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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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Shitty logic??????
Whenever some show you Indians your poor reality, then it become according to you "Shitty Logic"
Modi is a member of RSS. He is a killer of more than 2000 Muslims in Gujurat 2002.

I agree..

Shitty logic indeed.

The main point and the cause he failed to highlight was that the main perpetrators of Gujarat riots and the deaths of scores of muslims were the muslims who burnt a bogey full of people in Godhra...what followed was on expected lines...imagine the remaining bunch of pakistani hindus or christians burning a bogey full of sunnis who have just returned from a islamic convention - what would be the consequence or the fate of the remaining christians or hindus in pakistan at the hands of the fanatic islamists?...I mean they do not hesitate to burn paksitani christians on flimsy grounds...just imagine a bunch of muslims burnt alive at the hands of a mob of christians or hindus in pakistan.

The Muslims of Godhra were the real Muslim killers and the main cause of the riots - similar to the case all around the Muslim world - the Muslims of afghanistan, Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Somalia are the real killers...your 60,000 were killed by Muslims, the thousands getting killed in Afghanistan or Syria or Iraq or Yemen or Libya are Muslims.

Time to introspect within.
Being educated and being able to afford a good house are totally unrelated.

May be in Pakistan its true. But not in the US. Average Doctor in the US, in NY area makes about $ 250 K if you work for a hospital, around a million if you have your own practice. If you have an MBA and you have an average job in Finance, Accounting or any of these areas, in NY area, you are making $ 120-140K + bonuses (majority of companies in NY area give you that. If you are in IT with a Bachelor's degree, with a few years of good experience, you make over 120-150K in salaries. Around $ 175-250 K if you are a line manager or upper manager with an advance degree. These are majority of your jobs that Indians, Pakistanis usually do (about 80%). Nurses make over $ 120K in that area too.

Point is, what I wrote above, is 80% or more of jobs out there and these pay well enough that you CAN afford a small home. I used to have a Limo driver from Pakistan back when I used to work with the NYC's Financial district. Even he owned two town homes in queens, he once showed me as we passed by on a highway, and those back in 1998, were worth over $ 700 K. Today, my guess is those would be around $ 1.4-1.8 Million. So if cab driver can afford a house, professionals for sure can. The schooling system is free so you don't really pay anything to send your kids to school here. So outside of groceries and regular stuff, what are you doing with your money that you can't get a house? Even people with bad credit can get a house, THANK YOU to our system and laws passed over time (Fair Housing Laws).

Yes, a SYSTEM that I keep telling the Pakistanis about, that some folks on here don't want to see developing. Result is its the PEOPLE who actually suffer the most!!!
But still there is a difference between a criminal and non criminal dont you think ???? case is registered in US against modi but not against nawaz sharif .
He is patwari leave him alone he beleive pak should ruled by thugs and criminals
May be in Pakistan its true. But not in the US. Average Doctor in the US, in NY area makes about $ 250 K if you work for a hospital, around a million if you have your own practice. If you have an MBA and you have an average job in Finance, Accounting or any of these areas, in NY area, you are making $ 120-140K + bonuses (majority of companies in NY area give you that. If you are in IT with a Bachelor's degree, with a few years of good experience, you make over 120-150K in salaries. Around $ 175-250 K if you are a line manager or upper manager with an advance degree. These are majority of your jobs that Indians, Pakistanis usually do (about 80%). Nurses make over $ 120K in that area too.

Point is, what I wrote above, is 80% or more of jobs out there and these pay well enough that you CAN afford a small home. I used to have a Limo driver from Pakistan back when I used to work with the NYC's Financial district. Even he owned two town homes in queens, he once showed me as we passed by on a highway, and those back in 1998, were worth over $ 700 K. Today, my guess is those would be around $ 1.4-1.8 Million. So if cab driver can afford a house, professionals for sure can. The schooling system is free so you don't really pay anything to send your kids to school here. So outside of groceries and regular stuff, what are you doing with your money that you can't get a house? Even people with bad credit can get a house, THANK YOU to our system and laws passed over time (Fair Housing Laws).

Yes, a SYSTEM that I keep telling the Pakistanis about, that some folks on here don't want to see developing. Result is its the PEOPLE who actually suffer the most!!!


Kindly refrain from posting such stupidity - I have lived in NYC and it is nowhere as easy as you suggest and I was earning far in excess to the figures you have quoted. Forget Manhattan - even in Jersey, Staten Island, Bronx, Queen and Brooklyn you are not likely get a decent appt for less than 750k. Assuming a person is well educated he would be carrying a student loan in excess of 250k now how do you reconcile that? Limo Driver having two houses - common man - they must be foreclosed or second mortgage.

To the unsuspecting folks do not be lulled by his words - your best bet is to get a rental unless you are comfortable enough to afford a nice appt or a house in suburbs.

P.S. Working with financial district??? What the hell is that- you either work in FiDi for some institution like Federal Reserve Bank, Stock Exchange or Wall Street firm or you work for city hall.

Kindly refrain from posting such stupidity - I have lived in NYC and it is nowhere as easy as you suggest and I was earning far in excess to the figures you have quoted. Forget Manhattan - even in Jersey, Staten Island, Bronx, Queen and Brooklyn you are not likely get a decent appt for less than 750k. Assuming a person is well educated he would be carrying a student loan in excess of 250k now how do you reconcile that?

It would've been Off Topic if the poster I responded to had cared. It would ALSO be off topic if you hadn't called it out and then continued the off topic discussion on sheer ideas, and no facts. So unfortunately, I have to correct your bullshiit with facts. If you want further discussion on this OR you can prove me wrong FACTUALLY, open up a separate thread. I've love to provide facts down to the wire!! Here's the response to your post:

I quoted the BASE level salaries. If you have an MBA and you are in finance in a Hedge fund company....do you know how much you can make? Easily north of a million. A LOT of Pakistanis work in the financial district!! Similarly, I have very close relationships with JP Morgan's leadership. Do you know how much a Director makes in that organization around NYC area? $ 250K plus bonuses!!! A VP over $ 300K base + Bonuses!! And more on the brokerage side!

As an average family, our salary will never allow you to BUY a home in a year. The system runs on a 30 year note. And YES, you can afford a decent home around or below or over half a million with less than 200K income.

If you get out to Staten Island and other places, you can afford a big house for a million. Heck, Long Island will give you a nice home for $ 600K. Go to zillow.com, and put "16 Thorne Ave, Hempstead, NY 1155" (Long Island), and see for yourself, a two story house for 350K!!!

Now here's Brooklyn, again, go to zillow.com and put in "109 Branton St, Brooklyn, NY 11236", nice town-home for 375K. Here's Staten Island " 12 Talarico Ct, Staten Island, NY 10314" for over 500K, you get a very nice sized two story home!!! These are just three listings I picked randomly. You can see hundreds of homes for sale in the SAME price range I provided above. NYC is home to me, and real estate is my passion, I can quote you current market prices in many states I've done business in, without even having to look at listings!!!

If you read my post OR know things that I've written, you should always know that I don't write unless I have my facts together. This bullshiit post of yours that tells everyone you can't get an apartment in NYC area for less than a million is a JOKE. You can get homes for 350K and above. Obviously, just like any place in the world, the more $$$$ you'll put in, the better house you'll get.

Kindly refrain from making false and silly claims that you can't back up with facts I provided above. Miss-stating facts and lying doesn't make you a better subject matter expert, it makes you a bullshiitter!
It would've been Off Topic if the poster I responded to had cared. It would ALSO be off topic if you hadn't called it out and then continued the off topic discussion on sheer ideas, and no facts. So unfortunately, I have to correct your bullshiit with facts. If you want further discussion on this OR you can prove me wrong FACTUALLY, open up a separate thread. I've love to provide facts down to the wire!! Here's the response to your post:

I quoted the BASE level salaries. If you have an MBA and you are in finance in a Hedge fund company....do you know how much you can make? Easily north of a million. A LOT of Pakistanis work in the financial district!! Similarly, I have very close relationships with JP Morgan's leadership. Do you know how much a Director makes in that organization around NYC area? $ 250K plus bonuses!!! A VP over $ 300K base + Bonuses!! And more on the brokerage side!

As an average family, our salary will never allow you to BUY a home in a year. The system runs on a 30 year note. And YES, you can afford a decent home around or below or over half a million with less than 200K income.

If you get out to Staten Island and other places, you can afford a big house for a million. Heck, Long Island will give you a nice home for $ 600K. Go to zillow.com, and put "16 Thorne Ave, Hempstead, NY 1155" (Long Island), and see for yourself, a two story house for 350K!!!

Now here's Brooklyn, again, go to zillow.com and put in "109 Branton St, Brooklyn, NY 11236", nice town-home for 375K. Here's Staten Island " 12 Talarico Ct, Staten Island, NY 10314" for over 500K, you get a very nice sized two story home!!! These are just three listings I picked randomly. You can see hundreds of homes for sale in the SAME price range I provided above. NYC is home to me, and real estate is my passion, I can quote you current market prices in many states I've done business in, without even having to look at listings!!!

If you read my post OR know things that I've written, you should always know that I don't write unless I have my facts together. This bullshiit post of yours that tells everyone you can't get an apartment in NYC area for less than a million is a JOKE. You can get homes for 350K and above. Obviously, just like any place in the world, the more $$$$ you'll put in, the better house you'll get.

Kindly refrain from making false and silly claims that you can't back up with facts I provided above. Miss-stating facts and lying doesn't make you a better subject matter expert, it makes you a bullshiitter!

Three things

1. Off topic was reference to my comment not yours.
2. Have you visited these homes you have listed or just googled them? - Checked the flooring, specific location and immediate neighborhood, plumbing etc? As per my experience you don't get a decent home for the figures you have quoted unless they have some major short-comings and I have extensively house hunted in NYC. I have stated you can't get a decent appt for less than 750k not million - don't misquote me, 250k is not chump change.
3. You don't always have your facts together - You said Einstein invented light bulbs, US never fought a war with Mexico among many other absurd things.

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Those that booed should be ashamed. Pakistan must show a united front on the international stage, leave you political differences at the door.

This has done more damage to Pakistan, than it has done to Nawaz Sharif.

This is PRECISELY the point I've been trying to make. You guys play dirty politics inside Pakistan, its perfectly OK. But KEEP that inside your home. Outside, to guests or visitors or foreigners, show your house as United. You aren't hurting NS or an individual, you are hurting an ENTIRE country's reputation, which hasn't really been great over the past decades.

The SAME NY City saw Pakistan's Flags on their public TV stations just a month ago, with Dr. Lodhi ringing Nasdaq's bell for the first time and throwing a speech talking about how Pakistan has improved and there is so much growth opportunity and all.

What do you think these news would do to that hard work and image that was created for a positive Pakistan? It has and would ruin it!!! I don't understand how people from a nation can be so stupid at times that they don't realize how big of a hit they are giving to their country due to their silly actions. This is very damaging to Pakistan from a reputation's standpoint.

I can understand schooling was very very very hard for you.

This guy named Thomas Alva Edison is named as inventor of practical Electric Bulb and not some puphoo of yours named Einstein.


And then you hate us, when we try to show you the reality.
you are very bright like this bulb
his comment was sarcasm on Imran Khan and you took it to heart
Three things

1. Off topic was reference to my comment not yours.
2. Have you visited this homes - Checked the flooring, specific location and immediate neighborhood, plumbing etc? As per my experience you don't get a decent home for the figures you have quoted unless they have some major short-comings and I have extensively house hunted in NYC.
3. You don't always have your facts together - You said Einstein invented light bulbs, US never fought a war with Mexico among many other absurd things.


Again, you decided to come in as an expert out of sheer Indian ego!!! Let me ask you, have you EVER bought a home had it fixed up or built one? I don't think you know the business. I do and I've done this work in around 4 states. So PLEASE, let it go as you won't win this argument. A doctor or an IT guy should do their trade, just like a Doctor can't write a Java program, an IT guy can't diagnose Cardiac disease!!

The INITIAL argument was that the "prices were so high that you can't FIND anything below a million, and you were talking about Condos!!! I've shown you HOMES, which are way above in size and value in the SAME areas. But after seeing your bullshiit argument failing, now you responded with "there is work needed". In all 200 listings just in Brooklyn? A house needed some work was NOT the main argument. It was the "Availability" of a home in the price range you vehemently denied. So let's cut it at that. Work is subjective, I know many people who buy homes and slowly repair them. What you consider work, isn't work to everyone else as a lot of people can do these things by themselves!!

An 1800-2000 sqft house can be BUILT from scratch for $ 150 K, in NYC, add 25% more. That's it. Remodeling isn't a big deal. There aren't a lot of NEW areas in the NYC / Tri State area. The buildings there are like from the 1900's and 1960's. So majority of the home you buy will require work.

Now this Einstein thing, ONLY the Indian community trained on nothing but Maths and Programming would have an issue with. As your brain doesn't go beyond 2+2=4. Every heard of Sarcasm? Did you happen to read the post where I said it? I was comparing FALSE invention by referring it to FALSE statements and all that IK does. Do you really think I am responding to all world events, I can speak to you science, medical and technology. But I don't know who Einstein was or what he did? There is common sense you can once in a while use and the common sense will tell you, based on the topic that there is a sarcastic comparison being made between two people. Have more issues, open up a thread and I might be able to tell you who from Einstein's family is STILL alive and live in New Jersey :enjoy:

And HERE is the US - Mexico war's proofs!!! Again, if you don't know something, start to do your research instead of bullshiitting, trying to sound like an expert and at the end, getting your rear handed to you in a platter burnt like a well done steak!!! Enjoy the American history below :tup:, if you have kids and you live in the US, for God's sake teach them the following history too, not just the Vedic times. They live here and were probably born here, they are American kids. Not Indian kids. So they should learn, what I am teaching you on here.

Mexican-American War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Mexican–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this one's an animation by PBS, HOW COOOL???? :yahoo: :bunny: :rofl: :omghaha:

The U.S.-Mexican War | PBS
Again, you decided to come in as an expert out of sheer Indian ego!!! Let me ask you, have you EVER bought a home had it fixed up or built one? I don't think you know the business. I do and I've done this work in around 4 states. So PLEASE, let it go as you won't win this argument. A doctor or an IT guy should do their trade, just like a Doctor can't write a Java program, an IT guy can't diagnose Cardiac disease!!

The INITIAL argument was that the "prices were so high that you can't FIND anything below a million, and you were talking about Condos!!! I've shown you HOMES, which are way above in size and value in the SAME areas. But after seeing your bullshiit argument failing, now you responded with "there is work needed". In all 200 listings just in Brooklyn? A house needed some work was NOT the main argument. It was the "Availability" of a home in the price range you vehemently denied. So let's cut it at that. Work is subjective, I know many people who buy homes and slowly repair them. What you consider work, isn't work to everyone else as a lot of people can do these things by themselves!!

An 1800-2000 sqft house can be BUILT from scratch for $ 150 K, in NYC, add 25% more. That's it. Remodeling isn't a big deal. There aren't a lot of NEW areas in the NYC / Tri State area. The buildings there are like from the 1900's and 1960's. So majority of the home you buy will require work.

Now this Einstein thing, ONLY the Indian community trained on nothing but Maths and Programming would have an issue with. As your brain doesn't go beyond 2+2=4. Every heard of Sarcasm? Did you happen to read the post where I said it? I was comparing FALSE invention by referring it to FALSE statements and all that IK does. Do you really think I am responding to all world events, I can speak to you science, medical and technology. But I don't know who Einstein was or what he did? There is common sense you can once in a while use and the common sense will tell you, based on the topic that there is a sarcastic comparison being made between two people. Have more issues, open up a thread and I might be able to tell you who from Einstein's family is STILL alive and live in New Jersey :enjoy:

And HERE is the US - Mexico war's proofs!!! Again, if you don't know something, start to do your research instead of bullshiitting, trying to sound like an expert and at the end, getting your rear handed to you in a platter burnt like a well done steak!!! Enjoy the American history below :tup:, if you have kids and you live in the US, for God's sake teach them the following history too, not just the Vedic times. They live here and were probably born here, they are American kids. Not Indian kids. So they should learn, what I am teaching you on here.

Mexican-American War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Mexican–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this one's an animation by PBS, HOW COOOL???? :yahoo: :bunny: :rofl: :omghaha:

The U.S.-Mexican War | PBS

OK - Please read my original post and the subsequent post you have quoted again. Then reply.

So let me get this straight..

You claim to be a non Pakistani American..Lets assume that you are indeed a white American who happens to know everything or most of what happens inside Pakistani GHQ and pakistani PM house..

One wonders how does a foreigner manages to do that?

This is about to be the shortest post of my life. 1 SIMPLE answer: through Magic!!!! :rofl:

OK - Please read my original post and the subsequent post you have quoted again. Then reply.


Oh, no, no, no, I DID read your post and the following is a FULL response to ALL your points you raised. Don't run away, read it so we are clear.

Again, you decided to come in as an expert out of sheer Indian ego!!! Let me ask you, have you EVER bought a home had it fixed up or built one? I don't think you know the business. I do and I've done this work in around 4 states. So PLEASE, let it go as you won't win this argument. A doctor or an IT guy should do their trade, just like a Doctor can't write a Java program, an IT guy can't diagnose Cardiac disease!!

The INITIAL argument was that the "prices were so high that you can't FIND anything below a million, and you were talking about Condos!!! I've shown you HOMES, which are way above in size and value in the SAME areas. But after seeing your bullshiit argument failing, now you responded with "there is work needed". In all 200 listings just in Brooklyn? A house needed some work was NOT the main argument. It was the "Availability" of a home in the price range you vehemently denied. So let's cut it at that. Work is subjective, I know many people who buy homes and slowly repair them. What you consider work, isn't work to everyone else as a lot of people can do these things by themselves!!

An 1800-2000 sqft house can be BUILT from scratch for $ 150 K, in NYC, add 25% more. That's it. Remodeling isn't a big deal. There aren't a lot of NEW areas in the NYC / Tri State area. The buildings there are like from the 1900's and 1960's. So majority of the home you buy will require work.

Now this Einstein thing, ONLY the Indian community trained on nothing but Maths and Programming would have an issue with. As your brain doesn't go beyond 2+2=4. Every heard of Sarcasm? Did you happen to read the post where I said it? I was comparing FALSE invention by referring it to FALSE statements and all that IK does. Do you really think I am responding to all world events, I can speak to you science, medical and technology. But I don't know who Einstein was or what he did? There is common sense you can once in a while use and the common sense will tell you, based on the topic that there is a sarcastic comparison being made between two people. Have more issues, open up a thread and I might be able to tell you who from Einstein's family is STILL alive and live in New Jersey :enjoy:

And HERE is the US - Mexico war's proofs!!! Again, if you don't know something, start to do your research instead of bullshiitting, trying to sound like an expert and at the end, getting your rear handed to you in a platter burnt like a well done steak!!! Enjoy the American history below :tup:, if you have kids and you live in the US, for God's sake teach them the following history too, not just the Vedic times. They live here and were probably born here, they are American kids. Not Indian kids. So they should learn, what I am teaching you on here.

Mexican-American War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Mexican–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this one's an animation by PBS, HOW COOOL???? :yahoo: :bunny: :rofl: :omghaha:

The U.S.-Mexican War | PBS

Your all posts are baseless no grounds nothing.... I am not really interested to listen your shitty lecture after reading this

"You're more aware regarding GHQ blaa blaa" LOL @ your non-sense posts. If information from the Pentagon and GHQ leaked to every dog and cat lol war gaye phir tu sab...

How about you pick a topic. Open a thread and you and I provide our facts, let's see who is baseless??? Its not that difficult to see. Baseless people make baseless claims, far away from the reality like IK does. He even gets into baseless Marriages that you just knew won't end right. Now he's at number 2. So the point is, fact-less people can be seen very quickly as they'll bounce from topic to topic without giving any proofs. I am more than happy to give proofs for everything I say.
This is about to be the shortest post of my life. 1 SIMPLE answer: through Magic!!!! :rofl:

Oh, no, no, no, I DID read your post and the following is a FULL response to ALL your points you raised. Don't run away, read it so we are clear.

Again, you decided to come in as an expert out of sheer Indian ego!!! Let me ask you, have you EVER bought a home had it fixed up or built one? I don't think you know the business. I do and I've done this work in around 4 states. So PLEASE, let it go as you won't win this argument. A doctor or an IT guy should do their trade, just like a Doctor can't write a Java program, an IT guy can't diagnose Cardiac disease!!

The INITIAL argument was that the "prices were so high that you can't FIND anything below a million, and you were talking about Condos!!! I've shown you HOMES, which are way above in size and value in the SAME areas. But after seeing your bullshiit argument failing, now you responded with "there is work needed". In all 200 listings just in Brooklyn? A house needed some work was NOT the main argument. It was the "Availability" of a home in the price range you vehemently denied. So let's cut it at that. Work is subjective, I know many people who buy homes and slowly repair them. What you consider work, isn't work to everyone else as a lot of people can do these things by themselves!!

An 1800-2000 sqft house can be BUILT from scratch for $ 150 K, in NYC, add 25% more. That's it. Remodeling isn't a big deal. There aren't a lot of NEW areas in the NYC / Tri State area. The buildings there are like from the 1900's and 1960's. So majority of the home you buy will require work.

Now this Einstein thing, ONLY the Indian community trained on nothing but Maths and Programming would have an issue with. As your brain doesn't go beyond 2+2=4. Every heard of Sarcasm? Did you happen to read the post where I said it? I was comparing FALSE invention by referring it to FALSE statements and all that IK does. Do you really think I am responding to all world events, I can speak to you science, medical and technology. But I don't know who Einstein was or what he did? There is common sense you can once in a while use and the common sense will tell you, based on the topic that there is a sarcastic comparison being made between two people. Have more issues, open up a thread and I might be able to tell you who from Einstein's family is STILL alive and live in New Jersey :enjoy:

And HERE is the US - Mexico war's proofs!!! Again, if you don't know something, start to do your research instead of bullshiitting, trying to sound like an expert and at the end, getting your rear handed to you in a platter burnt like a well done steak!!! Enjoy the American history below :tup:, if you have kids and you live in the US, for God's sake teach them the following history too, not just the Vedic times. They live here and were probably born here, they are American kids. Not Indian kids. So they should learn, what I am teaching you on here.

Mexican-American War - Facts & Summary - HISTORY.com

Mexican–American War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And this one's an animation by PBS, HOW COOOL???? :yahoo: :bunny: :rofl: :omghaha:

The U.S.-Mexican War | PBS

I have highlighted the parts which show either you are deliberately misquoting or you haven't read my posts. I would again give you the benefit of doubt and kindly ask you to read my posts again.

wht masss murder , there is no riots ever happened in pakistan ever , no person was killed in tht riot , did u ever call the state head of tht province a mass killer , dont talk rubbish

Riots and Extremism are two different things. Hindu extremists like the BJP and RSS and Shiv Sena are cousin terrorists organizations of Al-Qaeda and Talibans. The only difference is, they are all focus on different religions.

I have highlighted the parts which show either you are deliberately misquoting or you haven't read my posts. I would again give you the benefit of doubt and kindly ask you to read my posts again.


What you've highlighted, has nothing to do with the post. Let's clarify by the bullet point:

1) In New York city, opposite to your statements that there are appartments available for 1 million and that I was lying. I gave you three different boroughs proofs and listings with a price tag of 350 to 500+, and two of these three are HOMES. MUCH better than the apartments. So did you read that part??? We good and do you understand you were just bull shiiting without knowing much about the real estate market???

2) Eistein and Mexico war. I clarified it. Are you clear on those two topics (I hope you read through the links on the Mexican war)??? And do you now understand the American history about the Mexican war?? Because I don't want you to forget tomorrow and ask me the same crap. If you need to send that clarification AND links, please do so to Zee tv. So ALL 1.2 billion people can see my response and the issue is settled once and for all!!!

3) Now the above two have happened and understood, there wasn't much left from your post. The bottom line is..............YES, there are HOMES available in NYC all over, from 350K and above!!! It is a lie that you only get a nice apartment for 1 million. If you want to spend that, you can. Don't spread inexperienced rumors on the topic for which, you have NO grasp of or industry knowledge!!! End of the topic from my side!
But still there is a difference between a criminal and non criminal dont you think ???? case is registered in US against modi but not against nawaz sharif .
Yes the difference which count rejected visa too it is not him getting visa today only his chair he is crimnal int crimnal
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