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New US warships will prompt PLA to play catch-up

In terms of air defense, Zumwalt lacks long range SAMs. That could make it vulnerable to the new generation of long range anti ship missiles like YJ-12 which can be fired from J-10B fighter jets from some 500 km away. Without AB destroyers to provide for air cover, Zumwalt is sitting duck to air attacks.
Shipbuilding by tonnage is different. China can build ships. I think what the analyst is referring to are the advanced radars and weapons installed on the ship. It is lagging behind the US.

Duuuuuuuuuude, the AESAs on Type 052D have no rival in the world. Ditto with Type 052D's state of the art sonars.

First we have to be realistic the Type 052D although a good ship cannot match the Arleigh Burke class. But having said that i'm not worried about either the Zumwalt class DDG nor the Gerald Ford class AC. Its not like that China and the US will go to war anytime soon and both of those ships only comes into service around 2015. They would need sometime operating those ships and learn new method and tactics before it can reach its full potential. So those ships are still some way off from becoming a asset for the USN and a factor for China. And what's the point of having the best aircraft carrier in the world if your planes sucks. The F-35C is a bomb! And on top of that the Americans are too poor to maintain their empire for long. :coffee:
Zumwalt and Ford and F-35C are still many years from now, if ever. Type 052D and J-10B are operational today. It is irresponsible for the author to have used the term "is" when referring to Zumwalt. Who knows what can happen in the future? Maybe the US navy won't be able to afford more than 1 Zumwalt after all.
New US warships will prompt PLA to play catch-up

China will ALWAYS be playing catch-up to the U.S. because they steal/copy, not create. That'll ALWAYS leave them one or two steps behind.
New US warships will prompt PLA to play catch-up

China will ALWAYS be playing catch-up to the U.S. because they steal/copy, not create. That'll ALWAYS leave them one or two steps behind.

Sure America invented a lot of good stuffs in the past. But what has America come up with in the recent decades? Nada. :bounce:
We've been exposed to high tech stuff longer than the Chinese people. It helps.
Zumwalt and Ford and F-35C are still many years from now, if ever. Type 052D and J-10B are operational today. It is irresponsible for the author to have used the term "is" when referring to Zumwalt. Who knows what can happen in the future? Maybe the US navy won't be able to afford more than 1 Zumwalt after all.

unless the world reserve currency is change, the US zionist control federal reserve can keep on printing fiat currency. russia and China will make sure US currency status will change.
Duuuuuuuuuude, the AESAs on Type 052D have no rival in the world. Ditto with Type 052D's state of the art sonars.

Duuuuuuuuuude, the AESAs on Type 052D have no rival in the world. Ditto with Type 052D's state of the art sonars.


not saying you are wrong, just saying what the article's analyst were stating,.
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