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NDTV Exclusive: How Hamas Assembles and Fires Rockets

Hamas is doing no harm they are fighting back to a bully illegtimate state who still.is busy ilegally capturing palestinian lands
Firing rockets on civilians does not justify any thing. HAMAS is equally wrong as Israel.
Blah blah and more blah! Living in denial is part of the DNA of poor souls like you! You guys just refuse to see or accept the truth! :fie: And that video is not Western propaganda.

Stop clutching at straws.
I challenge you its you who lie mr next elections and again HAMAS would win until than keep bar...
Is Hamas not at fault for putting its own people in harm's way? Israel has been right in accusing Hamas of firing rockets from crowded areas and any casualty of civilians while unfortunate can be justified in the name of collateral damage. Agreed that many innocent lives have been lost and in no way collateral damage could run into such big numbers but Hamas is also to blamed for the slaughter of its own people.
You know Hasbara trolling by indians is all about repeating the same thing without proof. Human Shield...Human Shield...Human Shield...Human Shield...Human Shield...Human Shield...

How many people died from Palestinian rockets Compared to Israhelli onslaught?
How much infrastructure has been destroyed on both sides? rather who destroyed the most?
Who actually provoked this WHOLE thing???

Repeat a lie enough times you become a Israeli
Is Hamas not at fault for putting its own people in harm's way? Israel has been right in accusing Hamas of firing rockets from crowded areas and any casualty of civilians while unfortunate can be justified in the name of collateral damage. Agreed that many innocent lives have been lost and in no way collateral damage could run into such big numbers but Hamas is also to blamed for the slaughter of its own people.
Israel is a bloody liar who is murdering people in palestine and capturing land and making illegal settelments
Israel is a bloody liar who is murdering people in palestine and capturing land and making illegal settelments

Talking within the context of the topic at hand how can you term Israel as liars when you have video proof of missiles being fired from densely populated areas?
You need to get your books right and stop reading propaganda things and before you say anything more stupid let me remind you that Israel used to support and help Hamas at times, thinking that maybe we could brainwash them to bring down PLO.

Same case again here, Western countries at times used to support these Jihadist groups for their own cause, they wanted them to bring down Soviet Union which they did and we all know that 9/11 is hoax created by their own governments. Have you ever seen a building hit by a plane and it comes straight down to the ground. If anyone wanted to kill American people, the building wouldn't be coming down straight to the ground. These are the same people who said that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and yet nothing was found.
Yeah.. Pakistanis and their conspiracy theories. Folks like you give the sane 95% Pakistanis a bad name
Is Hamas not at fault for putting its own people in harm's way? Israel has been right in accusing Hamas of firing rockets from crowded areas and any casualty of civilians while unfortunate can be justified in the name of collateral damage. Agreed that many innocent lives have been lost and in no way collateral damage could run into such big numbers but Hamas is also to blamed for the slaughter of its own people.

I am not justifying Hamas' actions but I just don't get stupid logic put forth by some of my beloved country mates. How come Hamas be blamed for slaughter of it's own people? Is Hamas bombarding these settlements? Is Hamas specifically targeting civilians? Was that Hamas who shelled innocent children playing soccer on the beach? Or was that Hamas who bombed 2 UN schools killing children and adults alike?
Please, please try to understand that nothing, absolutely nothing justifies Israel's actions. Collateral damage, my a$$. You don't need bombs weighing a ton to take out these sites. It's Israel's psyche that is worrying, not Hamas' actions.
Yeah.. Pakistanis and their conspiracy theories. Folks like you give the sane 95% Pakistanis a bad name

You Indians always make me laugh the way you reply, if you can't handle the truth you can just shut up. Anyway 9/11 "theory" as you would like to say might be coming true, few hours ago a member did posted about it. Happy hunting.

Also read on Hamas before you come here to reply.
Israel started shelling palestine when they claimed hamas was behind killings of the 3 teens, which was later proved to wrong. Hamas fired rockets in retaliation. It has been proven who fires rockets in populated areas which is Israel after killing over 1000 civilians in short time. They have also committed war crimes which have been proven as well. And these Indians still think Israel is the victims, telling themselves pakistanis are siding with hamas because they are agains Jews, when in fact it is Indians who are siding with Israel because they are killing muslims,
Israel started shelling palestine when they claimed hamas was behind killings of the 3 teens, which was later proved to wrong. Hamas fired rockets in retaliation. It has been proven who fires rockets in populated areas which is Israel after killing over 1000 civilians in short time. They have also committed war crimes which have been proven as well. And these Indians still think Israel is the victims, telling themselves pakistanis are siding with hamas because they are agains Jews, when in fact it is Indians who are siding with Israel because they are killing muslims,
Victims will always present in wars.War are not fought on moral codes but on statergic values. show me one war where civilians are not being targeted or cities were not bombed
I am not justifying Hamas' actions but I just don't get stupid logic put forth by some of my beloved country mates. How come Hamas be blamed for slaughter of it's own people? Is Hamas bombarding these settlements? Is Hamas specifically targeting civilians? Was that Hamas who shelled innocent children playing soccer on the beach? Or was that Hamas who bombed 2 UN schools killing children and adults alike?
Please, please try to understand that nothing, absolutely nothing justifies Israel's actions. Collateral damage, my a$$. You don't need bombs weighing a ton to take out these sites. It's Israel's psyche that is worrying, not Hamas' actions.

I said in my post about the number of civilian casualty being too high to be justified in the name of collateral damage. Rest of your post seems pro Hamas while you conveniently stated in your opening remarks that you don't agree with Hamas actions.

What justification can you give when Hamas launch rockets around hotels and residential areas? Are they not by doing this inviting Israeli retaliation? And who can ever justify what tonnage is supposed to be sued when you are potentially at war? I would somewhat agree with you if Hamas fired rockets from open areas but by doing so from dense populated areas they are just giving pretext for Israel to bomb the whole campus.

Be it war or a revenge inspired confrontation no can ever justify the war crimes . That is the very nature of war.
NDTV wont be able to report from gaza I guess.
but on topic, really disgusting behaviour from hamas. Using ordinary people's lives in media war.
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