come to its senses by now.
So going by this logic the next time China bests them in a shoot out with small arms it still isn't fair since they couldn't bring artillery and tanks? And next time it still isn't fair because they couldn't bring jet fighters/bombers? And next time it still isn't fair because they couldn't bring missiles and nukes...
Each step of escalation only enlarges the Chinese advantage :cheesy:

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