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New Introductions


I am gurjot singh. Long time follower but joined now. Looking for my old friend here.
1) Tell your interests
Spreading Peace and harmony

2) What do you do.

Government employee

3) How did you find us

From facebook

4) What interests you here?

Taking part in discussions to share my views

5) What is your profession?


6) Future plans?
1) Tell your interests
Chess and History

2) What do you do.

Real Estate

3) How did you find us


4) What interests you here?

Military, debates and politics.

5) What is your profession?

Real Estate Developer

6) Future plans?
1) Tell your interests
All the forms of Arts:
Curiosity: Seeking Truth, try to explore beyond the scene facts.

2) What do you do.

3) How did you find us
I have been reading articles for a long time.

4) What interests you here?
Writing, discussion.
To present alternate narratives to existing.

5) What is your profession?
IT :|

6) Future plans?
I don't believe on future plans that much, I live today
Hi all.. I'm new member here.

1) Tell your interests
East, South East, & South Asia

2)What do you do
Working for Banking Company

3) How did you find us

4)What interests you here
Current issues of Asian Countries

5)What is your profession
IT policy/security administrator

6)Future plans
find new job that related to my master degree (business management)
Hello, my real name is berat demir and i live in amasya, turkey
1) Tell your interests
politics, turkish&foreign military, watching youtube videos about gaming and military,
2) What do you do.
studying science and literature at amasya university
3) How did you find us
searching for reliable turkish defense industry info, ended up here
4) What interests you here?
Mainly turkish defense industry but also politics
5) What is your profession?
student, but i work at a local groceries store as a side jobs
6) Future plans?
graduate college, find a full time job with a good pay, built a family.
I am sajid from bahawalpur i am electrical engineer
job in now sudia Arabia
i am very involved in defence because my father in military my cuzan as a captain in military my full family in military butt i try 3 time to join pak ranger but no feed back i still waiting
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
Blogging, Online reading.
2) What do you do.
I am a blogger.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
Intellectual debates.
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?
None :D
So the last introductions were getting pretty useless. So here are some guidelines for proper introductions.

1) Tell your interests
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
4) What interests you here?
5) What is your profession?
6) Future plans?

1) Technology,politics,current world affairs,world economy,regional socioeconomics etc.
2) Computer engineer,working on data science.
3) googling to seek info.
4) To exchange knowledge and views.
5) Engineering.
6) To build strong regional bond.
1) Tell your interests
Interior Decorator

2) What do you do.
3D Flooring and wallpapers, Epoxy Flooring

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Interior Decoration section

5) What is your profession?
A minor Business man

6) Future plans?
Want to be the successful businessman in field of 3D floorings and wallpaper and want to spread it in every corner of Pakistan
1) Tell your interests
Interior Decorator

2) What do you do.
3D Flooring and wallpapers, Epoxy Flooring

3) How did you find us

4) What interests you here?
Interior Decoration section

5) What is your profession?
A minor Business man

6) Future plans?
Want to be the successful businessman in field of 3D floorings and wallpaper and want to spread it in every corner of Pakistan

1) Tell your interests
History/International affairs/weapons/AircraftsPakistan Army
2) What do you do.
3) How did you find us
I was looking on the internet how F-16 will beat MKis in war i googled it and PDF thread pop up i found this forum interesting so I decided to signup here(But i still haven't find answer to my question)

4) What interests you here?
of course our Eastern neighbors:enjoy:

5) What is your profession?

6) Future plans?
GOC SSG and then DG ISI:dance3:
Hi,I'm PakBlood, I am an 18 year old student and I have had an interest in international affairs, politics and modern history.I've been following this forum for several years now and decided to finally start letting out my ideas and opinions.
I'll start off by answering a few introductory questions.
1) Tell your interests?
Well, I have always been greatly interested in political science and international relations,.I 've always been interested in studying how governments and nation-states function and interact with each other.Also,I have always been passionate about serving my country and hence my desire to come up with solutions for Pakistan's problems in the most creative and rather unconventional ways has led me to study the "nature" and the fundamental characteristics of political entities by learning from a vast variety of materials and resources including books, magazines, articles, and even my own imagination!
I have been pondering over the last several years, discussing my ideas with my friends and after at least 6 years of research, discussion, analysis and reviewing , I believe that I am ready to present my ideas to the world by writing articles and books while engaging withlike minded intellectuals on this forum.

I will make it clear here that my sentiments tend to be Pro-Pakistan, Pro-Democracy, and Pro-PakArmy, however, I consider my self to be a moderate Islamist, a realist, and I will confess that I tend to think in a rather Realpolitik oriented, or Machiavellian manner, so the solutions I propose will not always be in line with "good behavior" , as far as Pakistan's opponents are concerned :p Besides this, I support some Libertarian,freedom oriented measures, including constitutionalism, and an advocacy for human rights , free speech, and especially the right to own and bear arms.
2) What do you do?
I'm a student.
3) How did you find us?
I found out through the forum's Facebook page years ago.
4) What interests you here?
I enjoy the discussions that occur on this forum, I also feel attracted by the fact that this forum is a great way to reach out to large audience to come up with solutions to the problems that plague our nation
5) What is your profession?
Bro, I said I'm a student.
6) Future plans?
A)I intend to write,publish and discuss articles that analyse the problems that Pakistan and the world community faces, I'll publish "Serial-Articles" on a variety of topics, meaning that we will identify a problem, look at a variety of solutions and finally arrive at a conclusion.
B)I'll upload predictive and analytical articles on events that concern the world community and especially Pakistan's interests. Among other stuff.
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