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New Delhi will only discuss Pakistan-controlled Kashmir, says Indian envoy

Firstly, you are delusional to think that Russia would go against India and Favor Pakistan.

Secondly, hypothetically speaking, even if we agree that Russia and China would support Pakistan, you are assuming that the other three powers are going to sit idle.

Even though India's official position is that the whole of J & K is part of India, I would be personally okay in Pakistan keeping AJK while GB/Northern areas coming back under Indian control.

I would request you not to quote me bold letters.
First, that is unpleasant to read. Secondly, it feels like as if you are screaming. Thirdly, that is a weird font colour.
cost and value addition analysis might give you a different answer...however why not...

Neither do we have any particular end date. So, its not like we have to do anything right away. Steps should be taken when it suits us.
That's perfectly fine. Hate is also an immensely powerful motivator and a strong emotion. Wrath, vengeance are little different.

So, I deal with hatred inside myself carefully, have use for it to motivate myself to undo whatever it is that creates the feeling of hatred. Without doing that, I'm doing nothing but insulting my own feelings and thereby myself. So, my suggestion to you, if you have any self respect, then find out why you hate and then do something about it to settle it.

Fools are those who wear emotions up their sleeves and show it to anybody and everybody irrespective of their interest as if it the trump card.
Hate as in we hate indian state because of its policies towards kashmir not ordinary citizens

My post was a reply to all Indians who may be under the illusion that Ajk people want merger with India
Avoid him, according to him entire AJK was liberated by Pakistan army and Tribal lashkars.
40,000 Retired british army jawans and officers of poonch was just watching a theater that time. :-)
No need to wast your time with him.
Good advice, certainly noted.kudos
Avoid him, according to him entire AJK was liberated by Pakistan army and Tribal lashkars.
40,000 Retired british army jawans and officers of poonch was just watching a theater that time. :-)
No need to wast your time with him.
Some of his posts are really funny like Mirpuris being settled in Gilgit and forced conversion of Shias in GB :cuckoo:

@Viny baji adaab
No it won't, which is precisely why India agreed to keep future meetings a secret. This statement is simply to appease hardliners and opposition parties.
That is our land, who are you to dictate us on this matter?
As for the remaining part of it that is under foreign occupation, we will get it by hook or crook.
We will find a leverage sooner or later, lingering on will not solve the situation.

Says who?. Is that why you have a different prime minister for PO K?.

pakistan has no right to hand over any land of J&K to china.

Foreign occupation?..like the foreign religion called Islam from arabistan - is that the leverage you are talking about?.
Says who?. Is that why you have a different prime minister for PO K?.

pakistan has no right to hand over any land of J&K to china.

Foreign occupation?..like the foreign religion called Islam from arabistan - is that the leverage you are talking about?.
Asal masla he ye hay you have issues with Muslim.who are majority in Kashmir
On topic.
Our forefathers liberated this piece of land without external help initially. We are born soldiers and we have only one profession which is military. You are trying to mix history only to hide remarkable defeat of your beloved Dogra army plus Indian Army. I admit this,we have dozen training camps to liberate occupied area of Kashmir and to support our oppressed brothers and sisters across border. If you have guts then move your forces towards azad kashmir to destroy training camps. Just try it. :-)

So Kabaili tribes man are your forefather. From the old Kashmiri man I heard, they were so furious that they start eating sheeps and goats before they died. Your forefather reached Barahmulla 20 KM away from Srinagar till they were fighting the underpower, under equipped army of J&K, who were fighting with even Lathis, but after the Maharaja signed the tready to officially joined india, Indian army landed in Srinagar Airfield, and your forefather were on the Run, with Tails bellow their Legs. It was the Mistake of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru to go to UN for peace, otherwise, the whole illegal occupation would have been taken back without any doubt. On topic baby, I am half Kashmiri, and don't live in dellusion, its the Indian Army, which is very professional and controlled by the civillian govt, but be sure than, when the order is been given by the civilian govt to go ahead, within 1 week there will be no raining camp along the Muzzafrabad, and in 20 days the illegal occupied land be be merged with India. And why only Dogra Regiment, you will know the efficiency of JAKLIC Jammu and Kashmir Light Infentory Riffles. Its not called Guts to do Covert Operations and Covert Terrorists, but a Coward, Cunning Act.

Still living in delusional whether calling IVC, Indian heritage yours or Osama, Bin Qasem your forefather. Trying to prove the two nation theory justified, which have been bluffed 65 years ago, when India declared to be Secular nation, and not a Hindu nation.
I would request you not to quote me bold letters.
First, that is unpleasant to read. Secondly, it feels like as if you are screaming. Thirdly, that is a weird font colour.

Please accept my apologies.
Asal masla he ye hay you have issues with Muslim.who are majority in Kashmir

Isn't that the masla everywhere?..isn't it why Pakistan and Bangladesh exist?...and the Kashmir issue exist?..If Kashmir was majority non Muslims. ..would it have been an issue?.
If this will be indias stand then these dialouges will be broken perhaps before they even start. You can make it a single point agenda that only benefits you. In a pure discussion you have to bring in the agenda of both sides but if India wants to play it like that then there wouldn't abr shouldn't be any talks.
What would India do if Pakistan keeps on ranting about talks... During the UN General meeting, there were cross border firing... Pakistan was crying so loud and accused India for the violations, after the meeting all the cross border firings stopped.

So what did India get by disturbing the LOC Cease fire during UN talks. Let people with some common sense come to their own conclusion.

For heaven sake, We are NOT interested to gift any part of our land with Pakistan or any others. Accept LOC as International Border and move on!
If this will be indias stand then these dialouges will be broken perhaps before they even start. You can make it a single point agenda that only benefits you. In a pure discussion you have to bring in the agenda of both sides but if India wants to play it like that then there wouldn't abr shouldn't be any talks.

Then the reality kicks in, both India and Pakistan need to resolve Kashmir so that they can move forward. No matter how many ABM's and weapons both buy, there is going to be assured devastation on both sides, no questions there. So the sooner this reality kicks in, the better it is for about 1.5 billion people and their future.

INDIAN kashmir is NOT open to any Discussion
The sooner you realise it ; It will be better for your Country

What is There to discuss
INDIAN kashmir is NOT open to any Discussion
The sooner you realise it ; It will be better for your Country

What is There to discuss
In that case lets have another fresh wave of freedom fighters strikes and perhaps another Kargil.
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