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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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Afghans are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless people. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.

i dont think you guys and your gov is any better than us, most of the above can apply to pakistan too(if not all)
^^ he could easily have been speaking about Pakistan in those deductions that he alluded to.
i dont think you guys and your gov is any better than us, most of the above can apply to pakistan too(if not all)

^^ he could easily have been speaking about Pakistan in those deductions that he alluded to.

There are no drug lords in Pakistan, we have a proper judiciary & judiciary system. Our president, no matter how corrupt he is, was elected democratically. You don't even have a government. Despite the US spending over $300 billion to improve the poppy ridden ANA and other law enforcement forces, you have fallen back than gone forward. You start cross border firing on our troops as well, in addition to your guards letting 500 terrorists escape, & shooting 8 US troops at an airport. And to add to the mix, we have to take in 5 million of your Afghan refugees in our country. We've been in far worse situations in our past (1971), these events are a walk in the park, & Pakistan & Pakistanis has always managed to overcome hardships & adversities, & that's the difference between Afghanistan & Pakistan.
has this news been shown on any news channel as well or 're we arguing based on the the only source provided which itself states that no government has confirmed this incident? 'n anyone trying to compare govts on either side should seriously clear up some facts. Afghanistan is a country in war which obviously 'll be troubled, falling way behind many countries, 'n in need of alot of time to heal. all these things such as weapons, bombs etc never was part of Afghanistan nor was drugs export their main source of income. this is what war brought upon them 'n every person aware of facts know how weapons got into Afghanistan in first place... both countries 're responsible for their own miseries 'n both countries had their chances to be friends but both countries messed it up, there's no if's and but's attached to facts. now lets not be ridiculous and blame both troubles going in both Afghanistan 'n in Pakistan on Afghanistan, thats just ignorance to its core. even Afghanistan at one time was a happy place, a place people had rather stable lives. Pakistan govt had its chances to leave a positive infleunce on Afghanistan to which the govt didnt take any advantage of. Afghan govt aint less where many politicians kept striving for foreign support in order to overthrow their own govt, no wonder no govt over past few decades didnt last for long, nor 'll. esp seeing the Tajeks ruling the north like a bunch of donkeys 'n all they do is hate on everythin' 'n everyone. but Afghan Pathans as people, since I grew up amongst Afghans, I know what kind of people they 're 'n thats why I can smell the lies coming from many members here. Pathans esp 're no different than Pathans of Pakistan 'n I would love to see anyone else claiming otherwise? the sooner we deal with facts the better for both of us.
, nor 'll. esp seeing the Tajeks ruling the north like a bunch of donkeys 'n all they do is hate on everythin' 'n everyone.

Ghamai wrora, trust me we are not donkeys, we are as human as you guys are. I agree with most part of your post though.
My question is why should US sell stuffs to Pak in the first place. Do you think a few billion $$ makes any difference to them?? I find pakistan very vulnerable out side US umbrella, very vulnerable. US has been your mentor in every field since the 60s- defence, foreign policy etc. The chinese may be powerful but nowhere near to US when comes to exerting influence

again mate f16 is no longer the most imp AC in PAF ,it is useless against the PAK FA ur future fighter,now to counter it can we get f35 or f22 ....u tell me. but do we have the probablity to get a stealth AC frm china ...or a JV ..HELL YES...in a few years F !^ ll become the least IMP AC in paf and than US ll have nothing to ofer us
Duh whatever !!!

Why would I worry about Pakistan facing two enemies rather than just one.

You are happy and we are also happy.

Time to open more consulates in Afghanistan :D

time to bomb these consulates:yahoo:
but Afghan Pathans as people, since I grew up amongst Afghans, I know what kind of people they 're 'n thats why I can smell
the lies coming from many members here.

we can smell the double standard, and lies coming from you too.

Pathans esp 're no different than Pathans of Pakistan 'n I would love to see anyone else claiming otherwise?

many of us pakistanis have claimed otherwise, and we will continue to claim otherwise.

afghan pashtuns are the most violent, racist and ungrateful people i've come across... i'm sure many pakistanis who have interacted with them will agree with me.
Aslamu alikum.
My country men please try to understand the situation and dont play in enemy hands.Afghans what ever they are muslims and our brothers.Enemies of Pakistan and Islam try to create differences b/w two brothers.
If they attack on our post and get kill our soldier we should also do the same.Remember Afghan govt is nothing but just a puppet of west.
And dont mention that we did such such good to Afghans.Remember the hadith of Rasoolallah"when u give some thing to someone give it in a manner that your 2nd hand dont know what your 1st hand given'.Dont fall so low by mentioning small things.
My apologies that my fellow country men use very bad language towards you people.Please understand it that this shity war on terror effects us very badly.and we use the ability to rationalize.

Death to enemies of Pakistan and Islam
Aslamu alikum.
My country men please try to understand the situation and dont play in enemy hands.Afghans what ever they are muslims and our brothers.Enemies of Pakistan and Islam try to create differences b/w two brothers.

People like you shouldn't call yourself Pakistani. What a disgrace you truely are.

and i dont understand what planet pakistanis like you are living on.
No further news may mean that both sides are trying to leave it at that and continue forward and may involve some investigation.
Aslamu alikum.
My country men please try to understand the situation and dont play in enemy hands.Afghans what ever they are muslims and our brothers.Enemies of Pakistan and Islam try to create differences b/w two brothers.
If they attack on our post and get kill our soldier we should also do the same.Remember Afghan govt is nothing but just a puppet of west.
And dont mention that we did such such good to Afghans.Remember the hadith of Rasoolallah"when u give some thing to someone give it in a manner that your 2nd hand dont know what your 1st hand given'.Dont fall so low by mentioning small things.
My apologies that my fellow country men use very bad language towards you people.Please understand it that this shity war on terror effects us very badly.and we use the ability to rationalize.

Death to enemies of Pakistan and Islam

Wa alaikum us salam warahmatullah-e-wabarakatohu

We have been supporting them since few decades, hosting 5 million of them in Pakistan when no one else was accepting them is a living proof of that, we supported them against USSR, we supported them in developing a stable government post-soviet war, we supported them in every aspect of life, hell most of them living in Pakistan have got Pakistani passport and ID cards (i know a few dozens here who came here in UK on OUR passport and applied for asylum claiming to be Afghans).. What else we need to do?? with your logic.. do enlighten us..

What do we get in response to it?? THEIR army attacks us.. thanks mate.. but no thanks.. i cannot agree to you!

@Afghans in Pakistan, You know i am telling you the truth, you know that we have accepted you as brothers.. and by the definition of it.. brothers are PROTECTORS of each other.. WOULD YOU PROVE THAT BY FIGHTING THE INVADERS FROM AFGHANISTAN?
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