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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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This thread is turning into an opportunity for some fools to bash Afghanistan to satisfy their anger, it should be either closed if there are NO more sources or atleast Renamed "Afghanistan Bashing" so the sensible people of the forum can IGNORE them.
What's the point of even talking with someone that in all real terms doesn't even have a government, that has let other countries use its territory as a proxy land for wars? What's the use talking to them when they aren't even in charge of their own destiny, & just like to crib & complain about everything?
And what are you "real terms" for us to qualified as a legitimate gov please enlighten us, oh wise one? Where are your damn proofs that Baloch insurgency is actively operating from Afghanistan? Any proofs on their training camps? if not STFU and get control of a whole region you have lost or leased to Haqqanis in NW.We Afghans are people of honour and if a Baloch or for that matter anybody asks for asylum we will give it to him but there is big difference between giving Asylum and Supporting a proxy.
And what are you "real terms" for us to qualified as a legitimate gov please enlighten us, oh wise one? Where are your damn proofs that Baloch insurgency is actively operating from Afghanistan? Any proofs on their training camps? if not STFU and get control of a whole region you have lost or leased to Haqqanis in NW.We Afghans are people of honour and if a Baloch or for that matter anybody asks for asylum we will give it to him but there is big difference between giving Asylum and Supporting a proxy.

Mr. Abdali, You are such a wise man, but why are you making fool of your self? Even Heard of Wikileaks? In which Your Own Mighty President is saying That we will not hand over brahmdagh bugti despite knowing that he is creating problems for Pakistan?

Should I give you links which tell how your Governor of Nuristan creating problems in Bajaur and Mohmand since 4-5 years? actively helping Faqir Mohammad?

Should i remind you How recently Insurgents crossed from Afghanistan and killed Pakistani Soldeirs in Lower Dir?
everybody who can see a conflict of any sort between the pakistanis and the axis of evil i.e NATO say I!!
Mr. Abdali, You are such a wise man, but why are you making fool of your self? Even Heard of Wikileaks? In which Your Own Mighty President is saying That we will not hand over brahmdagh bugti despite knowing that he is creating problems for Pakistan?
Mr.Genius i have seen the wiki report regarding the Karzai remark, if you could read well perhaps i mentioned the fact that we will give asylum whoever asks for it, its what Afghans do! BUT there is a big difference between giving asylum to an individual,letting him stay as a guest and using him as a proxy, opening training camps and actively supporting his cause which is not the case.He was given asylum and later was transferred to Switzerland, does it mean we support BLA? NO. Is NW under Haqqani control? Yes. Does he have training camps in NW? Yes. Is he responsible for the many deadly attacks including the attempt on Karzai's life? Yes. Does ISI have a soft spot for him? Yes. what do you say about this?
Should i remind you How recently Insurgents crossed from Afghanistan and killed Pakistani Soldeirs in Lower Dir?
Well even more recently hundreds of Talibans crossed over from Pakistan and attacked Police and gov installations in Waigal district of Nuristan, whats the point? The border areas have never been and perhaps never will be under total gov control on both sides, its a geographic reality but the issue which could be resolved and will have direct affect on these activities will be the closure of Training camps in NW and extending your gov sovreignty to these areas.

Could you also please post the proof regarding Nuristan governer supporting Anti Pak forces?
Mr.Genius i have seen the wiki report regarding the Karzai remark, if you could read well perhaps i mentioned the fact that we will give asylum whoever asks for it, its what Afghans do! BUT there is a big difference between giving asylum to an individual,letting him stay as a guest and using him as a proxy, opening training camps and actively supporting his cause which is not the case.He was given asylum and later was transferred to Switzerland, does it mean we support BLA? NO. Is NW under Haqqani control? Yes. Does he have training camps in NW? Yes. Is he responsible for the many deadly attacks including the attempt on Karzai's life? Yes. Does ISI have a soft spot for him? Yes. what do you say about this?

Well even more recently hundreds of Talibans crossed over from Pakistan and attacked Police and gov installations in Waigal district of Nuristan, whats the point? The border areas have never been and perhaps never will be under total gov control on both sides, its a geographic reality but the issue which could be resolved and will have direct affect on these activities will be the closure of Training camps in NW and extending your gov sovreignty to these areas.

Could you also please post the proof regarding Nuristan governer supporting Anti Pak forces?


Where in the article does it say, the governer of Kunar is supporting Faqir Mohammad? Its only claiming that he is recruiting foot soldiers and spies among the militants without specifying his motives, why would he need spies among TTP to spy on TTP itself if he supposedly has an agreement with them? it only adds "governor’s native interlocutors" is apparently supporting TTP. The whole story seems unreliable because TTP is among a long list of enemies the current gov is facing! They have actively participated in attacks in kabul and other areas i can post links to videos where there are TTP and Haqqani militants getting training in NW and then carrying out terrorists attacks in kabul.

Your gov is blaming Kabul for supporting BLA which in my earlier post clarified, however what explainations do you have for Haqqani network? which has never attacked any pak installations or units which kinda exposes their loyalty.
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