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new naval air station

Dear arsalan i was against the point but after popeye and ur point is more logical and futuristic. But we dont let karachi base useless mavy should also use it as it was before used buy some new helos for antiship or anti sub role keep them in pns mehran.
Sadly seems Pakistan didn't learn anything from the past. the whole PN was blockaded in 71 due to karachi harbor being sealed off.

now in an event of war Karachi is too close for comfort. Either Pakistan should move the naval base from karachi or move the oil fields from Karachi.

Pakistan needs to have depth for navy to defend.
ok very good

now one more target for Al Qaeeda , TTP and BLA
Turbat station may need CIWS to protect from incoming rockets, as Baluchistan is volatile these days.
Turbat station may need CIWS to protect from incoming rockets, as Baluchistan is volatile these days.
Turbat will have an outer-perimeter fence as well as the base perimeter fence, 24/7 CCTV monitoring, 24/7 electric fencing powered by a base generator house as well as 24/7 patrols by naval marines. ditto as PNS Ormara.
Yes. Pakistan needs to have depth for navy to defend.
Dear arsalan i was against the point but after popeye and ur point is more logical and futuristic. But we dont let Karachi base useless mavy should also use it as it was before used buy some new helos for antiship or anti sub role keep them in pns mehran.
I don't think the bases in Karachi will be demolished or shut down. They will maintain some sort of operation from there for sure.
They may not maintain only naval base status afterwards but sure will remain an air base :)
May be the idea will be to make Turbat the home base with bulk of the assets transferred there with a few visiting Karachi or continuing operations from there for the Eastern wing.
In short, i do not see the bases in Karachi being shut down, this wont make much sense. Must keep them working even if not at full load to cut short running charges.

Turbat station may need CIWS to protect from incoming rockets, as Baluchistan is volatile these days.
See, this is the point. In Karachi we will require a CIWS where there are not much other options but in Turbat, with luxury of acres of land, Navy surely will opt for the cheaper route. Make a two tire parameter one outer fence/check posts making the no go area at a considerable distance from the inner wall of actual base.

Turbat will have an outer-perimeter fence as well as the base perimeter fence, 24/7 CCTV monitoring, 24/7 electric fencing powered by a base generator house as well as 24/7 patrols by naval marines. ditto as PNS Ormara.
Here you go @Basel, this pretty much confirm the same system. Thank you!
Turbat will have an outer-perimeter fence as well as the base perimeter fence, 24/7 CCTV monitoring, 24/7 electric fencing powered by a base generator house as well as 24/7 patrols by naval marines. ditto as PNS Ormara.

See, this is the point. In Karachi we will require a CIWS where there are not much other options but in Turbat, with luxury of acres of land, Navy surely will opt for the cheaper route. Make a two tire parameter one outer fence/check posts making the no go area at a considerable distance from the inner wall of actual base.

I m not talking about RPGs, I was talking about much larger rockets which can be sneaked through Afghan border which used to land in Quetta and other parts of Baluchistan.
I m not talking about RPGs, I was talking about much larger rockets which can be sneaked through Afghan border which used to land in Quetta and other parts of Baluchistan.
I understand your concerns, unfortunately Karachi is no more safer.

This however do not means that we wont have to step up our defense in Turbat.

The positive with Turbat is you can at least stop and check and suspicious/unauthorized movement well away from the actual base by setting out an outer perimeter. In Karachi the security agencies do not have this luxury as it is a metropolitan city with lots of population and business around the base area so you can stop any one, you need to identify the wrong guys.

In Turbat with minimal chance of civilian interference the security agencies will have the option to check everyone entering a certain declared zone (I wont call it Red Zone with all of the things happening in Red Zone Islamabad :P )
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Jacobabad does not have much space left. It is already cluttered with dispersal pens and hangers plus facilities for ground personnel and their families. Its boundary walls r touch populated areas. so IMHO, bad idea.
I understand your concerns, unfortunately Karachi is no more safer.
This however do not means that we wont have to step up our defense in Turbat.
The positive with Turbat is you can at least stop and check and suspicious/unauthorized movement well away from the actual base by setting out an outer perimeter. In Karachi the security agencies do not have this luxury as it is a metropolitan city with lots of population and business around the base area so you can stop any one, you need to identify the wrong guys.
In Turbat with minimal chance of civilian interference the security agencies will have the option to check everyone entering a certain declared zone (I wont call it Red Zone with all of the things happening in Red Zone Islamabad

PN & PAF should use armed drones to fly recce over their assets, if there is a target of opportunity then they will be best available option at that point to respond immediately without any time lapse.
PN & PAF should use armed drones to fly recce over their assets, if there is a target of opportunity then they will be best available option at that point to respond immediately without any time lapse.
UCAV's are not being actively deployed for coastal defense roles anywhere.
We can and do use them for reconnaissance mission but the primary role to to keep look out for suspicious activities (mainly smuggling). If any hostile target is identified, taking it out is job of big boys. PAF planes or PN ships that are in the area and readily available with best response time.

Moreover, UCAV are not armed with anti-ship missiles as they are quite heavy and hellfire missiles wont sink enemy ships :)

However as far as area patrol is concerned, yes UAV will be a good option as they will be way less costly to deploy. PN is already using drones for this use.
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