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nawaz booed by pakistanis but modi melcomed by indians in new york UN meeting

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Someone please post what and where was the verdict against Modi issued. It seems I have zero knowledge on such a big news.
You SOUND like PML-N voter then an American.How do you know Imran Khan that much? I wish the American get blessed with Nawaz Sharif type politicians so America one day become a shit hole of corrupt people.
Regardless of his origin, viper has a point. IK, in his naivety, has done a lot of damage to Pakistan's image. From political instability, to engaging in internationally shaming other parties, he's made Pakistan into an even bigger laughing stalk.
A stupid trolling thread on a wrong place by a stupid and look at source:hitwall:
Thank you for posting that. The case was "dismissed" due to immunity. The judge had given a decision in favor of the Plaintiffs and even with the dismissal, it was the state department who used the immunity. Doesn't mean Modi didn't murder people, just like it is written up in your post!!!

You're using immunity because you elected a mass murderer as your PM, for religious purposes and to support the Hindutva drama!

judge gave the verdict bcos modi didnt replied in 21 days and automatically judgement was favoured for plaintiff and state department was present for immunity and the judge said in end that Reviewing these and other claims made by the plaintiffs she said in a ruling, the court had “finds them to be without merit. Accordingly, in light of the determination by the Executive Branch that Prime Minister Modi is entitled to immunity as the sitting head of a foreign government, he is immune from the jurisdiction of this Court in this suit. The complaint is DISMISSED.”
Regardless of his origin, viper has a point. IK, in his naivety, has done a lot of damage to Pakistan's image. From political instability, to engaging in internationally shaming other parties, he's made Pakistan into an even bigger laughing stalk.

Shame on IK IF he has done something bad but the fact is Nawaz Sharif is not an angel.
Thank you for posting that. The case was "dismissed" due to immunity. The judge had given a decision in favor of the Plaintiffs and even with the dismissal, it was the state department who used the immunity. Doesn't mean Modi didn't murder people, just like it is written up in your post!!!

You're using immunity because you elected a mass murderer as your PM, for religious purposes and to support the Hindutva drama!

The judge had given no verdict, making up your own news might be fun for you but don't expect it to go unchallenged. Your personal opinion on Modi is irrelevant .
But still there is a difference between a criminal and non criminal dont you think ???? case is registered in US against modi but not against nawaz sharif .

Yes there is difference between a criminal who gave the green signal to Bombay Bomb Blast and a person working for the upliftment of subcontinent.
Go back and read my links again. Stupidity can only last on this forum through our Indian members. We are used to this. Also, courts don't issue subpoena's and arrest warrants. I have a LOT more experience with the US legal system then you can imagine. So trust me, to get arrest warrants out, you have to show, what the legal definition calls "Ultimate Evidence", meaning evidence that is a fact, and verified by other people and sources and can NOT be challenged.
But what do you know about the US justice system. In your country, the Hindu extremists can kill thousand of minorities in one clash and nothing happens!!!

Yes. We Indians do not involve in extermination of entire native people and act and behave as if nothing happened....
Someone please post what and where was the verdict against Modi issued. It seems I have zero knowledge on such a big news.
people like u think tht if u live in usa ,u know every thing about tht ,i live in canada so i also know these laws also u should read the judgement before even start writing
In essence U.S. Judge Analisa Torres of the Southern District of New York affirmed that a “sitting head of state’s immunity from jurisdiction is based on the Executive Branch's determination of official immunity without regard to the specific conduct alleged.

On the strength of this argument on January 14, judge has dismissed three specific claims made by the plaintiffs, who include the AJC as well “Asif,” “Jane Doe,” and multiple “John Does,” under the Torture Victim Protection Act of 1991 and Alien Tort Statute.

Last September, even before Mr. Modi had touched down on U.S. soil, the New York court issued summons against and called for a response from him.

Specifically the twenty-eight page complaint filed was said to seek compensatory and punitive damages and “charges PM Modi with committing crimes against humanity, extra-judicial killings, torture and inflicting mental and physical trauma on the victims, mostly from the Muslim community.”

Although Judge Torres did not argue that Mr. Modi was not culpable of any acts linked to the Gujarat killings, her dismissal of the case stemmed from the U.S. State Department’s “suggestion of immunity” made on September 30.

the judge said in end that Reviewing these and other claims made by the plaintiffs she said in a ruling, the court had “finds them to be without merit. Accordingly, in light of the determination by the Executive Branch that Prime Minister Modi is entitled to immunity as the sitting head of a foreign government, he is immune from the jurisdiction of this Court in this suit. The complaint is DISMISSED.”

already added the verdict but people dont want to understand as its a federal court and verdict was issued bcos modi didnt replied in 21 days as rule by court so they issued the verdict
Shame on IK IF he has done something bad but the fact is Nawaz Sharif is not an angel.
Of course he isn't. NS has done a lot of shity things, and I have no doubt that he's active stealing from the nation's coffers. Having said that, strength in unity, weakness in division: Pakistanis must show a united front on the international level, and only engage in political differences locally..
Modi is popular among Indians while NS is not popular among Pakistanis. So it is natural that NS is booed by Pakistanis.
lets assume Muslims live happily there under the regime of modi ..... they can eat what ever they want ?? they have total freedom
So what's bugging you? Look after the welfare of your own Muslims first. You have nothing to do with Indian Muslims.
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