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New Iranian firms in Turkey stir front company worries for Ankara

doesnt matter. you guys are attacking a turk living in turkey for giving his opinion about foreign firms in turkey. he has every right to speak, unlike you guys living in the netherlands.

I couldn't agree more.

Easy bro, no need for insults. I think he consider Iranian people as brother nation, we do not know what he thinks about its regime and its doings. You shouldn't judge people over their regime/government/politicians. With your logic, we can not consider Azerbaijan as our brother nation either since the relationship between our governments is not that good as it should be.

For some people, being a muslim is more important than the nationality, for others vice versa... Simple as that.


Faith in humanity restored
1-I think he didn't call Turkiye a western puppet, he reminded not to become a puppet.
2-Islam decides that muslims are brothers, we have been trying to enter Christian brotherhood (Europe) for decades but they don't accept us. While it is Islam and muslim countries that wrote the golden pages of Turkiye (the Ottomanian empire).
3- The name maybe The Turkish Republic, but one atheist doesn't make it non-muslim.

sorry if I offended you or anyone else in this forum. I am just writing my own view and you are others have the right not to accept it.

I do agree though, that current Iranian government (mullahs in charge, as you stated) is not in our best interest. And that they are not friendly with Turks.
Who said anything about non muslim?
What you babbeling about atheist,all religions or non religions make up the Turkish republik.
We are a repulik until it changes into something else.
He acts as if he represents our country and his view is the view of all.
I have nothing against Iranians opening bussinesses in Turkey,but brothers?
What christian brotherhood?
We wanted into Eu just for bussiness bennefits.
Who is the one atheist?
Ottoman empire?
Why did it collapse?
Because of your muslim brothers.
Dont live in the past but in here and now.
We are a muslim majority country,but still are a republik.
I have nothing against Iranians opening bussinesses in Turkey,but brothers?
What christian brotherhood?
We wanted into Eu just for bussiness bennefits.
I'm wondering why you are so much against brotherhood, while even Americans are using the same term to increase friendship.
a movie like Brothers in Arms (2003) is the best proof. and you think what brotherhood is about? inviting for dinner:laugh:

Ottoman empire?
Why did it collapse?
Because of your muslim brothers.
your empire collapsed because of England plan: ending brotherhood between Muslims, Pan-Turkism and Pan-Arabism.
Says who? There are plently of Turks that agree with me, Including the ones that live in Turkey. Naive minded retard, Why dont you go to other Turkish forums and see how they REALLY think of Arabs, Persians and Muslims, I am a softy compared to some Turks.

Good, you should be definitely proud of that.You are introducing your society very well. :)
I'm wondering why you are so much against brotherhood, while even Americans are using the same term to increase friendship.
a movie like Brothers in Arms (2003) is the best proof. and you think what brotherhood is about? inviting for dinner:laugh:

your empire collapsed because of England plan: ending brotherhood between Muslims, Pan-Turkism and Pan-Arabism.
1- i have iranian,arab,pakistani,indian,bangladeshi jewish brothers here in europe because here there is no bs of politics between us,understand this;
As long as the current regime is in power i cannot consider Iran as friendly(my view)

2-my empire collapsed bcs of idiots as sultans who cared more for poetry and women instead of working to establish a modern army, the arabs took the side of the english because they were prommised a own country.
At the end they could have been beaten by evry european country(better equiped)
I consider myself as turk not ottoman(turks were just a part of the empire,the ruling part mostly)
Btw,brothers dont care what the other believes or thinks or does they just brothers accepting each other the way they are.
Interesting, what most Turks think of Arabs? Plz tell me and be honest.
Well most turks consider arabs as backstabbers,only and only because of them collaborating with the english against the ottoman empire.
No other reason.
As for personal opinions,in europe arabs and turks are allways brotherly they help each other and stick together.
Who said anything about non muslim?
What you babbeling about atheist,all religions or non religions make up the Turkish republik.
We are a repulik until it changes into something else.
He acts as if he represents our country and his view is the view of all.
I have nothing against Iranians opening bussinesses in Turkey,but brothers?
What christian brotherhood?
We wanted into Eu just for bussiness bennefits.
Who is the one atheist?
Ottoman empire?
Why did it collapse?
Because of your muslim brothers.
Dont live in the past but in here and now.
We are a muslim majority country,but still are a republik.

Don't you think that's too much of a question for a day?
1- i have iranian,arab,pakistani,indian,bangladeshi jewish brothers here in europe because here there is no bs of politics between us,understand this;
As long as the current regime is in power i cannot consider Iran as friendly(my view)

That's why you have problem with all your neighbors, If you cant deal with Islamic republic, then you cant deal with any other Iranian opinion, because at least you have something to share with current regime that is Islam.
some people like you just make cost for the country, If you see iran such as enemy, i just can be sorry, because it just shows how much you are unreliable. I hope other Turks dont be like you and dont count neighbors such as Enemy! because of some difference in a case of politic about a third country or being upset why people are investing in our country.
Good, you should be definitely proud of that.You are introducing your society very well. :)

Yup, Thats what i was telling in the first place but you kept on barking, There is no 'Muslim brotherhood' or ''brotherly relations' with Iran, The mentality is deeply rooted and thats why Iran is public enemy number one, But yet again if you actually read my comment you would made such a fool out of yourself wouldnt you?

And yet the Iranian society is even worse, Such gullible people, they eat every propaganda that is fed to them by the regime, Thats what i hate most about people like you, The day i get lectured by an Iranian about society, Its propably in another universe...
Yup, Thats what i was telling in the first place but you kept on barking, There is no 'Muslim brotherhood' or ''brotherly relations' with Iran, The mentality is deeply rooted and thats why Iran is public enemy number one, But yet again if you actually read my comment you would made such a fool out of yourself wouldnt you?

Now I'm almost sure you are a teenager.So no need for further discussion.Also, mind your language please, this is not Turkish section.
Now I'm almost sure you are a teenager.So no need for further discussion.Also, mind your language please, this is not Turkish section.

I couldnt care less about what you think of me, I'm just trying to make a point and if you hate it so much, dont read/respond to it.
1- i have iranian,arab,pakistani,indian,bangladeshi jewish brothers here in europe because here there is no bs of politics between us,understand this;
As long as the current regime is in power i cannot consider Iran as friendly(my view)
I get your point, you are saying cause you don't care about politics, you are living peacefully in Netherlands. In Iran we have plenty of different races too, arab,fars,turk,kurd,turkaman,azari,afghan,baluch, from Muslims,Christians and Jewish, all living together peacefully and Islam has multiplied our friendship.
but man, you do have a policy. your policy is silence against your current government, this policy may bring peace to you but at the same time brings pain and death to people in other countries who want to live in peace too.
by the way what Iranian regime has done to you causing you consider it unfriendly?
Era hope you dont mind to delete all these off topic posts...
I have always said that Iran should stay far away from Turkey. But in this case I don't mind. We are using their economy to open our own firms, yet blocking their companies from doing business in Iran. It's a win-win.

A good example is when we blocked Turkcell from operating in Iran and rewarded the contract to MTN of South Africa instead.
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