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New Chinese stealth fighter heightens dilemma for Indian Navy

(1)“J-31" will be ready a lot earlier than some people here think。
(2)”J-31" is just one among several options for PLAN's 5th gen carrier borne figters.
(3)J-20 and ”J-31" are NOT the end of story so far as China's 5th fighter programme is concerned,i.e. more in the pipeline
(4)India also have to face RED "X-47B" that will be revealed soon and is gonna used onboard China's home-made CVs.

And the Propaganda SHOW goes on.
Ok, period. China is in no way to develop a 5 gen fighter to fight India, it's for USA and Japan.

Dumbo didnt you copied the format that i posted about China .
I thought that you people had little sence but you know what , you proved me wrong .
I had proved, you falied to read. :bunny:
There is no point to suggesting trolls on both sides to stop this mud slinging contest, is'nt it?
Carry on dumb a$$es
Guys, stop hurling mud at each other.
These fancy toys that we are bragging about are just to show the might of each other to others.
We as a Human race can not feed the Poor of our kind, but we always ready to fund are war, be it in any front are we not?
Grow up fools from both side of the border

Pretty much like guys all feel boring at home for weekand, they just cant help hurling mud to each other for free entertainment.:cheers:
To Akash A: STFU
Hehe was getting bored sitting at home and watching television so started some heat ;)
Btw nothing personal or anti China
You are the one who always give thanks to those post really sucks. Time to wise up!
No stupid thanks giver, a higher level PDF.

first see who starts troll threads on India-defence section about J-xx coming to India etc etc. Its your compadres.. such day dreaming can be indulged on but do so in your sections..

No India , no slum
No India , no starvation
No India , no delay
No India, happier china Pakistan BD and Siri lankar.

No India , no backstabber

FYI, karachi just ran away with the title of largest slum in the world :cheesy:

No India , no joke

U mean chinese jokes ? :lol:
Hehe was getting bored sitting at home and watching television so started some heat ;)
Btw nothing personal or anti China

This is the place i kinda like Indian, they make noise for fun not for hatre.

first see who starts troll threads on India-defence section about J-xx coming to India etc etc. Its your compadres.. :
You should thank him or you will spend a boring day in your home at weekand.
This is the place i kinda like Indian, they make noise for fun not for hatre.

You should thank him or you will spend a boring day in your home at weekand.

Oh.. u have no idea :woot: I thank him from the bottom of my heart for being so entertaining and funny..
Now that both sides back off,
CHINA if you have done some thing extra ordinary in aviation Congrats to your engineers
So is it to Indian Engineers.

Note - There is going to be not conventional or nuclear war between the two great civilizations of the world. Lets hope that we are not provoked by external western agenda to fight such stupid wars. Lets think and talk about how good each can do a competitive engineering work when it comes to growing home grown air crafts.

I would really be interested in my nation giving a go to some Private Indian Company that starts building transport aircrafts.
Boeing and Airbus have dominated this space for a very long time. Dont you guys think so?
How good is the Chinese Civil Aviation industry in building transport planes, are they ready to challenge the might of Boeing and Airbus in this sector?

Yes you are right , no India there is no China :rofl:
10 11 20 31 ... i wonder what would be the no. for the plane that is going to be released next year .
Back off dude, dont start it again..
IMO all these are like some hit n trial models.. they are still looking for a model which wont just fall off the sky !!
Rafale deal is not yet finalized and their deliveries will complete in 2020 by the time J-31 will be operational hopefully in PAF too.
Just imagine the headlines in Indian media when J-31 will be operational on both sides :devil:

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