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new naval air station

UCAV's are not being actively deployed for coastal defense roles anywhere.
We can and do use them for reconnaissance mission but the primary role to to keep look out for suspicious activities (mainly smuggling). If any hostile target is identified, taking it out is job of big boys. PAF planes or PN ships that are in the area and readily available with best response time.
Moreover, UCAV are not armed with anti-ship missiles as they are quite heavy and hellfire missiles wont sink enemy ships
However as far as area patrol is concerned, yes UAV will be a good option as they will be way less costly to deploy. PN is already using drones for this use.

You totally misunderstood what I said.
You totally misunderstood what I said.
There might have been some confusion in what you were saying and what i understood but i have just posted my point of view on UAV in naval coastal patrol duties. Cannot deploy in anti-ship roles.

It would have been very help if you could have elaborated it in above post rather then just pointing that i misunderstood :)
There might have been some confusion in what you were saying and what i understood but i have just posted my point of view on UAV in naval coastal patrol duties. Cannot deploy in anti-ship roles.
It would have been very help if you could have elaborated it in above post rather then just pointing that i misunderstood

Bro I was talking about surveillance & protection of PN & PAF assets from terrorists using armed drones, if there were armed drones doing that job over PNS Mehran & PAF Kamra it would have save lives & equipment.

We will need MALE & HALE armed UAVs (Not UCAVs) to patrol border current ones are just battlefield restricted ones.
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