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Need help for research

S Akhlaque


New Recruit

Nov 11, 2013
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Dear Members,
It will be an honour for me if you people could take a few minutes from your busy schedule. I need you too fill a Questionnaire on the topic of Post 9/11 Pak-Afghan Relations. I am waiting for the most competitive opinion to make a part of my research. Please give me you email address if you are think you are expert enough.

Thank You
Dear Members,
It will be an honour for me if you people could take a few minutes from your busy schedule. I need you too fill a Questionnaire on the topic of Post 9/11 Pak-Afghan Relations. I am waiting for the most competitive opinion to make a part of my research. Please give me you email address if you are think you are expert enough.

Thank You
You could have created an online one using Google Docs and share the link. This would certainly save you a lot of hassle.
Dear Members,
It will be an honour for me if you people could take a few minutes from your busy schedule. I need you too fill a Questionnaire on the topic of Post 9/11 Pak-Afghan Relations. I am waiting for the most competitive opinion to make a part of my research. Please give me you email address if you are think you are expert enough.

Thank You

Dear i hope you wouldn't mind if i say it is the worst designed survey questionnaire ....... reasons:

1- Most of questions are 'leading questions' & its a crime to use such questions in 'opinion survey'
2- Only single 'Type of Question' is used.
3- Use of 'Heavy Terms' like National Interests, Regional Goals, different people have different understandings of these terms
4- Whoever designed that survey is either confused about Foreign Policy and Afghan Policy or the objective of the survey is not clear to him/her.
5- Logical continuation or link b/w the questions are missing.
6- This questionnaire gives impression that the whole of the survey is not designed properly.
7- Problem Statment/s is missing due to which in this question multiple topics are tried to be discussed without discussing their dimensions.

Dear sincerely you need to consult any survey expert as its MPhil related project and use the following link for online survey.

SurveyMonkey: Free online survey software & questionnaire tool
Thank you for your concern but it is what my supervisor and university has approved. Please help me in getting opinions asap.

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