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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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If you had "cared" to listen to the entire video, the Pakistani diplomats went to a mosque for some prayers on one of their big days. Modi didn't go to any mosque where Gujrati Muslims own it. I am sure he'd be stopped from entering with some other gifts given to him like eggs on his face. Simple is that. Try to read the effing context before just stupid responding. A post having super low quality of third class repetitive child like behavior is not worth writing.

Was this embarrassing for Pakistan and Pakistanis overseas you think?
Because Religion is not mixed in Indian politics. May be an election issue to get brownie points but not otherwise. Modi does not have to visit Mosque to prove to the world anything.
A person who disguise as another country flag giving lecture to someone who is patriot towards his country who is atleast not ashamed of his nationality.

If you had "cared" to listen to the entire video, the Pakistani diplomats went to a mosque for some prayers on one of their big days. Modi didn't go to any mosque where Gujrati Muslims own it. I am sure he'd be stopped from entering with some other gifts given to him like eggs on his face. Simple is that. Try to read the effing context before just stupid responding. A post having super low quality of third class repetitive child like behavior is not worth writing.

Was this embarrassing for Pakistan and Pakistanis overseas you think?
Because Religion is not mixed in Indian politics. May be an election issue to get brownie points but not otherwise. Modi does not have to visit Mosque to prove to the world anything.
A person who disguise as another country flag giving lecture to someone who is patriot towards his country who is atleast not ashamed of his nationality.
lets assume Muslims live happily there under the regime of modi ..... they can eat what ever they want ?? they have total freedom
Are muslims living happily in other countries or pakistan where they can eat what they wanted to eat or if they are getting anything worth eating?
fake stories.
Looks like you were in mommy stomach when Hindu extremist terrorists were killing Muslim " yet to born" children by stabbing their mothers in stomach, and then setting both on fire.............

Well both are criminals,

One criminal of corruption, other is ruthless bloody killer............

And criminals must not be welcomed........
Nice job by Pakistanis......... and attitude of Indians were Expected......
What "fake stories"? Modi didn't come to the US the first year because the NY supreme court had issued arrest warrants for him based on cases filed by many Indian Muslim families who now live here. They have all the evidence, pictures of burnt homes and Modi's senior ministers involved. Which is what the court used to issue the verdict.

This is super convenient, when you can't prove something wrong, you call it "stories" :yahoo:

Here are some of the links, enjoy :enjoy:


Case filed against PM Modi in New York on 2002 Gujrat riots 'baseless': MEA | Zee News

Will Narendra Modi risk the threat of arrest warrant in Britain again, asks VRINDA GOPINATH

I am sorry, did NS burn down your family's home in Pakistan with everyone inside? The ONLY criminal who's walking on the street is that medically retard IK, he should be sent to Jail for treason charges since last year.

Or, the guy needs to be in a psychiatric institution instead of leading a mob of all emotionally challenged people, who either don't have basic education or are totally illiterate!!! This is the first politician who hasn't produced a 10 rupee worth of sweet candy for his nation, even though having government in an entire province. YET, he claims the PM seat due to old age. Due to Hitler type media politics, news channels like ARY and what not, are brainwashing people. This Brooklyn thing was used to show Pakistanis as third class idiots who don't have respect for their own PM and the system.

And here you are, creating more meaning out of nothing. Just like IK!!! All talk, extremist mentality and no work. 0 effort and 0 progress. But he thinks he should be a PM. Ask him to go throw a stone at the British or an American police officer, he'd be sent to jail for a long time. But here, he attacked the Parliament, the National TV and surprisingly, he was allowed to walk free. This is flat our treason and should be punished by life in jail!!!
Your words means nothing to me i would think what i wanted to think and you cant change that ... dont think for a second like you are expert here and people will listen and act on your views keep them with you .... and dont lecture me again i have no time to read articles of yours .
people like u think tht if u live in usa ,u know every thing about tht ,i live in canada so i also know these laws also u should read the judgement before even start writing
In essence U.S. Judge Analisa Torres of the Southern District of New York affirmed that a “sitting head of state’s immunity from jurisdiction is based on the Executive Branch's determination of official immunity without regard to the specific conduct alleged.

On the strength of this argument on January 14, judge has dismissed three specific claims made by the plaintiffs, who include the AJC as well “Asif,” “Jane Doe,” and multiple “John Does,” under the Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991 and Alien Tort Statute.

Last September, even before Mr. Modi had touched down on U.S. soil, the New York court issued summons against and called for a response from him.

Specifically the twenty-eight page complaint filed was said to seek compensatory and punitive damages and “charges PM Modi with committing crimes against humanity, extra-judicial killings, torture and inflicting mental and physical trauma on the victims, mostly from the Muslim community.”

Although Judge Torres did not argue that Mr. Modi was not culpable of any acts linked to the Gujarat killings, her dismissal of the case stemmed from the U.S. State Department’s “suggestion of immunity” made on September 30.

the judge said in end that Reviewing these and other claims made by the plaintiffs she said in a ruling, the court had “finds them to be without merit. Accordingly, in light of the determination by the Executive Branch that Prime Minister Modi is entitled to immunity as the sitting head of a foreign government, he is immune from the jurisdiction of this Court in this suit. The complaint is DISMISSED.”

already added the verdict but people dont want to understand as its a federal court and verdict was issued bcos modi didnt replied in 21 days as rule by court so they issued the verdict
Dude, see its simple. The case was put up in US, they had no authority to put Modi on trial and so the complaint was dismissed.

But that's about US and the short stint he had in US. Let's come to India where he is the Prime Minister, had multiple cases dismissed against him and constitutional authorities could not prosecute him for the lack of evidence when the rival opposition was in power and were after his blood. Simply means he was never convicted and was cleared of accusations and hence we do not care what Viper has to say or who you hate. Ok?
What "fake stories"? Modi didn't come to the US the first year because the NY supreme court had issued arrest warrants for him based on cases filed by many Indian Muslim families who now live here. They have all the evidence, pictures of burnt homes and Modi's senior ministers involved. Which is what the court used to issue the verdict.

This is super convenient, when you can't prove something wrong, you call it "stories" :yahoo:

Here are some of the links, enjoy :enjoy:


Case filed against PM Modi in New York on 2002 Gujrat riots 'baseless': MEA | Zee News

Will Narendra Modi risk the threat of arrest warrant in Britain again, asks VRINDA GOPINATH

I am sorry, did NS burn down your family's home in Pakistan with everyone inside? The ONLY criminal who's walking on the street is that medically retard IK, he should be sent to Jail for treason charges since last year.

Or, the guy needs to be in a psychiatric institution instead of leading a mob of all emotionally challenged people, who either don't have basic education or are totally illiterate!!! This is the first politician who hasn't produced a 10 rupee worth of sweet candy for his nation, even though having government in an entire province. YET, he claims the PM seat due to old age. Due to Hitler type media politics, news channels like ARY and what not, are brainwashing people. This Brooklyn thing was used to show Pakistanis as third class idiots who don't have respect for their own PM and the system.

And here you are, creating more meaning out of nothing. Just like IK!!! All talk, extremist mentality and no work. 0 effort and 0 progress. But he thinks he should be a PM. Ask him to go throw a stone at the British or an American police officer, he'd be sent to jail for a long time. But here, he attacked the Parliament, the National TV and surprisingly, he was allowed to walk free. This is flat our treason and should be punished by life in jail!!!
I fully agree with you bro. Modi is also on Interpol's list :pakistan:
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.

It is Pakistani people's DEMOCRATIC right to boo their SCUMBAG,CORRUPT PM.

It is called DEMOCRACY , GENIUS.

You are a Foreigner and nobody in Pakistan gives a Rat's A$$ what you think.
IK is the second Einstein. The first Einstein invented the light bulb. IK invented the bright, shinny, violent "Sit Ins". Where people take prostitutes in hundreds and the entire little "revolution mob" drinks and effs every night, resulting in mass numbers of used condoms left on the streets of Pakistan. And then the Parliament is attacked.

If IK ever became a PM for two years, I can assure you, you'll be back in the shiit hole you were in till Zardari's time. IK's got no brain, no wisdom, no ability to do foreign relationships. His wife on this other hand, has a LOT of skills posted on yourtube. She actually would be a much better alternate to IK. And she's smart as a whip, she'll do this right and this extremist Talibanic style element will be removed from this entire dance and drink drama!!

I'm not getting involved in the discussion here because I avoid topics like this that are ripe for troll wars and also Pakistan's internal issues.

However, I need to ask... Einstein invented the light bulb??? :o::cheesy::omghaha:

You constantly post articles that point out completely different things than you're trying to justify.. Almost every time write up stuff that can only pertain to unimaginable stupidity: lalit modi/Narendra Modi.. Verdict it seems etc etc, and then you run off or don't get to the mistakes after page long posts.. That has been your modus operandi.

And.. Summons are not arrest warrants!!! How old are you?? 10???

Finally, the cherry on top!!!
You went back in time and made Einstein invent the light bulb.. And for Sanity's sake.. Change your flags.. Also, don't skip classes.
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Man some Pakistanis don't care how Pakistani PM was humiliated but will curse Modi regardless. Even this behaviour acutely brings out a simple truth, the haters will hate no matter what.
Dude, see its simple. The case was put up in US, they had no authority to put Modi on trial and so the complaint was dismissed.

But that's about US and the short stint he had in US. Let's come to India where he is the Prime Minister, had multiple cases dismissed against him and constitutional authorities could not prosecute him for the lack of evidence when the rival opposition was in power and were after his blood. Simply means he was never convicted and was cleared of accusations and hence we do not care what Viper has to say or who you hate. Ok?

actually every country have different laws ,they have a law under which the case was registered , then they have given modi 21 days to reply but state department jumped in this case and case was dismissed bcos of immunity. so its not like i said before is anything wrong.
It is Pakistani people's DEMOCRATIC right to boo their SCUMBAG AND CORRUPT PM.

It is called DEMOCRACY , GENIUS.

You are a Foreigner and nobody cares what you think.
They are in US, not Pakistan :haha:.
How about showing off power of democracy in Pakistan?:nono:
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

By the way, Modi had selected routes, if he had gone to areas filled with Gujrati Muslims, the SAME ones who had filed legal cases against Modi and had court orders to arrest him, he wouldn't have gotten such a "nice" welcome. There would be a lot more than booing, may be cursing and throwing eggs on him too.

Can't Gujarati muslims travel and give him the response you desired?
I am damn sure Pakistanis traveled just to 'Boo' NS.
You have no idea about India's internal politics and Pakistan's external image.
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