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New Iranian firms in Turkey stir front company worries for Ankara

Thats all you can?
The muslim card?

when you know Iran such as an Enemy because of nothing and cant deal with Islamic republic, Then I assure you, you will never can deal with other Iranians like nationalists, of course if you will put away your Conspiracy mind about Iran and stop hard trying to somehow be enemy with Iran, then there is no problem, because we don't count turkey such as enemy.

Its very simple,why didnt they solve the problems in Syria together with Turkey?
After all Iran dictates and Assad does.
why did you help the PKK?
Who can garantee me that you are not going nuclear,and attack my country?
Who can assure me that you want go on with your sunni-shia divide and end up beeing enemies?
Give me these garantees and ill say Iran is our friend.

many times people talked about above questions.

1- Iran always say lets help Syria together, but when your government say Assad MUST go, it doesn't help anymore.
we say let's make a free election to Syrian people choose their new president. wanna we Like or not, many Syrians like assad, then he has right to be a candidate. Iran never said Assad MUST stay.

2- I dont know what your media feed you every day, as i know after Syria issue, Iran just stop joint operation.just that. when you say helping, it means something like Hezbollah, Hamas,Iraq.
just in case, 3 Iranian soldiers killed in a combat with PEJAK and tomorrow is their funeral.

3- anyone has no evidence Iran is building bomb, Iran is wholly under control by IAEA. the west problem is not the bomb, it's enriching uranium by a country that is not in their side. second, do you really think Iran use nuclear bomb against turkey? a neighbor? an Muslim nation? why iran should do that? what for? are you loosing your mind?

4- shia- sunni? I think it's clear enough to see Iran is paying High cost since 1979 for Palestinian who are Sunni, isn't it? If today we are in harsh situation, it's because being enemy with Israel only for Palestinians and sunni Muslims. and of course you know Israel didn't occupied our land and If we have an Nationalist government,There was no problem between Iran and Israel.

just give yourself a little privacy and put away your nonsense reasons to be harsh with your neighbors specially with one that really has no big problem with you. and see a good friendship.
1- i have iranian,arab,pakistani,indian,bangladeshi jewish brothers here in europe because here there is no bs of politics between us,understand this;
As long as the current regime is in power i cannot consider Iran as friendly(my view)

2-my empire collapsed bcs of idiots as sultans who cared more for poetry and women instead of working to establish a modern army, the arabs took the side of the english because they were prommised a own country.
At the end they could have been beaten by evry european country(better equiped)
I consider myself as turk not ottoman(turks were just a part of the empire,the ruling part mostly)
Btw,brothers dont care what the other believes or thinks or does they just brothers accepting each other the way they are.
The Ottoman empire collapsed because of the rise of nationalism. Turkish, Arab, Greek, Armenian etc nationalism caused devide within the empire and ultimately ended up collapsing the empire. The English used Arabic nationality against Ottomans, but that is not to say that there were also Arabic people that were on the Ottoman's side. I know during the Canakkale war, there were more than just Turkish soldiers fighting for Ottoman empire, a lot of Arabic soldiers were in the ranks defending the Ottoman empire as well.

In 1908, there was a coup, Abdul Hamid Han was ousted from power by nationalistic Turks (young Turks), another sultan was set in his place, I'm sure he had some political power, but it wouldn't be far fetched at all to say that the young Turks were the one's really in charge. After this event, Ottomans made terrible decisions. For instance, they got involved in WW1 in the hope to get back some of the territory lost, but ultimately made them lose even more (parts of Anatolia).

I am not blaming anyone though. This all happened in the past, we should just know our history and move on. There is no point in holding grudges, that would only be counterproductive and doesn't help anyone.

Says who? There are plently of Turks that agree with me, Including the ones that live in Turkey. Naive minded retard, Why dont you go to other Turkish forums and see how they REALLY think of Arabs, Persians and Muslims, I am a softy compared to some Turks.
That's right, we HATE ALL who aren't Turkish. /sarcasm.

From what I have seen, in Turkish forums, the most active group of people (Political wise) are leftist type of people and nationalistic minded people. This doesn't represent Turkey's average demography, because otherwise the conservative AKP would've never gotten chosen. From what I have learned about Turkey is that the majority is silent when it comes to internet discussions, or any type of topic/issue to be honest.
I told from very beginning this joker ALPfollowerOF373 is nothing more than false flagger troll if only ERA wouldn't delete my post perhaps people wouldn't argue over this shameless troll in first place.
I told from very beginning this joker ALPfollowerOF373 is nothing more than false flagger troll if only ERA wouldn't delete my post perhaps people wouldn't argue over this shameless troll in first place.
Only because you don't agree with someone, it doesn't make him a troll.I deleted your post because you can't judge people's loyalty in public forum,only since you don't like their posts.If he is a fake account,present your proof and if it was right, he will be banned instantly.
I should have deleted this one too, but an answer was needed.If you object with him,simply answer his allegations with logic,not calling names,otherwise people will think you can't actually support your word and instead, go on offense.
I just want to tell something about the topic and topic related issues, too.

First of all, Turkiye is a country which welcomes the investors. There is no problem to invest in Turkiye and Iranian companies can also invest in our beloved country. HOWEVER, if a company violates the laws then the problems begin. As everyone knows, Iran seeks exits to ease the effects and burdens of the sanctions. Hence, many Iranians` companies just popped up and established business in Turkiye. As article mentions many of the Iranian-funded companies are as power generation, electronics and communications companies which are suspected by the US and EU of helping the country procure supplies under embargo. This is the biggest problem. It is not different to export supplies directly to Iran to build nuclear plant. That is why those companies activities must be followed carefully which will help also our interest that Turkiye does not want Iran to have nuclear bombs.

About the brotherhood issue. Whoever says this either so naive or ignorant or an Iranian supporter. Let me tell you some facts. throughout the history we have seen that while Sunni countries tried to spread Islam in non-muslim countries, Shia based countries always tried to spread Shiism into Sunni worlds. Whenever Ottomans, for example, went to expedition to west Safavids tried to attack and spread Shiism into Anatolia. In history, Shia based countries never fought against non-muslim counties. Even they wrote letters to Popes and say "Let`s eliminate Ottomans, you from the West, we from the East. We can put the Ottoman Empire between two fires and then we eliminate them together"

Another fact, Iran was trying to spread Shiism into Ottoman dominions. That is why Ottomans forbade her citizens (muslims and non-muslims) to marry with Iranian citizens in 1915.

As today, Iran still tries to spread Shiism into Turkiye; threaten our country for Syrian crisis and supoort Syrian regime just because her interests (So-called Iran supports muslims all over the world but Iran provides weapons, soldiers and money for Assad to kill innocent people); Iran also supports PKK, Iran also sends her spies to stir our country. History and all these show us Iran is same and will be same.

In sum, doing business with Iran is okay; having good relationships is okay. However, we must be very very careful about Iran because of the reasons I listed above. We should not be an enemy of Iran but we should not allow them to harm our country and our interests. Iran is not a country who we can rely on an unlimited way.

For turkish members please read this article Yeni
Only because you don't agree with someone, it doesn't make him a troll.I deleted your post because you can't judge people's loyalty in public forum,only since you don't like their posts.If he is a fake account,present your proof and if it was right, he will be banned instantly.
I should have deleted this one too, but an answer was needed.If you object with him,simply answer his allegations with logic,not calling names,otherwise people will think you can't actually support your word and instead, go on offense.
@Era_923 he created his account just to answer this thread!!! Common sense!! Since yesterday he did nothing but stayed in Iranian Section and answered this thread , COME ON is it so hard see its a fake account created by an Iranian with all those pro-mullah anti-zionist talks? :hitwall:
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when you know Iran such as an Enemy because of nothing and cant deal with Islamic republic, Then I assure you, you will never can deal with other Iranians like nationalists, of course if you will put away your Conspiracy mind about Iran and stop hard trying to somehow be enemy with Iran, then there is no problem, because we don't count turkey such as enemy.

many times people talked about above questions.

1- Iran always say lets help Syria together, but when your government say Assad MUST go, it doesn't help anymore.
we say let's make a free election to Syrian people choose their new president. wanna we Like or not, many Syrians like assad, then he has right to be a candidate. Iran never said Assad MUST stay.

2- I dont know what your media feed you every day, as i know after Syria issue, Iran just stop joint operation.just that. when you say helping, it means something like Hezbollah, Hamas,Iraq.
just in case, 3 Iranian soldiers killed in a combat with PEJAK and tomorrow is their funeral.

3- anyone has no evidence Iran is building bomb, Iran is wholly under control by IAEA. the west problem is not the bomb, it's enriching uranium by a country that is not in their side. second, do you really think Iran use nuclear bomb against turkey? a neighbor? an Muslim nation? why iran should do that? what for? are you loosing your mind?

4- shia- sunni? I think it's clear enough to see Iran is paying High cost since 1979 for Palestinian who are Sunni, isn't it? If today we are in harsh situation, it's because being enemy with Israel only for Palestinians and sunni Muslims. and of course you know Israel didn't occupied our land and If we have an Nationalist government,There was no problem between Iran and Israel.

just give yourself a little privacy and put away your nonsense reasons to be harsh with your neighbors specially with one that really has no big problem with you. and see a good friendship.
Lets change positions now,you are turkish im iranian.
Do you have anything to say to me considering all thats going on or happend?
Your clear view please and then tell me im wrong.
Btw,im no leftist or nationalist im a rational realist
I just want to tell something about the topic and topic related issues, too.

First of all, Turkiye is a country which welcomes the investors. There is no problem to invest in Turkiye and Iranian companies can also invest in our beloved country. HOWEVER, if a company violates the laws then the problems begin. As everyone knows, Iran seeks exits to ease the effects and burdens of the sanctions. Hence, many Iranians` companies just popped up and established business in Turkiye. As article mentions many of the Iranian-funded companies are as power generation, electronics and communications companies which are suspected by the US and EU of helping the country procure supplies under embargo. This is the biggest problem. It is not different to export supplies directly to Iran to build nuclear plant. That is why those companies activities must be followed carefully which will help also our interest that Turkiye does not want Iran to have nuclear bombs.

About the brotherhood issue. Whoever says this either so naive or ignorant or an Iranian supporter. Let me tell you some facts. throughout the history we have seen that while Sunni countries tried to spread Islam in non-muslim countries, Shia based countries always tried to spread Shiism into Sunni worlds. Whenever Ottomans, for example, went to expedition to west Safavids tried to attack and spread Shiism into Anatolia. In history, Shia based countries never fought against non-muslim counties. Even they wrote letters to Popes and say "Let`s eliminate Ottomans, you from the West, we from the East. We can put the Ottoman Empire between two fires and then we eliminate them together"

Another fact, Iran was trying to spread Shiism into Ottoman dominions. That is why Ottomans forbade her citizens (muslims and non-muslims) to marry with Iranian citizens in 1915.

As today, Iran still tries to spread Shiism into Turkiye; threaten our country for Syrian crisis and supoort Syrian regime just because her interests (So-called Iran supports muslims all over the world but Iran provides weapons, soldiers and money for Assad to kill innocent people); Iran also supports PKK, Iran also sends her spies to stir our country. History and all these show us Iran is same and will be same.

In sum, doing business with Iran is okay; having good relationships is okay. However, we must be very very careful about Iran because of the reasons I listed above. We should not be an enemy of Iran but we should not allow them to harm our country and our interests. Iran is not a country who we can rely on an unlimited way.

For turkish members please read this article Yeni
What is the point of this though? If we only focus on the negative, and so do they, then what do you think will happen in the future for us? This is obviously something that needs to change between us, and this can only happen with good faith. Politicians from both sides know what they are doing (from experience), they'll know how far to trust each other or not. But what I am hoping for is that they are working to better the relations between each other, establish and maintain a trust among each other.

Now, you can call me naive, but I am aware what Iran and Turkey are doing politically. But I choose to look at it optimistically because I believe it is the obligation of all of us to pursue peace first and foremost.

Just ignore them. For Iranians trickery is very normal. Even their recent space project was uncovered as hoax by international press. Just hit them hard with arguments. They are very bad in defending against arguments.
And what exactly is normal for you? Provoking flame wars?

If you feel like something isn't right, back it up with a logical argument in the concerning thread.
cocuklar, lutfen

What is the point of this though? If we only focus on the negative, and so do they, then what do you think will happen in the future for us? This is obviously something that needs to change between us, and this can only happen with good faith. Politicians from both sides know what they are doing (from experience), they'll know how far to trust each other or not. But what I am hoping for is that they are working to better the relations between each other, establish and maintain a trust among each other.

Now, you can call me naive, but I am aware what Iran and Turkey are doing politically. But I choose to look at it optimistically because I believe it is the obligation of all of us to pursue peace first and foremost.

I doubt you read my comment carefully. I am not focusing on the negative things. I just state the facts and what I am saying is this (read carefully)

doing business with Iran is okay; having good relationships is okay. However, we must be very very careful about Iran because of the reasons I listed above. We should not be an enemy of Iran but we should not allow them to harm our country and our interests
Its very simple,why didnt they solve the problems in Syria together with Turkey?
After all Iran dictates and Assad does.
how they are supposed to talk while all western countries backing foreign militants in Syria.

why did you help the PKK?
exactly when and where? why should we help them when they have problem with Iran too.

Who can garantee me that you are not going nuclear,and attack my country?
Who can assure me that you want go on with your sunni-shia divide and end up beeing enemies?
Give me these garantees and ill say Iran is our friend.
our religion and specially our supreme leader forbid building such a weapon, IAEA is observing our nuclear facilities continuously.
even if build a nuke in future, our enemies have 10000 times more, why should we use it. and here is when I doubt about your origin country. obviously if want to use a nuke, we use it against US, or Israel, are you in there?

About the policy,your friend Mr Erdogan dictates and there is nothing we can do.
no, people in turkey are using your policy in netherlands, being silence against government actions.

Democrasy made this happen,thats why im against democrasy in countries who cant handle it mine included.
so you prefer these arab dictatorships?!
and here is an interesting point, no matter if it's republic or dictatorship, whatever regime who cooperates with US and Israel is backing foreign militants in Syria.
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