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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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wht masss murder , there is no riots ever happened in pakistan ever , no person was killed in tht riot , did u ever call the state head of tht province a mass killer , dont talk rubbish

Yes Shahbaz Sharif is a lunatic that currently rules Punjab. But he stands no where near Modi when it comes to killing thousands of people and looking the other way.
Yes Shahbaz Sharif is a lunatic that currently rules Punjab. But he stands no where near Modi when it comes to killing thousands of people and looking the other way.
i can account u many riots in pakaistan where u people killed other religion person or even same , after tht did u call state head a mass muderer dumb
I am VERY well aware of who he is populated and who he's not populated among. Gathering a 1000 Pashtuns from NY-NJ area isn't a big deal.

This is the second thread where you showed hate toward Pashtuns better you should think twice before pointing finger at any ethnic group..
I can't understand such complex Urdo, so I'll just stick to the one liner. I know MORE about IK, what happens inside the GHQ and inside your PM house than about 95% of the people on here. And I don't say this as arrogance, its a fact. If you ever trace my posts back to a couple of years, you'll see my posts either giving our real time information or advance information on stuff that was about to happen.

Did you know the newly wed, Mrs. Khan wasn't home for two nights till Eid? IK told her that she was worst than his white wife and as a result, she told him to divorce her and went to Tareen's family members house, who is a mutual friend of IK and her (from UK). So PLEASE, before you write silly posts, read up on the author's prior history so you can see his background a little.

IK is an empty shell. He's that cannon that you use on parades, it fires, makes noise but it doesn't damage anything as it doesn't have a warhead in it. IK doesn't have a warhead either (a working bran that is). The guy is a fancy cricketer and he wants or a country. I know a lot of fancy strippers, doesn't mean I am going to Mary them. You find the best match for these serious things like running a nation and all. A guy who doesn't have leadership or even something close to it, who'd personal life is a mess (multiple times), who gets violent and believes in violent revolution in the 21st century (like Khadafi and Saddam), you think he'll bring a change? He's making Pakistan look like a country of fools, the video in the first post of this thread is an example of it. When a leader makes a mockery out of their government and they think its a "revolution", him and his followers are projecting a really negative, low quality and divided image of their country.

I am VERY well aware of who he is populated and who he's not populated among. Gathering a 1000 Pashtuns from NY-NJ area isn't a big deal. There are plenty of them. Showing the world this little drama based on ethnicity, has happened many times. After all, the idea which Gen. Raheel killed, was eventually going to lead to "Pashtunistan", this right here, is a "cause" towards getting Pashtuns in power inside Pakistan.

Next, Brooklyin is a city of lower income people, taxi-cab drivers and all. Its a slum of NY to say the least. I grew up in NY so I can pretty much tell how all about NYC. The actual educated Pakistanis live in posh areas of New Jersey, or upstate NY, or Staten Island or Long Island. Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx are all areas where people live in little shiit hole apartments with 5 family members in a small 1000 sqft apartment. These aren't educated people as they live on rent and all.

Whatever the "ethnic" support may be, still doesn't give you a right to come onto streets on foreign country and show this intense, divided picture of your country where the US has nothing to do with Pakistan's politics. Obviously these "Educated" people didn't either pay attention to their education, or didn't learn from it. Educated people go to parliaments and places like media and come up with their solution. Take a look at India, they have similar issues, but they've changed radically and present a VERY American-like picture. This is what a nation wanting to grow, does. They represent one India (even with their differences) and work for it. You people, work for "your guy" and "your ethnicity". What a broken nation sadly!!!

If the educated people don't have the majority (which in this case, IK has a tiny population supporting him, all his Pashtun brothers and sisters primarily), they real educated ones, WORK towards getting the majority through peace like India. Not through sponsoring money and using military, expecting a "third umpire"!!! If these educated people are ready to do all this drama for a person who hasn't produced 10 rupees worth of sweet candy for the people of his province, then this isn't education. This is ethnicity.

Third class tactics produce third class results and you let India take advantage of you because of stupids like the ones seen in the video in the first post.

So let me get this straight..

You claim to be a non Pakistani American..Lets assume that you are indeed a white American who happens to know everything or most of what happens inside Pakistani GHQ and pakistani PM house..

One wonders how does a foreigner manages to do that?
someone'e selling or sending you confidential information and committing an act of treachery by selling inside info to a foreigner?
You have some inside moles? which I doubt because you do not seem to be in any consequential post or position because if you were then you would be putting those inside information to use and not "leaking" them on a forum or declaring your ability to get all those confidential information's.

In effect - you are one of the following.

The real deal - A "non Pakistani American" who has deep assets inside vital pakistani organizations, but has been abandoned to rot away. :)

A faker.

An attention seeker.
I am against this.

Even though Nawaz Sharif is a third class low life corrupt to the core, right now he is representing the Office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and we Pakistanis need to respect that Office and not the individual.
Indians welcomed terrorist with BUTCHER OF GUJRAT and Pakistanis protested against Butcher of model town

WOW he's representing Pakistan there not himself .... By Booed him people are booing Pakistan.... If you want to do Politics Do it in Pakistan not in other Country....

Dumb people with Sick mentality are shame to Pakistan
secularism starts at beef and ends at pork!

In true sense it should/would allow both but the pseudos have converted it to support beef and ban pork..

The tragedy for India is it has pseudo secularists and crony capitalists..
killer modi killer modi killer modi , thts the only word u guys know , but dont know tht it was a communal riots in which around 400 hindus and 1200 muslims were lilled , and he did everything right ,called for paramilitary force from centre same day , rescued many muslim peoples from different places , thing was congress exploited this situation and made a bomb about it, so that modi will lose next election which was in 2003-04 but he got majority win in all seats even in muslim majority areas , also congress exlpoited in international level , it was congress who requested the state department not to give visa to modi ,as current govt in ruling obliged with request. so please dont give me this shitty logic.
Shitty logic??????
Whenever some show you Indians your poor reality, then it become according to you "Shitty Logic"
Modi is a member of RSS. He is a killer of more than 2000 Muslims in Gujurat 2002.
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.

First get yourself elected in clean elections, stop looting and plundering, money laundering and then seek respect from people.

Modi elected in clean elections. His victory accepted by everyone. Sharif elected in fraud elections. His victory questioned by everyone.

Now you tell me, how will he get respect?
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.

Mate you can criticize all you want to but the reality is you can't judge the reality while sitting in US ...you don't know the ground realities so sitting miles away and telling Pakistanis what is good for them and what isn't is quite easy but living here in Pakistan among general public and assessing their situation here actually is totally opposite ...

Pakistanis silence over corrupt politicians is what really damaged this country and not the reason what you have mentioned ...in fact I see it as having an impact which is totally opposite to what you have said...I am happy that people have started to realize their rights and have stood up against the people who have hijacked their country ...what Imran khan says is not of any worth to people if they themselves don't believe that the people in power have oppressed their rights or damaged their country ...you must understand that people are not dumb or duffer that any tom dick or Harry can divert their minds and use them for their own benefits ...Imran khan irrespective of how successful or unauccessful , how pragmatic or irrational he as a politician is has given people a realization that these fake people with fake mandate with their stakes abroad and accounts in swiss banks can't be true patriots and their policies are just to make their families rich and are of no good to any ordinary Pakistani ...these people have billions in other countries and yet every 2nd month they are talking about bringing FDI in Pakistan and begging US and others for money ....

I live here in Pakistan and believe me its nothing like a democracy ..they have ruined everything from police to health sector ... Forget about everything else an ordinary Pakistani can't even trust police which is supposed to protect civilians rather they are goons who have been politicized to be used as current government's armed wing....

As a pakistani I believe it is a constructive thing as people are getting awareness about their rights and what is good for their country ...yes but I won't blame you because anyone including you with such background wouldn't want a Pakistan with a nation having awareness about their rights because you people would want a Pakistan whose nation has surrenderd themselves before their corrupt politicians who are ready to lick the shoes of their masters in exchange of some dollars or power

Next time before worrying about what is damaging this country and wasting your precious time writing long comments as you are the true well wisher of this country , try to pay a visit to Pakistan in order to assess what current government has done to this country and the miseries of an ordinary Pakistani ...once you have done that then we will talk about what has damaged this country Imran khan or the people who have been in power for so long but have done nothing but looting this country and sending mangoes to India ....lol
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how many people get killed in name of Blasphemy by ur people in pakistan ,have u any account , telling other killer , why didnt u guys called then state head a killer for this.

every day there is blast or terrorist attack in pakistan , who is responsible for this , ur govt , who created them , now out of control , why dont u call them killer as they were unable to stop it
Massacres cant match any individual limited incident ?
Moodi the Gujarat killer ?lolzz

how many people get killed in name of Blasphemy by ur people in pakistan ,have u any account , telling other killer , why didnt u guys called then state head a killer for this.

every day there is blast or terrorist attack in pakistan , who is responsible for this , ur govt , who created them , now out of control , why dont u call them killer as they were unable to stop it
Massacres cant match any individual limited incident ?
Moodi the Gujarat killer ?lolzz
I am against this.

Even though Nawaz Sharif is a third class low life corrupt to the core, right now he is representing the Office of the Prime Minister of Pakistan and we Pakistanis need to respect that Office and not the individual.
Oh please ...stop pretending to be a "so ethical man" for once and be a bit realistic here ...try to be in the shoes of an ordinary Pakistan here ...a Pakistani who has been oppressed to core... A Pakistani who lost his loved one because some Politician was busy protecting his fake mandate ...a Pakistani who was forced to leave his country because he didn't find any opportunities for survival as some politicians were busy filling their accounts and making their families rich... A Pakistani who has lost his son protecting border while next day he witnessed his prime minister sending mangoes to that country ...a pakistani who was tortured by the people supposed to be the ones protecting his rights... If you would be any of them ..you won't give a sh!t about wat you have mentioned above ... These things are for you and me who are sitting in air conditioned rooms having coffee and writing in a forum considered to be their time pass or hobby ...
Next, Brooklyin is a city of lower income people, taxi-cab drivers and all. Its a slum of NY to say the least. I grew up in NY so I can pretty much tell how all about NYC. The actual educated Pakistanis live in posh areas of New Jersey, or upstate NY, or Staten Island or Long Island. Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx are all areas where people live in little shiit hole apartments with 5 family members in a small 1000 sqft apartment. These aren't educated people as they live on rent and all.
Being educated and being able to afford a good house are totally unrelated.
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