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new naval air station

Does it mean PN would raise few squadrons of fighter jets to counter Indian naval threat and base them here ?
Sir, I can't share the threats to Turbat here, but I was part of the initial study for developing this airfield back in 2000.

But 2000 was quite a while ago. Airfield Perimeter security at PNS Siddiq is likely to far more easily secured vis-a-vis PNS Mehran. There is an operational "listening station" at Turbat already.
Physically, the surrounding areas can be 'sanitised' much more easily than in Karachi.
But 2000 was quite a while ago. Airfield Perimeter security at PNS Siddiq is likely to far more easily secured vis-a-vis PNS Mehran. There is an operational "listening station" at Turbat already.
Physically, the surrounding areas can be 'sanitised' much more easily than in Karachi.

Yes I know 2000 was quite a while ago.
This project was initiated much earlier then even 2000.
Yes I know 2000 was quite a while ago.
This project was initiated much earlier then even 2000.

No I did not mean it in that sense. What I meant is that the "security scenario" may have changed in the 1.5 decades since then, esp in the hinterland.
Apart from that the environs of the NAS are relatively unpopulated, therefore securing the area will conceivably be easier. More so, compared to the situation obtaining in the vicinity of PNS Mehran.
Does it mean PN would raise few squadrons of fighter jets to counter Indian naval threat and base them here ?

I just asked a question for I thought the seclusion of an Island would perhaps be the best option to have our assets secured. I do agree with you but when it comes to defense expenditures, nothing is cost-effective. Regarding the ambitions... we should have huge ambitions, why not? I know we are cash-strapped for now (and God knows for how many years to come) but there is nothing wrong with having plans to develop a potent and aggressive naval force, capable of not only securing our shores, the naval trade lanes, but also of inflicting heavy damage in the case of inevitable. Offense is always the best defense.
Agreed, but first things first!!
Once we do set huge ambitions and develop the resources to meet or challenge for those ambitions, we can go for an isolated island base in blue seas (IF REQUIRED).
For now, neither our ambitions nor our resources ask or allow us for this.

I personally think that developing a base in Turbat and moving the assets there is a good move by PN. I also feel that a few military installments in form of bases and cantonments in Baluchistan will help being stability of Baluchistan as well and for development of our country this is very very important.
We don't have any island to build an Air base.
We also don't require to build any military/naval base on the couple of islands which we have, because they would be of no utility.

Astola: It is basically a Island which is 3 kms in width, but it is all rock and in the shape of a small hill.
It has no flat surface big enough.
It is on 24 km from the coast and 50 km from Naval Airbase Pasni. So spending millions of dollars is not worth.
It would rather become a very easy target to any SLBM. One would be enough.

Astola copy.jpg

Churna Isle: This small piece of Rock is used as a firing range for the Naval Ships, so it is out.

Bundle Island: It is just next to DHA Phase-VIII, and is flat. Only 13 km from PNS Mehran, so why build another base close to an old one, which could also become an easy target from the sea.

Bundle Island copy.jpg

We already have ample airfields along the coast which are being used by PN air assets.
coastline copy.jpg
we have manora island. which is enough for navel airbase and aviation. etc

Manora Island is already used by PN surface fleet in small numbers ,mostly for guarding Karachi in alert status plus there are many homes and not enough space to build a naval air station.
we have manora island. which is enough for navel airbase and aviation. etc

Manora is not an island. It is linked by road with Karachi via Sandspit.

PN already has 3 large units on Manora.
The Naval Academy, Sailor Boot camp and Marines HQs.
Also it is in the Flying corridor of PAF Base Masroor.
Is this a greenfield station or just an expansion of the Turbat airfield?

completely new air station where a new air-strip has already been laid out. now the infrastructure is being built. by the way i was at PNS ormara yesterday (wtite-up with pictures in a day or two) where i noticed that the perimeter barbed wire is now electrified with 24/7 monitoring by cameras as well as physical patrolling. security in such remote areas will be ramped up. i expect similar at Turbat etc.
Do we have some large enough islands which could be used to construct a naval airbase?
Pakistan may do but the question is is is affordable for the PN's shoe string budget? Think about it, all logistics required for constructing and then supporting an airbase wold have to be either flown or shipped in- a highly expensive prospect. Until the PN starts receiving some proper attention and a fairer share of the defence budget you can't even contemplate such things...
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