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NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force


Feb 26, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of
NATO is now ISIS’s Air Force

Alexander Azadgan
American Professor/ Sr. Geopolitical Analyst

As the saying goes, “In conflict, truth is the first casualty.”

We have once again witnessed some dangerous geopolitical events taking place in the most engulfed part of the Middle East called Syria. I would like to start with the bombing of the so-called “UN Syrian convoy” that Washington is now charging Moscow of having committed.

A few days prior, US Air Force bombed and killed 62 Syrian Arab Republic soldiers, along with injuring over a 100 more. Mind you, these are the official soldiers of the currently legitimate government of Syria, aka the Arab Syrian Republic. As it turned out, this was a disastrous public relations mess for Washington, but as usual, one that was conveniently brushed under the carpet (AGAIN) by the Western media who are experts at distraction, distortions, and deception.

Later on, Washington not only acknowledged that its warplanes had carried out that airstrike in Syria that resulted in the death and injury of close to 200 Syrian government troops, which in-and-out-of-itself is a clear violation of the last remnants international law, but that the pilots involved in the attack [in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour] actually believed they were targeting ISIS. As if not embarrassing enough, it now appears that Washington is hiding behind incompetency and that incompetency is now the norm, not the exception.

I, however, believe that such explanations are nothing short of a red herring. We have ample reason to believe those US Air Force pilots were instructed to do exactly what they carried. No error was made, contrary to Washington’s claim, and that the murder of those 62 Syrian soldiers (of whatever tactical military importance they were) was mission accomplished. This, of course, could never be officially admitted. And as for the rest, it was nothing but diplomatic politicking!

Not long after, we had this tragedy – or better put, travesty – with the so-called “UN Syrian Aid Convoy” which was supposedly destined for the entrapped “people of Aleppo”. The undiplomatic tit-for-tat game triggered Washington to accuse the Russian Air Force to have carried the deed.

Again, truth is the first casualty in times of conflicts. As such, this requires us to analyze both incidents very objectively, scientifically, and even cynically – especially from a psychological warfare perspective which is Western media perception management and propaganda.

I don't believe either of these two incidents was accidental or unplanned, in fact quite the contrary. Since Washington and NATO are clearly seeing themselves as losing this conflict, they are acting more connivingly and more desperately. Up to now, they have been covertly supporting these ISIS and Al-Nustra savages. But now they have officially becoming ISIS and Al-Nusra’s Air Forces even though with elaborate disguising shenanigans. Mind you, the Al-Nustra savages are what Washington has been calling, “the moderate opposition” for a while now. These are the same Wahhabi thugs that dragged the lifeless body of a female Russian humanitarian helicopter pilot, simply known as Natasha in social media circles, several months ago in the dusty streets of Idlib in northwestern Syria.

But make no mistake. There is no overall convergence within Pentagon when it comes to these complex, covert policies carried through by Black Ops. We have first-hand knowledge that there are extremely infuriated top brass, rank-and-file within the highest echelons of power at the Pentagon who are disgusted [even to the point of mutiny] about this new role that the US Air Force is now being forced to play. Because of the utterly failed policies of this administration, there is a general Obama fatigue at the Pentagon and the mere thought of an Obama regime continuation via Hillary Clinton is quite irritating to many true patriotic Americans serving their country.

Back to what really took place with that so-called “UN Syrian convoy”, Washington claims the deed was done by the Russian Air Force because they did not want this “help” to get to Aleppo since it still somewhat of a terrorist haven. Nothing could be further from the truth in more way than one!

From what we have deciphered from our intelligent sources, this convoy was never meant to go to the destitute and war-town civilians of Aleppo anyway. These poor souls have become the unfortunate collateral casualties of this horrible soon-to-become six year old criminal conflict in Syria. We are told this convoy was supposed to go straight to ISIS as well as Al-Nusra [which of course is Al-Qaeda 2.0] as well as the FSA defectors, the so-called “Free Syrian Army” which has become quite impotent and sidelined these days. This “aid convoy” was supposed to go to these Jihadi anarchists. It is still unclear what kind of weaponry and military aid was packed in that procession. We are also told the Russians received intelligence from on-the-ground Iranian military attaches about the true nature and intent of this convoy. But ironically it was the Washington and NATO backed ISIS jihadists who attacked this convoy as new evidence (definitive video proof, as in, live Russian drone footage) now clearly demonstrates.

Naturally, Washington may contend this is tampered evidence. But our intelligent sources argue that Washington ordered its ISIS and Al-Nusra proxies to attack the convoy in order to cover up and destroy the evidence of the exact content of what was in the convoy. Keep in mind the timing of this covert operation: An attack on a “UN humanitarian convoy” exactly at the time of the UN summit, a conveniently timed distraction away from Washington’s attack on a sovereign nation of Syria, or at least what used to be the sovereign nation of Syria. As usual, Russia and Syria were quickly blamed in the controlled Western media without any evidence and proof whatsoever.

Although US Secretary of State John Kerry insisted that an agreement was reached with Russia beforehand to let this convoy go through because of the supposed ceasefire, yet in reality the very nature of the ceasefire was violated by using the ceasefire lag time to send supplies to Washington and NATO backed ISIS Jihadists.

Washington, on the other hand, contends that once the Russians realized [vis-à-vis their Iranian and Syrian allies] that this was not just a regular aid convoy, they decided to make a tactical decision and take it out. In other words, putting the blame squarely on Russia while in essence it was the Jihadists all along who did the deed. All the farce that we witnessed at the emergency meeting of the UN Security Council was nothing but theatrics between Secretary Kerry and Foreign Minister Lavrov, with Mr. Kerry clearly as the wining lead actor for an Oscar Award performance.

Nevertheless, the question remains: Can there ever be a diplomatic resolution to this horrible war that is now entering its sixth year? My analytical answer to this question is this: I don't believe Washington and NATO ever wanted [or would want] a peaceful solution. The ultimate goal of NATO has been to spread maximum chaos and anarchy, much in the same manner as in Iraq since 2003 and then in Libya since 2011. They were so emboldened after their successful crimes in Libya that they decided to export this savagery to Syria literally in the same year – the now infamous year of 2011. These were all part of their contrived and imposed doom-and-gloom 2012 evil prophecies. You have to keep in mind that these people are part of a pure Luciferaian death cult, a cult that creates contrived chaos in order to solicit and manufacture consent in order to implement its so-called “solutions”. In other words, Ordo ab Chao which is the slogan of the 33rd degree Freemasonry – meaning “order out of chaos” – their “order” out of their own chaos! That well pre-planned Ordo ab Chao strategy has now been clearly delayed, thanks to NAM (the Non-Aligned Movement) spearheaded by Russia, Iran, and Syria along with their Iraqi and Lebanese regional allies.

The definition of insanity, Albert Einstein taught us, is repeating the same action but expecting a different outcome. It would be pure irrational naiveté (at best) to still assume Washington and NATO also seek a political solution, no matter how much the Russians and Iranians would solicit for some kind of a political settlement to this crisis. And if Secretary Clinton gets into office which morbidly seems likely, you can bet to expect the same kind of shenanigans that the Obama Administration has been carrying on for the past eight years.

I think Washington and NATO have clearly and consistently demonstrated, especially in the last bombing of the Syrian soldiers, that they are least interested in peace. They absurdly believe that the prolonging of this bloody war in Syria [which is already spilling across the Middle East via geo-sectarianism] is somehow in their advantage which by the way I don't see how, other than the fact that by blaming it on some technical pilot error is buying them more time (as has been the exact policy all along), at the expense of hundreds of thousands of dead Syrians and millions of impoverished refugees across the Middle East (in Turkey and Jordan in particular) as well as throughout Europe.

I think the Russians and the Iranians have been too patient and accommodating in this conflict than they should be, not that triggering World War III should EVER become an option for Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) nations. Clearly, we should never play into the hand of the death cult, Illuminati, Freemasonic power structure. It is them with a blood lust to trigger World War III. Not only has it become crystal clear to the awake and alert masses of the world that Washington and NATO do not want a political settlement, but that they have become shamelessly emboldened to continue their diabolic regime change policies. The overthrow of President Bashar Al-Assad’s government (at any cost) has become a last ditch effort in the continuation of this illegal and failed policy which of course goes against every international law. Make no mistake. This does not imply whatsoever that Bashar Assad or Saddam Hussein or Moammar Gadhafi, et al. were “the good guys” or even benevolent dictators. Nobody in their right mind could defend their brutal and heavy-handed methodologies. These were ruthless despots. But that does not warrant the West’s idiotic adventurisms in the Middle East which have clearly proved to be EXPONENTIALLY more genocidal than anything those petty dictators ever mustered. This is an undisputed fact. Any other argument would be pathetically delusional and ignorantly invalid.

A recent precedent to such illegal, Washington and NATO-imposed regime change (all under the disguise of “human rights” or “democracy” or exaggerated charges of genocide) goes back to the early 1990s when NATO attacked and overthrew Slobodan Milošević, the Yugoslav and Serbian President of Serbia from 1989 to 1997 and President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia from 1997 to 2000, again not a saint of any sort. I must vehemently emphasize that. The 1990s multi-phased NATO military operations against the already-disintegrating Yugoslavia set a very dangerous and reckless precedent that set the course of behavior which we are still suffering from, this time the balkanization project of Syria which is just a small step in the grand balkanization and the remapping of the entire Middle East vis-à-vis The Bernard Lewis Plan which in essence aims to not just set the Middle East aflame but the entire world!

At any rate, it has become quite self-evident that Washington and NATO are on what seems like a never-ending binge of regime change delusions, not just in Middle East but as we have seen in Ukraine, Venezuela, and even the powerful BRICS nation of Brazil, by using the pretexts of human rights, democracy, fiscal and political corruption, etc. – all of which we are desperately lacking here in the United States.

In Middle East, their evil flagship experiment has been successful in countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen. But in Syria, due to Russia and Iran’s strong stances – if it continues to be implemented responsibly – this could result into a major ideological [and military] defeat for the West in creating and spreading their viral chaos and anarchy. What becomes of Syria, albeit already decimated, is absolutely crucial. That is why Washington is dead set against any political resolution there, because such consensus would be an admittance of their failed policies going all the way back to the 1990s in Yugoslavia and the demolition of their carefully scrutinized Middle East remapping project.

The ISIS/ Al-Nusra attack on the Syrian UN convoy (which intelligent sources now believe was a convoy to Al-Nusra-ISIS coalition ironically destroyed at the hands of the same Wahhabi savages) exemplify the complex treachery of war in general, especially in such a young and vibrant human resource and rich natural resource region such as the Middle East.

Never has it been more crucial and necessary for the Ordo ab Chao death cult to be embarrassingly defeated as it should be in the Middle East – the epicenter and their diabolic testing ground for the eventual enslavement of humanity. If such defeat doesn’t happen, no one would be safe and this evil and hegemonic agenda of brutal and bloody regime change would only go on-and-on to the point of viral non-containment. If that ever happens, we would then arrive at the wide-open gates of hell, as in a precipice to World War III and the definitive obliteration of the human race as we know it.
Does Iran want a peaceful solution for this? And no, pushing your agenda at 100% through is not a peaceful diplomatic solution.

I personally have no problem with Assad. Syria needs a brutal tyrant who keeps the country together.

But Assad cant be that tyrant. His authority is broken apart and cant be reestablished.

Italia has a simple approach. We dont care about human rights outside our borders. I personally couldn´t care less if Iranians hang oppossition. We do business. You dont interfer in our interests and vice versa. We always went by that approach. We dont apply our own high standards on others.

I was in Iran last year. I enjoyed it there. People were nice to me. The nature was awesome.

I was my my father in Libya in 2008. I was a teenager then and loved it there

Problem with Assad is, that he has no authority left. His country will always be in chaos because many dont accept his ttyranny and he lacks the power to reestablish it.

We need a similar approach like egypt. A new tyrant. One that can be accepted by iran as well as by russia and europe.

When you blame NATO you do injustice. Italy protected Gaddafi many years. This went so far that he was warned by our then PM when the americans started bombardmenets in the 80th. But i know the power of my nation is not without limits. When a certain point of pressure is reached, we could not hold our protection up any longer.

Another nation with reason is Germany. Germany holds more power than Italy. I admitt this. And that Assad is still in power is mostly because german chancellor Merkel blocked evry US plan to deliver heavy weapons to islamist rebels in syria. Merkel also voted against bombardment of Libya.

Whats the result? Both Italy and Germany get punished by some circles in USA. You think the VW issue and the spying on Merkel or the massive law suits against german banks for their Iran Business is for nothing?

Italy too got punished. as our corporations are attacked.

So how can you say NATO, when in reality its just USA and UK?

P.s.: Your article is wrong regarding brazil. I have many brazilian friends. All hated Dilma and her absolute corruption and incompetence.

Same counts for Venezuela. Maduro ruins Venezuela by himself.
Does Iran want a peaceful solution for this? And no, pushing your agenda at 100% through is not a peaceful diplomatic solution.

I personally have no problem with Assad. Syria needs a brutal tyrant who keeps the country together.

But Assad cant be that tyrant. His authority is broken apart and cant be reestablished.

Italia has a simple approach. We dont care about human rights outside our borders. I personally couldn´t care less if Iranians hang oppossition. We do business. You dont interfer in our interests and vice versa. We always went by that approach. We dont apply our own high standards on others.

I was in Iran last year. I enjoyed it there. People were nice to me. The nature was awesome.

I was my my father in Libya in 2008. I was a teenager then and loved it there

Problem with Assad is, that he has no authority left. His country will always be in chaos because many dont accept his ttyranny and he lacks the power to reestablish it.

We need a similar approach like egypt. A new tyrant. One that can be accepted by iran as well as by russia and europe.

When you blame NATO you do injustice. Italy protected Gaddafi many years. This went so far that he was warned by our then PM when the americans started bombardmenets in the 80th. But i know the power of my nation is not without limits. When a certain point of pressure is reached, we could not hold our protection up any longer.

Another nation with reason is Germany. Germany holds more power than Italy. I admitt this. And that Assad is still in power is mostly because german chancellor Merkel blocked evry US plan to deliver heavy weapons to islamist rebels in syria. Merkel also voted against bombardment of Libya.

Whats the result? Both Italy and Germany get punished by some circles in USA. You think the VW issue and the spying on Merkel or the massive law suits against german banks for their Iran Business is for nothing?

Italy too got punished. as our corporations are attacked.

So how can you say NATO, when in reality its just USA and UK?

P.s.: Your article is wrong regarding brazil. I have many brazilian friends. All hated Dilma and her absolute corruption and incompetence.

Same counts for Venezuela. Maduro ruins Venezuela by himself.
At any rate, it has become quite self-evident that Washington and NATO are on what seems like a never-ending binge of regime change delusions, not just in Middle East but as we have seen in Ukraine, Venezuela, and even the powerful BRICS nation of Brazil, by using the pretexts of human rights, democracy, fiscal and political corruption, etc. – all of which we are desperately lacking here in the United States.
At any rate, it has become quite self-evident that Washington and NATO are on what seems like a never-ending binge of regime change delusions, not just in Middle East but as we have seen in Ukraine, Venezuela, and even the powerful BRICS nation of Brazil, by using the pretexts of human rights, democracy, fiscal and political corruption, etc. – all of which we are desperately lacking here in the United States.

How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
All of NATO countries whose airforce have joined the war in Syria either have targeted the anti ISIS forces or have threatened to fire at them, U.S, U.K, Australia, France, Turkey. and the rest have a supporting role.

talking about corruption, are current Ukrainian politicians (with corruption records) any better than the previous ones? wanna talk about corruption in U.S and its allies(dictatorships)? why there is not any coup in there? the answer is because coups are american plots for overthrowing anti U.S politicians.

Are you suggesting that You or Americans care about Venezuelans more than themselves?!
whatever Maduro is, he is hundreds times better than pro American politicians, who in a blink of eye will sell their resources to west and open their market for them to destroy the domestic productions.

also you don't make deals with Ayatollahs, unless uncle SAM allows you. the past years is the best proof.

Ungrateful Khamenai clowns. NATO made thousands softies against ISIS saving ur butts.
I'm wondering what's the higher? number of anti ISIS forces whom were killed by NATO forces supposedly by mistake or the number of killed ISIS forces.
All of NATO countries whose airforce have joined the war in Syria either have targeted the anti ISIS forces or have threatened to fire at them, U.S, U.K, Australia, France, Turkey. and the rest have a supporting role.

talking about corruption, are current Ukrainian politicians (with corruption records) any better than the previous ones? wanna talk about corruption in U.S and its allies(dictatorships)? why there is not any coup in there? the answer is because coups are american plots for overthrowing anti U.S politicians.

Are you suggesting that You or Americans care about Venezuelans more than themselves?!
whatever Maduro is, he is hundreds times better than pro American politicians, who in a blink of eye will sell their resources to west and open their market for them to destroy the domestic productions.

also you don't make deals with Ayatollahs, unless uncle SAM allows you. the past years is the best proof.
We don't make deals with Ayatollahs, because we don't like them,
and hardly anyone else like them as well, including many Iranians.
I'm wondering what's the higher? number of anti ISIS forces whom were killed by NATO forces supposedly by mistake or the number of killed ISIS forces.
Before US intervened your Khamenai terrorists were running from ISIS leaving their boots. Once US came it everything turned around. Ungrateful pathetic clowns.
We don't make deals with Ayatollahs, because we don't like them,
and hardly anyone else like them as well, including many Iranians.
The only thing which affects your trades is profit and nothing else. you better to look at the amount of your trades with us, genius!
How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
That's 100% right. USA is bombing Syrian army to help ISIS :
BREAKING: US Bombs Syrian Army Position at Deir Ezzor
September 17th, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
- combined reports - by J. Flores -

Updated at 10:05 pm UTC - The US used phosphorous bombs on human targets - a war crime. Putin and Lavrov have called an Emergency Session of the UN Security Council

Updated at 7:51 pm UTC

BREAKING – The General Command of the Army and Armed Forces said that US alliance aircrafts targeted a Syrian Arab Army position in al-Tharda Mountain in the surroundings of Deir Ezzor Airport, at 5 PM on Saturday, causing losses in lives and equipment and clearly paved the way for ISIS terrorists to attack the position and take control of it.

“US alliance aircrafts targeted at 5 PM on Saturday a Syrian Arab Army position in al-Tharda Mountain in the surroundings of Deir Ezzor Airport, causing losses in lives and equipment,” the official SANA news agency quoted the General Command as saying.

“This act is a serious and blatant aggression against the Syrian Arab Republic and its army, and constitutes conclusive evidence that the United States and its allies support ISIS and other terrorist organizations,” SANA quoted a Syrian military statement as saying.
“This act reveals the falseness of their claims of fighting terrorism,” it added.
The US-led coalition has yet to comment on the attack.
Confirmed reports were that as many as 65 soldiers were killed in the bombing attack, with over 100 wounded.

This number has just been updated at 7:51 pm UTC to have climbed to nearly 100 killed.
Russia’s official RT news website said the planes were US coalition aircraft that had crossed over from Iraq.
“Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and over 100 injured in the airstrike by the US-led coalition,” it quoted Russia’s Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov as saying, citing information from the Syrian General Command.
“The aircraft which carried out the bombings had entered Syrian airspace from the territory of Iraq. The airstrike against Syrian positions was performed by two F-16 jet fighters and two A-10 support aircraft,” RT quoted the defense ministry in Moscow as saying.
These and similar acts of aggression by the US and of the various terrorist groups operating under the false flag as 'Syrian Opposition', and therefore protected under the terms of the fragile 48-hour ceasefire, are sign that the ceasefire has essentially been ended. The ceasefire was agreed by Russia and the United States and came into force on Monday evening and was extended for another two days on Wednesday.

Syria intended to use the short ceasefire to focus away from Aleppo and turn their attention to cleaning up ISIS positions in other parts of the country. ISIS was not formally protected under the ceasefire. The US attack has essentially provided air cover for ISIS terrorists.

It has just been reported that the Syrian Arab Army has responded by bombing the Daesh (ISIS) positions set to capitalize on the US attack.

The airport serves an important strategic position, the Syrian Arab Army having previously been successful in taking it from ISIS.

Our close contact, Marwa Osman, comments on the brazen attack on RT just moments ago

Before US intervened your Khamenai terrorists were running from ISIS leaving their boots. Once US came it everything turned around. Ungrateful pathetic clowns.
hahaha, keep these lies to yourself Mr Zionist.
when kilometers long columns of your ISIS terrorists were advancing in Iraq, it was just Iran and it's allies who stopped them.
Iraqi Interior Minister: Iran saved our country
How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
Moscow summons Belgian ambassador, presents data on F-16s bombing of Syrian civilians
Published time: 21 Oct, 2016 12:34Edited time: 21 Oct, 2016 13:55
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A Belgian F-16 fighter jet © Eric Vidal / Reuters
a statement.

“The Belgian diplomat [Van Meeuwen] was presented with evidence showing involvement of the Belgian Air Force in the airstrike on the village of Hassadjek. It was also mentioned that detailed info on the technical aspects of the flight of the two F-16 jets had been given to Belgium’s military attaché in Moscow by the Russian Ministry of Defense.”

Read more
Radar data proves Belgian F-16s attacked village near Aleppo, killing 6 - Russia
"This [Friday] afternoon, the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense handed over to the Defense Attaché of the Belgian Embassy in Moscow the alleged evidence designed to show that F-16 jets of the Belgian Air Force are responsible for the airstrike near Aleppo in the early hours of October 18, which resulted in several deaths among civilians. This alleged evidence is a map with the route of the flight allegedly made by Belgian aircraft," a communique posted on the Belgian Ministry of Defense website said.

"The numbers of the identification friend-or-foe system, which are marked on the map and which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, are assigned to the Belgian aircraft, are incorrect and in no way are the numbers of the Belgian Air Force aircraft," the document says.

Brussels is using “worthless excuses” in an attempt to divert public attention from the airstrike on the Syrian village, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

"Attempts by the Belgian Defense Minister [Steven Vandeput] to divert public attention from the tragedy, using obviously worthless excuses, causes profound confusion. It speaks of either Mr Vandeput’s misunderstanding of the document provided by Russia, or the desire of the US Armed Forces Central Command, responsible for providing targeting data to aircraft of the international coalition in Syria, to evade responsibility for the death of six Syrian civilians, killed in the airstrike,” Konashenkov told journalists.

Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Didier Vanderhasselt told Interfax on Friday the ministry is not yet aware of the content of its ambassador’s conversation with Russia’s deputy foreign minister, and is waiting for the results of the meeting. “We maintain dialogue with the Russian side, we need to know exactly what was said at this meeting,” he added.

"We are also surprised by the fact that we have not been provided with the data before," Vanderhasselt is cited as saying by Interfax. "Our military gave all the explanations to the military attaché of the Russian Embassy in Belgium yesterday [Thursday] morning," he added.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday that Brussels’ obstinate denial of involvement shows that Belgian Defense Minister Steven Vandeput is either “deliberately deceiving people in Belgium and around the world, or his subordinates and the Americans are lying to the leadership of Belgium.”

The airstrike on the village of Hassadjek in Syria’s Aleppo province reportedly killed six civilians on Tuesday.

According to Konashenkov, the two Belgian F-16s were immediately identified by Russian and Syrian air defense radar and all of their movements were tracked.

“Every aircraft type has a unique identifiable signature,” he noted.

The warplanes, which had flown in from the Muwaffaq Salti Airbase in Jordan, delivered their night strike on the village at 00:35 GMT, about two hours after takeoff, leaving six civilians dead and four injured, the general said. Russia tracked the flight of the two planes from Jordan to Iraq and Syria, as well as their meeting with a US KC-135 tanker, which refueled them over the Deir ez-Zor area, Konashenkov said, adding that the US-led coalition hadn’t informed Russia about the Belgian flights.


How can you bring NATO in, whe most of its member states opposse anything like that?

As for Brazil and Venezuela...the people in Venezuela have no food. Are you aware about conditions in Venezuela?

Do you think Maduro is a good president?

Are you aware about the corruption in brazil? all my friends from brazil wanted Dilma go. When brazilians get sick from their pathetic government its their right to do so.

My own country gives a shit about human rights in other countries. Who are we to judge?

We dealed perfectly with the Shah and we make nice deals with the Ayatollah.
Australian jets involved in US-led air strike which killed dozens of Syrian soldiers, Defence confirms
Updated 18 Sep 2016, 6:56pm

PHOTO: An RAAF Super Hornet in the sky over Iraq. The RAAF gave no details of the planes involved in the operation(Australian Defence Force: Sgt Pete)
RELATED STORY: Odds stacked against lasting peace with Syria ceasefire
RELATED STORY: Besieged Syrian kids play on swings made of rockets
RELATED STORY: Video shows Syria strike chaos as ceasefire deadline looms
MAP: Syrian Arab RepublicPHOTO: US-led aircraft killed dozens of Syrian troops in the attack (Reuters)
The US military and Australia's Defence Department said the attack was called off after Russia informed the coalition that Syrian military personnel and vehicles may have been hit.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said in an emailed statement that Russian officials did not voice concerns earlier on Saturday when informed that coalition aircraft would be operating in the strike area.

Digesting the Syrian ceasefire deal

Despite a breakthrough peace deal in Syria, after five years of war each side is sceptical of the other's willingness to adhere to a ceasefire, Middle East correspondent Sophie McNeill writes.
The 15-member United Nations Security Council met after Russia demanded an emergency session to discuss the incident and accused the US-led coalition of jeopardising the Syria deal and helping Islamic State.

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, chastised Russia for the move.

"Russia really needs to stop the cheap point-scoring and the grandstanding and the stunts and focus on what matters, which is implementation of something we negotiated in good faith with them," Ms Power said.

When asked if the incident spelled the end of the Syria deal between Moscow and Washington, Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said: "This is a very big question mark."

"I would be very interested to see how Washington is going to react. If what Ambassador Power has done today (Sunday) is any indication of their possible reaction then we are in serious trouble," Mr Churkin said.

Russia says attack helped Islamic State
Russia said the attacks, which allowed Islamic State fighters to briefly overrun a Syrian army position near Deir al-Zor, were evidence that the US was helping the jihadist militants.

Who is fighting who in Syria?

For more than five years, the Syrian people have suffered a catastrophic series of wars that have killed or injured hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions.
"We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world —that the White House is defending Islamic State. Now there can be no doubts about that," the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying.

"Warplanes from the international anti-jihadist coalition carried out four air strikes today (Sunday) against Syrian forces surrounded by IS in the Deir Ezzor air base," a Russian army statement said.

"Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and a hundred others were injured in these strikes.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group gave a toll of 83 soldiers killed, and said the strikes were US-led coalition raids.

Military airport has been scene of fierce fighting
PHOTO: The Russian military said A-10 jets were among those which carried out the attack. (Reuters: Ints Kalnins)
Coordination between the US, which backs some Syrian rebels, and the Russian military, which backs the Syrian government, is a controversial issue.

Russia has long insisted on it and, if the ceasefire brokered by the two nations holds, the two nations are supposed to start coordinating attacks on Islamic State.

Russia says the incident is evidence the US has stubbornly refused to coordinate so far.

But the US says the coalition did inform Russia of the forthcoming strike.

Syria's army has been fighting off a fierce Islamic State offensive around the Deir al-Zor airport since last year.

The IS-linked Amaq news agency said coalition strikes also hit Islamic State positions around the airport, while there were also reports of Russian planes bombing Islamic State targets..

Situation worsening, says Russian general
Russian military officials meanwhile lashed out at both the United States and mainstream rebels over the ceasefire struck last week in Geneva.

"The situation in Syria is worsening," said Russian General Vladimir Savchenko in a briefing.

The ceasefire has so far lasted five days.

Under the US-Russia deal, if the truce lasts seven days and humanitarian access is granted, Moscow and Washington are to work together to target jihadists including IS.

"Russia is exerting all possible effort to restrain (Syrian) government troops from returning fire," Senior Army General Viktor Poznikhir said.

"If the American side does not take the necessary measures to carry out its obligations... a breakdown of the ceasefire will be on the United States."

In a statement, the Russian defence ministry accused what it termed "moderate rebels" of causing the ceasefire to fail.

PHOTO: Syrian government soldiers walk in the damaged al-Farafira souk in the government-held side of Aleppo.(AFP:Youssef Karwashan)

Western air force is directly protecting ISIS militants by attacking Syrian army's positions.
hahaha, keep these lies to yourself Mr Zionist.
when kilometers long columns of your ISIS terrorists were advancing in Iraq, it was just Iran and it's allies who stopped them.
Iraqi Interior Minister: Iran saved our country
So called Iraqi government are Khamenai puppets, ungrateful like all other Khamenaists.

Iran was sending wave after wave hundreds of thousands trying to take Basra. They did it for 8 years and could not advance 1 cm. Then Americans came and took entire Iraq in 2 weeks.

You guys fled from ISIS leaving boots. Everyone remembers it.

Moscow summons Belgian ambassador, presents data on F-16s bombing of Syrian civilians
Published time: 21 Oct, 2016 12:34Edited time: 21 Oct, 2016 13:55
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A Belgian F-16 fighter jet © Eric Vidal / Reuters
a statement.

“The Belgian diplomat [Van Meeuwen] was presented with evidence showing involvement of the Belgian Air Force in the airstrike on the village of Hassadjek. It was also mentioned that detailed info on the technical aspects of the flight of the two F-16 jets had been given to Belgium’s military attaché in Moscow by the Russian Ministry of Defense.”

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Radar data proves Belgian F-16s attacked village near Aleppo, killing 6 - Russia
"This [Friday] afternoon, the Russian Federation Ministry of Defense handed over to the Defense Attaché of the Belgian Embassy in Moscow the alleged evidence designed to show that F-16 jets of the Belgian Air Force are responsible for the airstrike near Aleppo in the early hours of October 18, which resulted in several deaths among civilians. This alleged evidence is a map with the route of the flight allegedly made by Belgian aircraft," a communique posted on the Belgian Ministry of Defense website said.

"The numbers of the identification friend-or-foe system, which are marked on the map and which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, are assigned to the Belgian aircraft, are incorrect and in no way are the numbers of the Belgian Air Force aircraft," the document says.

Brussels is using “worthless excuses” in an attempt to divert public attention from the airstrike on the Syrian village, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Major-General Igor Konashenkov said on Friday.

"Attempts by the Belgian Defense Minister [Steven Vandeput] to divert public attention from the tragedy, using obviously worthless excuses, causes profound confusion. It speaks of either Mr Vandeput’s misunderstanding of the document provided by Russia, or the desire of the US Armed Forces Central Command, responsible for providing targeting data to aircraft of the international coalition in Syria, to evade responsibility for the death of six Syrian civilians, killed in the airstrike,” Konashenkov told journalists.

Belgian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Didier Vanderhasselt told Interfax on Friday the ministry is not yet aware of the content of its ambassador’s conversation with Russia’s deputy foreign minister, and is waiting for the results of the meeting. “We maintain dialogue with the Russian side, we need to know exactly what was said at this meeting,” he added.

"We are also surprised by the fact that we have not been provided with the data before," Vanderhasselt is cited as saying by Interfax. "Our military gave all the explanations to the military attaché of the Russian Embassy in Belgium yesterday [Thursday] morning," he added.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman General Igor Konashenkov said on Thursday that Brussels’ obstinate denial of involvement shows that Belgian Defense Minister Steven Vandeput is either “deliberately deceiving people in Belgium and around the world, or his subordinates and the Americans are lying to the leadership of Belgium.”

The airstrike on the village of Hassadjek in Syria’s Aleppo province reportedly killed six civilians on Tuesday.

According to Konashenkov, the two Belgian F-16s were immediately identified by Russian and Syrian air defense radar and all of their movements were tracked.

“Every aircraft type has a unique identifiable signature,” he noted.

The warplanes, which had flown in from the Muwaffaq Salti Airbase in Jordan, delivered their night strike on the village at 00:35 GMT, about two hours after takeoff, leaving six civilians dead and four injured, the general said. Russia tracked the flight of the two planes from Jordan to Iraq and Syria, as well as their meeting with a US KC-135 tanker, which refueled them over the Deir ez-Zor area, Konashenkov said, adding that the US-led coalition hadn’t informed Russia about the Belgian flights.


Australian jets involved in US-led air strike which killed dozens of Syrian soldiers, Defence confirms
Updated 18 Sep 2016, 6:56pm

PHOTO: An RAAF Super Hornet in the sky over Iraq. The RAAF gave no details of the planes involved in the operation(Australian Defence Force: Sgt Pete)
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MAP: Syrian Arab RepublicPHOTO: US-led aircraft killed dozens of Syrian troops in the attack (Reuters)
The US military and Australia's Defence Department said the attack was called off after Russia informed the coalition that Syrian military personnel and vehicles may have been hit.

Pentagon press secretary Peter Cook said in an emailed statement that Russian officials did not voice concerns earlier on Saturday when informed that coalition aircraft would be operating in the strike area.

Digesting the Syrian ceasefire deal

Despite a breakthrough peace deal in Syria, after five years of war each side is sceptical of the other's willingness to adhere to a ceasefire, Middle East correspondent Sophie McNeill writes.

The 15-member United Nations Security Council met after Russia demanded an emergency session to discuss the incident and accused the US-led coalition of jeopardising the Syria deal and helping Islamic State.

The US ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, chastised Russia for the move.

"Russia really needs to stop the cheap point-scoring and the grandstanding and the stunts and focus on what matters, which is implementation of something we negotiated in good faith with them," Ms Power said.

When asked if the incident spelled the end of the Syria deal between Moscow and Washington, Russia's UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said: "This is a very big question mark."

"I would be very interested to see how Washington is going to react. If what Ambassador Power has done today (Sunday) is any indication of their possible reaction then we are in serious trouble," Mr Churkin said.

Russia says attack helped Islamic State
Russia said the attacks, which allowed Islamic State fighters to briefly overrun a Syrian army position near Deir al-Zor, were evidence that the US was helping the jihadist militants.

Who is fighting who in Syria?

For more than five years, the Syrian people have suffered a catastrophic series of wars that have killed or injured hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions.

"We are reaching a really terrifying conclusion for the whole world —that the White House is defending Islamic State. Now there can be no doubts about that," the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying.

"Warplanes from the international anti-jihadist coalition carried out four air strikes today (Sunday) against Syrian forces surrounded by IS in the Deir Ezzor air base," a Russian army statement said.

"Sixty-two Syrian soldiers were killed and a hundred others were injured in these strikes.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group gave a toll of 83 soldiers killed, and said the strikes were US-led coalition raids.

Military airport has been scene of fierce fighting
PHOTO: The Russian military said A-10 jets were among those which carried out the attack. (Reuters: Ints Kalnins)
Coordination between the US, which backs some Syrian rebels, and the Russian military, which backs the Syrian government, is a controversial issue.

Russia has long insisted on it and, if the ceasefire brokered by the two nations holds, the two nations are supposed to start coordinating attacks on Islamic State.

Russia says the incident is evidence the US has stubbornly refused to coordinate so far.

But the US says the coalition did inform Russia of the forthcoming strike.

Syria's army has been fighting off a fierce Islamic State offensive around the Deir al-Zor airport since last year.

The IS-linked Amaq news agency said coalition strikes also hit Islamic State positions around the airport, while there were also reports of Russian planes bombing Islamic State targets..

Situation worsening, says Russian general
Russian military officials meanwhile lashed out at both the United States and mainstream rebels over the ceasefire struck last week in Geneva.

"The situation in Syria is worsening," said Russian General Vladimir Savchenko in a briefing.

The ceasefire has so far lasted five days.

Under the US-Russia deal, if the truce lasts seven days and humanitarian access is granted, Moscow and Washington are to work together to target jihadists including IS.

"Russia is exerting all possible effort to restrain (Syrian) government troops from returning fire," Senior Army General Viktor Poznikhir said.

"If the American side does not take the necessary measures to carry out its obligations... a breakdown of the ceasefire will be on the United States."

In a statement, the Russian defence ministry accused what it termed "moderate rebels" of causing the ceasefire to fail.

PHOTO: Syrian government soldiers walk in the damaged al-Farafira souk in the government-held side of Aleppo.(AFP:Youssef Karwashan)

Western air force is directly protecting ISIS militants by attacking Syrian army's positions.
Stop spamming forum with Russian moronic propaganda. They are pathological liars.
So called Iraqi government are Khamenai puppets, ungrateful like all other Khamenaists.

Iran was sending wave after wave hundreds of thousands trying to take Basra. They did it for 8 years and could not advance 1 cm. Then Americans came and took entire Iraq in 2 weeks.

You guys fled from ISIS leaving boots. Everyone remembers it.
you couldn't help yourself but to refer to after revolution which Iran didn't have any power while Saddam was being supported by the whole world. actually it was your own puppet who couldn't even capture 1 cm of Iranian soil.

the past is past, now see how you call the Iraq's government as Iranian puppet, see how Iranian and Iraqis are annihilating your beloved terrorists.

those who escape from battlefield are your special forces when meet a Palestinian fighter. keep building the walls around yourself, that's the way for you to stay alive a little longer.
All of NATO countries whose airforce have joined the war in Syria either have targeted the anti ISIS forces or have threatened to fire at them, U.S, U.K, Australia, France, Turkey. and the rest have a supporting role.

talking about corruption, are current Ukrainian politicians (with corruption records) any better than the previous ones? wanna talk about corruption in U.S and its allies(dictatorships)? why there is not any coup in there? the answer is because coups are american plots for overthrowing anti U.S politicians.

Are you suggesting that You or Americans care about Venezuelans more than themselves?!
whatever Maduro is, he is hundreds times better than pro American politicians, who in a blink of eye will sell their resources to west and open their market for them to destroy the domestic productions.

also you don't make deals with Ayatollahs, unless uncle SAM allows you. the past years is the best proof.

I'm wondering what's the higher? number of anti ISIS forces whom were killed by NATO forces supposedly by mistake or the number of killed ISIS forces.

what domestic products? Venezuela produces nothing anymore. The only product avaivable there right now is diet coke. Do you realize whats going on there? Do you realize that Maduro is a former bus driver who now crashs one of the richest nations under the sun at the wall? People starve there and have no food. They dont even produce sugar anymore because Chavez crushed all that and depended alone on oil. He installed a fee beer dor evryone policy that now collapses.

My brazilian friends hate Dilma and her socialist crooks. Should they first ask Iran for agreement to remover her from power? Its their country. The last thing brazilians need is iranian advice.

So since you talk about diplomacy so much, whats your solution? Because Assad will never be accepted in the west. Its obvious you cant push him into a role he cant fullfill anymore.

Even russia said Assad has no future as president in syria.


Because Russia wants a stable syria and knows pretty much that it needs western acceptance in the end.
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