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New strategic alliance between Saudi Arabia and Turkey, to overthrow Assad

Talks about a Buffer Zone are there since the beginning of the war it has nothing to do with Saudis, and its neccessary after over 3 million refugees but its not gonna happen, AKP isnt stupid enough to do such a big mistake when nobody in Turkey is interested in a active involvement in Syria.
what would be "a popular solution" for people in Turkey? any?
Ok lets try not turn this into a troll/flame thread. Huge news.
Bring your opinion what kind of impact this new alliance will have on events in Syria and the region at large.
Turkey, Saudi Arabia Join Forces to Help Anti-Assad Rebels
APNewsBreak: Turkey confirms alliance with Saudi Arabia to help rebels fighting Syria's Assad.

Turkey, Saudi Arabia Join Forces to Help Anti-Assad Rebels - US News
I can see soon both Turkey and KSA going for direct attack on Assad through their Air Forces.
Any sane person should believe that Assad and his allies have no future in Syria. The things Iran achieved by keeping the Syrian regime alive is getting region people absolute enmity and hatred as well as wasting billions of cash.

Lately even Sulaimani is not happy with the Syrian army, some reports are suggesting he refused to meet the Syrian official lately visiting Iran and that he informed Syrian counterparts that Syrian Army should do much more.

Right now ISIL are short of men power, because few govts are moving these ISIL terrorist to Yemen. Its strange that if Yemen is locked from all direction, then how come all of sudden foreign ISIL elements appeared in Yemen. Who is playing dirty game ? .


Not linked to the above news; I hope i am wrong, but in general it looks like that IS will stay for quiet some time at least, and they will be negotiating with US.
The snake's head needs to be cut first, then things can hopefully be solved gradually. It is already a mess in Syria so slaughtering the salve of the Persians (Al Asad) is a priority. I can't wait for that to happen, though it might still be relatively early.

instead of the head u guys went after the tail in yemen.
instead of the head u guys went after the tail in yemen.
We have to clear our backyard first, so we don't get back-stabbed by the tails when we go to clean the other side of the Arabian gulf.
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