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New video shows Indian Army beaten and retreating

Doesn't look to me May/June video due to winter clothing, although it's not a lake but a river.
In Galwan daytime temperature in May June are 7-8°C and at night around 0°C. Even the Chinese were forced to accept that most Indian casualties on 15 June were not because of weapons but from sub zero temperatures at night.
Its raining frequently, every crevasse, nullah, stream is flowing. This is not Galwan river in video. Galwan is much wider and these days flows with fury.
Yes. Galwan river was narrow in May/June as seen in video. But from July onwards it has swelled massively due to monsoons

There are only lakes near Pangong. Only as per the IQ of pla and their evergreen cheerleaders water flows at such speed in a lake.

May June video taken at Galwan when we were following the rules.

IQ Test: The water flows parallel to the shoreline in the video. Does water waves flow like that in a lake?
The water is flowing, it’s not a lake but a river. Can you name the river in that area? It’s Galwan. Hence the video does not have the right title
The numbers seem similar on both sides yet the indians are running n getting beaten up. Indians are only good at big talk and chest thumping.
Indians can spot the geography, level of water, clothing, etc to conclude its from earlier in the year.

But still can't seem to spot the video PAF released targetting their military installations and satellite imagery showing the IAF missed its target completely :lol: :lol:

These Indians have deluded themselves to such a level that no matter what is in front of them, they will only see what they want to see :lol:
In Galwan daytime temperature in May June are 7-8°C and at night around 0°C. Even the Chinese were forced to accept that most Indian casualties on 15 June were not because of weapons but from sub zero temperatures at night.
Do you have zero mental comprehension? The Indians who freezed to death were already severely wounded by Chinese spiked clubs, rocks, and fists. Do you think that had they been not severely injured, they would just lie there for several hours to freeze to death? So ultimately all Indian deaths at Galwan are attributed to Chinese actions. Amazing Indian logic at display here fellas.
Communists fight like one person, that's why much weaker communists army can beat much stronger KMT army and drive them to Taiwan, communists are formidable fighters.

They are terrific warriors - this much i gotta give it to them. Whether it is soviets who beat the most powerful military ever deployed or vietnamese or cubans or koreans they dont filch.

There are only lakes near Pangong. Only as per the IQ of pla and their evergreen cheerleaders water flows at such speed in a lake.

May June video taken at Galwan when we were following the rules.

IQ Test: The water flows parallel to the shoreline in the video. Does water waves flow like that in a lake?

Seriously dude, just look at this Google earth image it shows quite a few rivers, how do you think lakes get filled? Get your facts before you talk nonsense:-

Why does the timing of the video matter at all in this?
Because according to the Indian posters here, now the Indian soldiers would just use their firearms and kill the Chinese soldiers pushing them back. As if they think there will be no consequences at all :hitwall:. I think this is a ready admission by Indian posters that they cannot defeat the Chinese in hand to hand combat so they must resort to firearms, which unbeknownst to them the Chinese have a much larger advantage is. The greater the escalation, the greater the Chinese advantage, all the way up to nuclear weapons.
After galwan clash, I don't think Indian Army will engage with PLA like this. This is an old video.
As expected Chinese have more numbers .when will we see China pick up a fight even if the opposition is at 80% of the Chinese.
I mean they get kicked into the river and they just stay docile. Wtf am. I watching? Are these the so called 13 neck snapping Jawans? I was laughing at that guy getting kicked over and over again in the river. HAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA. FCKING COWARDS. THEY GET OWNED LIKE A BITCH.
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