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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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What you've highlighted, has nothing to do with the post. Let's clarify by the bullet point:

1) In New York city, opposite to your statements that there are appartments available for 1 million and that I was lying. I gave you three different boroughs proofs and listings with a price tag of 350 to 500+, and two of these three are HOMES. MUCH better than the apartments. So did you read that part??? We good and do you understand you were just bull shiiting without knowing much about the real estate market???

2) Eistein and Mexico war. I clarified it. Are you clear on those two topics (I hope you read through the links on the Mexican war)??? And do you now understand the American history about the Mexican war?? Because I don't want you to forget tomorrow and ask me the same crap. If you need to send that clarification AND links, please do so to Zee tv. So ALL 1.2 billion people can see my response and the issue is settled once and for all!!!

3) Now the above two have happened and understood, there wasn't much left from your post. The bottom line is..............YES, there are HOMES available in NYC all over, from 350K and above!!! It is a lie that you only get a nice apartment for 1 million. If you want to spend that, you can. Don't spread inexperienced rumors on the topic for which, you have NO grasp of or industry knowledge!!! End of the topic from my side!

Au contraire you have not. Kindly read my posts again, either you are deliberately misquoting me or you have not read my posts. 1 million??? I have clearly stated 750 k.

Rest of your post is either a personal attack or nonsensical and tangential wall of text which don't answer my previously posted arguments

Dafuk:hitwall:.......Tabdeeli aa nahi rahi,tabdeeli aa gayi hy.....
IK has done more damage to this country by spreading "awareness" among youth then any good.So much for spreading "awareness" among youth.Only if IK had spread the love of country amongst the nation,then this kind of stupid behaviour could have been avoided.And people would have spread positive image of Pakistan abroad instead of defaming Pakistan.
These idiots forget that Nawaz Sharrif is the PM of Pakistan and he is representing all of Pakistan at an international forum.

EDIT: As far as the second part of the thread related to modi,I'd say SURE,Modi indeed recieved quite a "welcome" by the Sikhs and Muslims
P.S.I donot support any political party of Pakistan.What i wrote is from a neutral perspective
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Au contraire you have not. Kindly read my posts again, either you are deliberately misquoting me or you have not read my posts. 1 million??? I have clearly stated 750 k.

Have I shown you homes (not apartments), HOMES in NYC for 350 and above? Yes or No!!! The argument ends right there. Sometimes, you got to put your tail in your legs and walk away as you realize you don't have the expertise in this area.......I've done that on this very forum many times and even have said "I am sorry" to the other party, as I clearly saw the other person having industry expertise!
Have I shown you homes (not apartments), HOMES in NYC for 350 and above? Yes or No!!! The argument ends right there. Sometimes, you got to put your tail in your legs and walk away as you realize you don't have the expertise in this area.......I've done that on this very forum many times and even have said "I am sorry" to the other party, as I clearly saw the other person having industry expertise!

Changing the context of argument very cleverly by going tangential and de-railing the argument doesn't qualify for a concession my friend.

Kindly read our first two arguments and counter arguments then reply.

So much for spreading "awareness" among youth.Only if IK had spread the love of country amongst the nation,then this kind of stupid behaviour could have been avoided.And people would have spread positive image of Pakistan abroad instead of defaming Pakistan.

These idiots forget that Nawaz Sharrif is the PM of Pakistan and he is representing all of Pakistan at an international forum.


You are saying what I've been saying for years to Pakistanis on this VERY forum. If you guys don't show your house as clean and nice to others, and instead you show it to others as smelly, dirty with dirty kitchen and all.....that's how you'd be remembered....a filthy house!!!!

IK's is mentally challenged. A leader creates positivity, not violence, growth for people, not shut down businesses, teaches patience and negotiations, NOT violence and attacks on national institutes. From what I've gathered by talking to people, is that this is even against his own culture and religion.

NS did the deal with the Chinese and IK did sit-ins JUST to destroy that deal NS did (which is really damaging Pakistan due to delays in investments and billions of loss in business activity).

Now he knows NS's focus is investment from the US (NASDAQ event 1 month ago and Pakistan's marketing inside the US as a stable economy). Now he's after destroying that image, KNOWING he's destroying Pakistan's image. NOT NS or any other individual. And people want this negative and destructive personality as their leader? Freaking beats me!!!

Changing the context of argument very cleverly by going tangential and de-railing the argument doesn't qualify for a concession my friend.

Kindly read our first two arguments and counter arguments then reply.

I am not changing anything, you just don't wan to accept that you are wrong and have no effing idea about what you were saying. Here's your previous post:

Au contraire you have not. Kindly read my posts again, either you are deliberately misquoting me or you have not read my posts. 1 million??? I have clearly stated 750 k.

Now tell me on above post......have I shown you HOMES in NYC from 350K and UP?

Because per you, the Apartments go for 750K. Homes obviously are bigger and more expensive and hard to afford. You even call me a liar and all.

So again, YES or NO: Have I shown you multiple homes in NYC from 350K and above? Don't write other stuff and I won't even respond to anything else. If you don't have balls to accept that you called me names and all, without having proper grasp and knowledge on the topic, perhaps, you shouldn't silly comment on posts, specially when you don't know jack about the topic and have no industry expertise!!! If you can't answer yes or no, don't write anything as my response will be the following line till you answer.

Just answer my question. Have I shown you homes in NYC from 350K and above???
Riots and Extremism are two different things. Hindu extremists like the BJP and RSS and Shiv Sena are cousin terrorists organizations of Al-Qaeda and Talibans. The only difference is, they are all focus on different religions.

this is plain bullcrap. why don't you guys admit jihadi violence for what it is instead of trying to deflect it by finding false and made up equivalences. You should be very ashamed of making these accusations against BJP, RSS and Shiv Sena. Yes they have occasionally had rogue exceptions but they do not preach violence as their policy. Al Qaeda, talev=ban et al start and end with violence.
You are saying what I've been saying for years to Pakistanis on this VERY forum. If you guys don't show your house as clean and nice to others, and instead you show it to others as smelly, dirty with dirty kitchen and all.....that's how you'd be remembered....a filthy house!!!!

IK's is mentally challenged. A leader creates positivity, not violence, growth for people, not shut down businesses, teaches patience and negotiations, NOT violence and attacks on national institutes. From what I've gathered by talking to people, is that this is even against his own culture and religion.

NS did the deal with the Chinese and IK did sit-ins JUST to destroy that deal NS did (which is really damaging Pakistan due to delays in investments and billions of loss in business activity).

Now he knows NS's focus is investment from the US (NASDAQ event 1 month ago and Pakistan's marketing inside the US as a stable economy). Now he's after destroying that image, KNOWING he's destroying Pakistan's image. NOT NS or any other individual. And people want this negative and destructive personality as their leader? Freaking beats me!!!

I am not changing anything, you just don't wan to accept that you are wrong and have no effing idea about what you were saying. Here's your previous post:

Now tell me on above post......have I shown you HOMES in NYC from 350K and UP?

Because per you, the Apartments go for 750K. Homes obviously are bigger and more expensive and hard to afford. You even call me a liar and all.

So again, YES or NO: Have I shown you multiple homes in NYC from 350K and above? Don't write other stuff and I won't even respond to anything else. If you don't have balls to accept that you called me names and all, without having proper grasp and knowledge on the topic, perhaps, you shouldn't silly comment on posts, specially when you don't know jack about the topic and have no industry expertise!!! If you can't answer yes or no, don't write anything as my response will be the following line till you answer.

Just answer my question. Have I shown you homes in NYC from 350K and above???

Sorry I won't, I don't take kindly to dictations- Your question is misleading - my argument was not about homes existing for 350 k it was about decent homes.

Now can you tell me why you deliberately misquoted the 1 Million figure???????????

You are saying what I've been saying for years to Pakistanis on this VERY forum. If you guys don't show your house as clean and nice to others, and instead you show it to others as smelly, dirty with dirty kitchen and all.....that's how you'd be remembered....a filthy house!!!!
It is Pakistani people's DEMOCRATIC right to boo their SCUMBAG,CORRUPT PM.

It is called DEMOCRACY , GENIUS.

You are a Foreigner and nobody in Pakistan gives a Rat's A$$ what you think.

He is not a foreigner but a Pakistani and he is a staunch PMLN/Nwawz supporter.
Sorry I won't, I don't take kindly to dictations- Your question is misleading - my argument was not about homes existing for 350 k it was about decent homes.

Now can you tell me why you deliberately misquoted the 1 Million figure???????????

I didn't deliberately quoted you, I made a mistake. But 750K and 1 Million aren't too far apart. Whichever number you take, your argument was proved wrong through multiple legal proofs!!!

So did I show you homes in the NYC are from 350K and above? When you said the apartments come for 750K? LOL :rofl: :cheers:. There is no such thing as a "decent home". I know people they like stuff built in the 60's and I look at it and go WTF? This crap is old and cheap. So there is no such thing as a decent home. What I or you don't like, other might love. So that's subjective. Let's stick to facts. Have I shown you homes in NYC area for 750K?

Till you answer the question and admit you were wrong and you shouldn't have sounded like a market expert calling others liar, when you yourself have no freaking idea of the US real estate market!!! So answer please. Have I shown you homes in NYC area starting from 350K? When you made claims that apartments go for 750K???
I didn't deliberately quoted you, I made a mistake. But 750K and 1 Million aren't too far apart. Whichever number you take, your argument was proved wrong through multiple legal proofs!!!

So did I show you homes in the NYC are from 350K and above? When you said the apartments come for 750K? LOL :rofl: :cheers:. There is no such thing as a "decent home". I know people they like stuff built in the 60's and I look at it and go WTF? This crap is old and cheap. So there is no such thing as a decent home. What I or you don't like, other might love. So that's subjective. Let's stick to facts. Have I shown you homes in NYC area for 750K?

Till you answer the question and admit you were wrong and you shouldn't have sounded like a market expert calling others liar, when you yourself have no freaking idea of the US real estate market!!! So answer please. Have I shown you homes in NYC area starting from 350K? When you made claims that apartments go for 750K???

Read again - I said decent appts for 750k based on my personal experience. No one buys home based on online listings - unless you visit them physically, you don't buy - no one sane forms a judgement based on glossy ads.

My starting premise was clearly subjective - had you read my first two posts on this topic you would have realized this instead of spending so much of your energy posting nonsense.

FYI no one buys home based on cold hard facts - their is major degree of subjectivity involved.

You are welcome - END OF DISCUSSION

you are very bright like this bulb
his comment was sarcasm on Imran Khan and you took it to heart

I couldn't be so sure. If you follow his posts, such factual inaccuracies are quite common--very little accuracy, but plenty of fantasies and lies.
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I couldn't be so sure. If you follow his posts, such factual inaccuracies are quite common--very little accuracy, but plenty of fantasies and lies.
dear, always look at the posts with context.he is not ill-informed .. in a flow of argument he might mistype or omit something while meaning something else . it has happened to me too when I wrote something and made a double negation etc.

I understand what you are saying. he writes with passion and all and attracts a lot of attention from people across the forum.
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