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New Iranian air launched cruise missile

It seems to me that you are too blinded by jealousy to understanding something. Germany, Russia and France don't have to produce everything because they CAN import it, whilst Iran CANNOT import. Why is this fact so difficult for you to understand? o_O
It seems like you have a deep butt hurt that stop you seeing that. Prove to me, even a small proof that Iran imports even a small number number of subcomponent. Just one little proof.

Even the us has to import some parts, but this is not because they cant make it but rather because it's cheaper for them to import it.

Don't you realize How stupid situations you are falling While you are discussing about painfull facts that you don't have any idea ? Have you ever heart a thing like CdZnTe in your lifetime that you are coming opposite to me to prove that your country is able to produce everything about E/O's I mentioned/not mentioned ???? or Do you believe what you are providing as a reason of what I have listed many things ?

Anyway dude. You are so big, You are so powerfull, You are %100 self sufficient. You can produce everything, every section, every pieces that Industrialized countries can't. You are the king. Number-1. Allah is with you !!! Go ahead like that :)))

I don't understand why you are wasting your time ?

As i said before There is no info/data about Iranian defence products to make a comparison with ours.

Another empty statement without any hard backing. I can show you a manufacturing facility in Iran for carbon fibre in Iran. Show the facilities where your so called carbon fibre are made. For now, I am assuming they are imported. Evidence?

In Ankara / Tai facilities.
At least write shorter comments, you're wasting too much time to embarrass yourself, when will you understand that nobody takes you seriously ? you're just repeating same propaganda like a parrot instead of answering solid facts and questions.

Yes of course, I am embarrassing myself. A country which can't even develop a SAM, submarine, ballistic missile etc etc is embarrassing to itself when it makes such large claims. Why is it so hard for you guys to accet your country is just a imported of technology and not capable of design and manufacture. Copied T-129, etc.
Nice security camera

At least Its made in Iran and not imported from the outside like your Anka engine and vast majority ot of your military products.
The trolling mod has finally revealed himself. Pathetic. :lol::disagree:
Another empty statement without any hard backing. I can show you a manufacturing facility in Iran for carbon fibre in Iran. Show the facilities where your so called carbon fibre are made. For now, I am assuming they are imported. Evidence?

Don't worry I have many things to crush you but Not to drail the thread, (Pay attention) I avoid to proceed more not to obey your wishes. I posted that image to point out How a person can fall into such desperate positions While discussing with a member at an international forum but More than above picture directed to you will suddenly put me into same league with you so Principaly, I don't feed the ignorant propaganda machines like you more...
Israel has REAL weapons to shoot back with, not the cardboard toys like Iran has. Will this 'cruise missile' be launched from Irans new stealth cardboard fighter ?
Israel can only kill innocent women and children like your dirty/child killing "military".
Iranian weapons have sent your soldiers back to your country in more body bags than you can count :P
Hezbollah dealt with Israel nicely during the 33 war. Those were some nice cardboard weapons :D
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