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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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u should read properly wht articel is about ,dont become a dumb like other
Case filed against PM Modi in New York on 2002 Gujrat riots 'baseless': MEA | Zee News
anyone can file a case against anyone in usa, even they filed it against amitabh bachan ,manmohan singh , indira gandhi and list goes on so get some knowledge and case u are talking about was cancelled by the same court.
Non-bailable arrest warrant against Lalit Modi - Yahoo News India
u are talking about lalit modi dumb , tht shows how creative u are
What "fake stories"? Modi didn't come to the US the first year because the NY supreme court had issued arrest warrants for him based on cases filed by many Indian Muslim families who now live here. They have all the evidence, pictures of burnt homes and Modi's senior ministers involved. Which is what the court used to issue the verdict.

This is super convenient, when you can't prove something wrong, you call it "stories" :yahoo:

Just to let you know, under diplomatic immunity he cannot be arrested even if any court releases arrest warrants against him. So technically he has no issues in roaming around any corner of US. Furthermore even US govt, will not make any such scene to take place :D

Oh akkal ke andhe, LALIT MODI aur NARENDRA MODI alag alag bande hai ...
Just to let you know, under diplomatic immunity he cannot be arrested even if any court releases arrest warrants against him. So technically he has no issues in roaming around any corner of US. Furthermore even US govt, will not make any such scene to take place :D

Do you read posts before responding? Or is it just let's stupidfy every response without reading the actual post??? No one said Modi will be arrested. A Monkey living in a Ft. Worth Texas ZOO knows foreign dignitaries have immunity. So no one expects Modi to be arrested. The fact was that the cases were filed against him and verdict issued. Obviously, his immunity would protect him now.
Do you read posts before responding? Or is it just let's stupidfy every response without reading the actual post??? No one said Modi will be arrested. A Monkey living in a Ft. Worth Texas ZOO knows foreign dignitaries have immunity. So no one expects Modi to be arrested. The fact was that the cases were filed against him and verdict issued. Obviously, his immunity would protect him now.

again going dumb what verdict issued ?????????????????????/////
If you had "cared" to listen to the entire video, the Pakistani diplomats went to a mosque for some prayers on one of their big days. Modi didn't go to any mosque where Gujrati Muslims own it. I am sure he'd be stopped from entering with some other gifts given to him like eggs on his face. Simple is that. Try to read the effing context before just stupid responding. A post having super low quality of third class repetitive child like behavior is not worth writing.

Was this embarrassing for Pakistan and Pakistanis overseas you think?
Duh, offcouse.
If you had "cared" to listen to the entire video, the Pakistani diplomats went to a mosque for some prayers on one of their big days. Modi didn't go to any mosque where Gujrati Muslims own it. I am sure he'd be stopped from entering with some other gifts given to him like eggs on his face.
So you mean to say Pakistani Diplomats had no clues about whats public perception about them and were ill prepared to handle such a situation. Furthermore, as you say the diplomat was there at mosque for prayer on one of their big days, it was not Modis big day so he didnt go to Mosque.

Finally Modi is there for building growth and development bridge and not to cement some religious beliefs.

Simple is that. Try to read the effing context before just stupid responding. A post having super low quality of third class repetitive child like behavior is not worth writing.

Thats what the rest of PDF members have been telling you from beginning, i hope you understand and learn what it means.
Do you read posts before responding? Or is it just let's stupidfy every response without reading the actual post??? No one said Modi will be arrested. A Monkey living in a Ft. Worth Texas ZOO knows foreign dignitaries have immunity. So no one expects Modi to be arrested. The fact was that the cases were filed against him and verdict issued. Obviously, his immunity would protect him now.

D you live in there "Ft. Worth Texas ZOO" :rofl:
u should read properly wht articel is about ,dont become a dumb like other

anyone can file a case against anyone in usa, even they filed it against amitabh bachan ,manmohan singh , indira gandhi and list goes on so get some knowledge and case u are talking about was cancelled by the same court.

u are talking about lalit modi dumb , tht shows how creative u are

Go back and read my links again. Stupidity can only last on this forum through our Indian members. We are used to this. Also, courts don't issue subpoena's and arrest warrants. I have a LOT more experience with the US legal system then you can imagine. So trust me, to have any arrest warrants out, you have to show, what the legal definition calls "Ultimate Evidence", meaning evidence that is a fact, and verified by other people and sources and can NOT be challenged.
But what do you know about the US justice system. In your country, the Hindu extremists can kill thousand of minorities in one clash and nothing happens!!!
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Some MQM/PAT/PTI stooges making a fool out of themselves. I dont like NS but this is utter idioticy and dirty politics which affects the image of pakistan.
So you mean to say Pakistani Diplomats had no clues about whats public perception about them and were ill prepared to handle such a situation. Furthermore, as you say the diplomat was there at mosque for prayer on one of their big days, it was not Modis big day so he didnt go to Mosque.

Finally Modi is there for building growth and development bridge and not to cement some religious beliefs.

Thats what the rest of PDF members have been telling you from beginning, i hope you understand and learn what it means.

Ok....you forgot to add the last line saying "the purpose of the gibberish written above was to show ......X or Y". I have no effing clue what you were trying to say above. Its like Einstein wrote a post in Java, which you guys obviously understand, but average people like us, who may have companies who use people from India doing java, we are not that smart. So please "decode" the post above for me?
Do you read posts before responding? Or is it just let's stupidfy every response without reading the actual post??? No one said Modi will be arrested. A Monkey living in a Ft. Worth Texas ZOO knows foreign dignitaries have immunity. So no one expects Modi to be arrested. The fact was that the cases were filed against him and verdict issued. Obviously, his immunity would protect him now.

So if there is a snake but it doesnt have flangs to bite, no poison to pass, then why would one worry about it while passing across.

If you would have understood that, you would have not raised topic of case against modi and blah blah blah..in initial post.

I guess the Ft. Worth Texas Zoo monkey beats you in this case ....:P
Clear difference between Pakistanis and Indians!!! One of the reasons why Pakistan is behind in everything. Thanks to IK's negative, third class and embarrassing politics damaging his country oversees!! This only makes Pakistan look bad. Has no other impact on anyone. If anyone thinks Obama sitting in the White House has changed his mind about anything, or the Pentagon will now deal with NS differently, its stupid. But, it ONLY makes Pakistan look bad and shows how broken the nation is. That these idiots can't wait for 2 more years or appreciate the work that has happened so far. Very sad.

IK is not negative.Protecting against corrupt people does not make your nation stupid. 2 years more and these corrupt people will eat our country up.
D you live in there "Ft. Worth Texas ZOO" :rofl:

Your signatures say "Gandhi Folower", there is actually a Money named like that in Ft. Worth TX Zoo. Its very funny. Did you run away from the Ft. Worth Zoo and left your shirt behind that the Monkey now wears or something? :tup::rofl::angel:
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