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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.

there is nothing wrong in saying go nawaz go no one wants him and all this economy booming and peace coming in Pakistan is due General Raheel sharif not nawaz . General Raheel started operation in waziristan and all over in Pakistan not nawaz he was just forced to do so because he would have lost his name as a politican and all this PCEC and investment coming in is also due to our hero the saviour General Raheel sharif
Useless thread.

Hitler was also welcomed by his racist/violent supporters for committing massacres and genocide
What a disgusting act by political shills. Public appearances in foreign countries should never be used as an excuse to score political points, and Pakistanis always seem to exploit this to fullest extent possible.

Just became Modi wasn't booed doesn't mean that he enjoys 100% support throughout India, what it really means is that his opponents have the decency not to embarrass themselves and the nation while the world is watching. They have the decency to sit in their homes so a united front can be presented globally that India stands firm behind their democratically elected leader.

No leader in the history has ever enjoyed full support by the populace, Bill Clinton even at the peak of his popularity was opposed by 30% of America. To think that all these other leaders don't have opponents is downright ignorant.

Once again, a shameful shameful act by a few people just so they can please their political masters, create some pictures for Facebook and laugh about it later. All of it being done at the expense of embarrassing Pakistan at an international stage.
there is nothing wrong in saying go nawaz go no one wants him and all this economy booming and peace coming in Pakistan is due General Raheel sharif not nawaz . General Raheel started operation in waziristan and all over in Pakistan not nawaz he was just forced to do so because he would have lost his name as a politican and all this PCEC and investment coming in is also due to our hero the saviour General Raheel sharif
And who selected Raheel Sharif as our new COAS in 2013 may i ask ?? He was never a ultimate choice...This all economic corridor stuff and all other economic activities are only happening because of the changed civilian set up in Islamabad...sure there is nothing wrong raising slogans....but one should behave responsibly while representing your country abroad as an individual or as a community....! And i am dam sure you will never gonna understand what i am saying...!
And who selected Raheel Sharif as our new COAS in 2013 may i ask ?? He was never a ultimate choice...This all economic corridor stuff and all other economic activities are only happening because of the changed civilian set up in Islamabad...sure there is nothing wrong raising slogans....but one should behave responsibly while representing your country abroad as an individual or as a community....! And i am dam sure you will never gonna understand what i am saying...!

i don't want him to represent my country and if he has any respect or grace he should leave the goverment and let new elections take place without rigging
IK is the second Einstein. The first Einstein invented the light bulb. IK invented the bright, shinny, violent "Sit Ins".


I can understand schooling was very very very hard for you.

This guy named Thomas Alva Edison is named as inventor of practical Electric Bulb and not some puphoo of yours named Einstein.


And then you hate us, when we try to show you the reality.
lets assume Muslims live happily there under the regime of modi ..... they can eat what ever they want ?? they have total freedom
What about Ahmadi's in Pak. Are they living in total freedom. What about the multitudes of Shia's.

Tehrik-e-Khatme Nabuwwat anyone ? :pakistan:
i don't want him to represent my country and if he has any respect or grace he should leave the goverment and let new elections take place without rigging
Wait for another couple of years my bro. New elections are coming closer day by day in 2017 or 18 InshaAllah. :coffee: Patience is the key.

I can understand schooling was very very very hard for you.

This guy named Thomas Alva Edison is named as inventor of practical Electric Bulb and not some puphoo of yours named Einstein.


And then you hate us, when we try to show you the reality.

Not him but tesla


I can understand schooling was very very very hard for you.

This guy named Thomas Alva Edison is named as inventor of practical Electric Bulb and not some puphoo of yours named Einstein.


And then you hate us, when we try to show you the reality.

Not him but tesla
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!!
have you even considered the slight possibility- that maybe, just maybe, NS isn't actually popular among the educated and overseas Pakistani communities who know how he's not helping the country at all?
you are so mad crazy about this dude NS, are you his gay partner?
@samlove , if dick measuring is your favourite pastime, then don't just use your imaginations or is it that Modi can do no wrong.

Sikhs, Patels Protest Against PM Modi at UN Headquarters

NEW YORK: A group of Sikhs and the Patidar community supporters have demonstrated outside the UN headquarters ,coinciding with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech on Sustainable Development at a special UN summit.

Under the banner of Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), over 200 Sikhs, alleging human rights violations in Punjab, demanded referendum in 2020 for a separate Khalistan.

The protesters, raising anti-India and anti-Modi slogans, urged the world body to take steps to meet their demand.

"There is massive violations against minorities, in particular against Christians, Sikhs and Muslims," SFJ leader Bakhshish Singh Sandhu claimed yesterday.

Side by side in a separate enclosure were a few dozen members of the Patidar community from Gujarat who are living in different parts of the country.

"We want justice from police brutalities. As many as 4,000 youths are still in police custody. There has been police brutality against innocent people. So far no action has been taken against the police officials responsible for this," Anil Patel, a protestor, claimed.

The protesters were sporting caps of Sardar Patel Group from Gujarat, which is leading the movement for reservations for the Patel community in the State.

Meanwhile, a few enclosures later at the UN headquarters, another group of Patels under the banner of Indian Diamond and Gemstone Industry of New York held a welcome rally for PM Modi.

Sikhs, Patels Protest Against PM Modi at UN Headquarters
How disgusting and embarrassing for the nation... I think this incident has weaken Mr Sharif's speech during UNGA meet...
Looks like you were in mommy stomach when Hindu extremist terrorists were killing Muslim " yet to born" children by stabbing their mothers in stomach, and then setting both on fire.............

Well both are criminals,

One criminal of corruption, other is ruthless bloody killer............

And criminals must not be welcomed........
Nice job by Pakistanis......... and attitude of Indians were Expected......
Well... where were you Muslims extremist killing Hindus? you people just nothing just bunch of hypocrites ..... if Muslims kills you people enjoy and when Hindu start killing in revenge you started crying like anything.

Indian knows , You love your Army didnt you? Your ARMY is the biggest Muslim Extremist terrorist? didn't you know that ....

What you sow you will reap.
@samlove , if dick measuring is your favourite pastime, then don't just use your imaginations or is it that Modi can do no wrong.

Sikhs, Patels Protest Against PM Modi at UN Headquarters

NEW YORK: A group of Sikhs and the Patidar community supporters have demonstrated outside the UN headquarters ,coinciding with Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech on Sustainable Development at a special UN summit.

Under the banner of Sikhs For Justice (SFJ), over 200 Sikhs, alleging human rights violations in Punjab, demanded referendum in 2020 for a separate Khalistan.

The protesters, raising anti-India and anti-Modi slogans, urged the world body to take steps to meet their demand.

"There is massive violations against minorities, in particular against Christians, Sikhs and Muslims," SFJ leader Bakhshish Singh Sandhu claimed yesterday.

Side by side in a separate enclosure were a few dozen members of the Patidar community from Gujarat who are living in different parts of the country.

"We want justice from police brutalities. As many as 4,000 youths are still in police custody. There has been police brutality against innocent people. So far no action has been taken against the police officials responsible for this," Anil Patel, a protestor, claimed.

The protesters were sporting caps of Sardar Patel Group from Gujarat, which is leading the movement for reservations for the Patel community in the State.

Meanwhile, a few enclosures later at the UN headquarters, another group of Patels under the banner of Indian Diamond and Gemstone Industry of New York held a welcome rally for PM Modi.

Sikhs, Patels Protest Against PM Modi at UN Headquarters
see again going dumb ,if dick measuring u are talking about , then get ur facts straight about everything , patels called off the strike bcos they dont want to insult their prime minister , also if u are talking about SFJ group ,this group is made of famous member who were involved in bombing of air india , also most of them are on red corner notice , also this member also involved in money laundering in usa, canada and england , also in drug smuggling as most of them arrested in canada, and they support bindrawala who was involved killing of many indian during terrorism in punjab so dont talk of dick measuring get ur fact straight.
Not him but tesla

Not him but tesla

Please read I said "Practical Electric Bulb"
Bulbs built by Thomas had practicality, which resulted into commercial production.

Arc bulbs where already in labs in early 1800's but didnt had practicality. It was Edison which gave it life span of hours to become practical. Hence he is credited with invent of Practical Electric Bulbs.

And Tesla started working in Edisons Lab in 1885-6 or so, where as Edison bulb was patented by 1880.
Tesla's arc electric bulb company started in 1890 or so, almost 10yrs after Edison being granted patent of practical electric bulb.
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