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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.
Keep crying :cry::cry::cry::cry:......:partay::partay::partay::partay:
You SOUND like PML-N voter then an American.How do you know Imran Khan that much? I wish the American get blessed with Nawaz Sharif type politicians so America one day become a shit hole of corrupt people.
Yep..............he is an american citizen:usflag: no more abusing him :disagree:
modi was abused in USA today

What is about so much about modi :lol::lol:.............You people do understand that these is quite different then what happened to noora ...........this protest is toward india rather then modi (which pakistanis particularly like to portray) these kind of protest happened even during MMS time also .........most of them are sikhs and kashmiris why? i don't need to tell you that
this is plain bullcrap. why don't you guys admit jihadi violence for what it is instead of trying to deflect it by finding false and made up equivalences. You should be very ashamed of making these accusations against BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena. Yes they have occasionally had rogue exceptions but they do not preach violence as their policy. Al Qaeda, talev=ban et al start and end with violence.

Terrorism is terrorism. It should be deennouced in all of its forms and shapes. I call it the way it is. Basterds from Al-Qada and Taliban are terrorists who are Muslims. There is no if and but about it. In India, similar religious intolerance exists and thousands of murders have taken place by Hindu extremists organizations like BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, etc.

In fact, one of BJP's leader's statement yesterday about Muslims big day was to "Sacrifice their children instead of animals". Who the FUKK says that about humans? But these are the same people who've already been killing Christians and Muslims in scores for decades. So you can have your people your "good terrorists" and people in Pakistan as "bad terrorists", I don't play that game.

Anywhere in the globe, where any group based on religion is killing others because they follow a different religion, is conducting terrorism. Last week, the mass grave's pictures were given to the UN members by Kashmiri's, ask Punjabi's, Gujrati Muslims and all, you'll hear stories that will baffle you. In fact this one statement tells you the extremist Hindus are to what degree have become inhumane, "Muslims should sacrifice their sons instead of animals"!!! think about these, these people saying this crap may be your good terrorists, but to anyone with common sense and respect for all humans, these statements and their actions are pure barbaric. I am surprised to see how you guys have such a big issue and you don't speak against it!!!
Terrorism is terrorism. It should be deennouced in all of its forms and shapes. I call it the way it is. Basterds from Al-Qada and Taliban are terrorists who are Muslims. There is no if and but about it. In India, similar religious intolerance exists and thousands of murders have taken place by Hindu extremists organizations like BJP, Shiv Sena, RSS, etc.

In fact, one of BJP's leader's statement yesterday about Muslims big day was to "Sacrifice their children instead of animals". Who the FUKK says that about humans? But these are the same people who've already been killing Christians and Muslims in scores for decades. So you can have your people your "good terrorists" and people in Pakistan as "bad terrorists", I don't play that game.

Anywhere in the globe, where any group based on religion is killing others because they follow a different religion, is conducting terrorism. Last week, the mass grave's pictures were given to the UN members by Kashmiri's, ask Punjabi's, Gujrati Muslims and all, you'll hear stories that will baffle you. In fact this one statement tells you the extremist Hindus are to what degree have become inhumane, "Muslims should sacrifice their sons instead of animals"!!! think about these, these people saying this crap may be your good terrorists, but to anyone with common sense and respect for all humans, these statements and their actions are pure barbaric. I am surprised to see how you guys have such a big issue and you don't speak against it!!!

you're just repeating yourself about bjp, rss, shiv sena. Where do you or have you come across these three orgs killing thousands or hundreds?
Keep crying :cry::cry::cry::cry:......:partay::partay::partay::partay:

If you think I am crying, you are sadly mistaken. I am actually pretty happy. We are getting a few billions back from India, out of over a trillion we've given to you in the shape of jobs and all. This is party time. Tell Mr. Modi to please stay for another few weeks, sign off on a $ 20 billion right to assemble the -16 contract before leaving. We also have C-130 Gunships (new block), SM-6 and 7, -35 and all. So while you are here, how about let's go through India's procurement list and sign contracts for all advance stuff?

Getting $ 100 billion from India in weapons purchases is music to my ears. So please, ask Modi to stay. We can talk about his issues when he goes back. Till then, he's our guest with a PHAT check book!!! :cheers:

you're just repeating yourself about bjp, rss, shiv sena. Where do you or have you come across these three orgs killing thousands or hundreds?

There have been threads where I've posted pictures, videos and scary images on and off when a thread was started. Then came the policy not to post any videos. But you are welcome to youtube it yourself. You'll find PLENTY of evidence, video taped about what's been happening with minorities in India. Mind you, I live about 5 blocks away from a Hospital's CEO who's an Indian Muslim doctor and I see him on and off and have a decent neighbor and business relationship, and I know over 40 Indian doctors, executives and other people within 10 miles of my house. Some of them are also Indian-Muslims so I have first hand knowledge of what they go through.

Plus when I was Ayudhiya and Lucknow, some of the hateful events I witnessed myself. So please, realize I am not a Joe Bloe just hating India. I am highlighting a serious issue that's already out there. But I am surprised to see how Indian members on here blatantly resist that there is anything wrong with India (obviously propaganda), when hundreds of thouand of people have been killed. And I still see these "Deer int he Headlight" questions, what? Huh? India has Radical Hinduism issues? Wait, there are minorities getting killed in our countries? What? When did that happen?
I am sorry, are you from Sri Lanka? If so, then you should do your research about a foreign country India, instead of participating in a discussion about India!
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