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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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The murkier part seems more due to the conflicting reports coming in about the casualities. Earlier it was x afgan and y nato casualities and nothing from the Pakistani side. Now it is totally different and the casualities are only from the Pakistani side and nothing from the ANA. If at all it was Nato and ana attacking then at least the latter version looks more plausible that there were only pakistani casualities.

It is anyway a given that this is an indication to pa and isi of the repurcussions of having bitten more than they could chew over the last couple of months.

From the link about three Pak soldiers killed:

An Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) statement confirmed the death of one Pakistani soldier in the shelling.The statement said three Pakistani soldiers and some civilians were injured in what it termed “unprovoked shelling of the Afghan National Army on Pakistani side of the border”.

I think the paper combined the killings and injuries in the headlines. The rest of the sources have been quite clear.
From the link about three Pak soldiers killed:

I think the paper combined the killings and injuries in the headlines. The rest of the sources have been quite clear.

Yeah, I would agree. There are as many versions as there are pakistani voices on this one. May be if there is a neutral source reporting this, we can see a bit of fact and less of the stories given out by pa and isi.
Bloody Afghans! We helped you so much and you are returning this. :sick: If you cannot live with a peaceful country like Pakistan you will never have any peace in your bloody country. :devil:
Why a freaking fence? Why not a 50 feet wall similar to what the Israelis built and than mine the border behind those walls. Thus any individual who dares cross the border is blown to pieces, this will keep our country safe. This drama has gone on for way to long, i think its about time we secure our Western borders. To bring security to our nation, all Afghan refugees need to be deported and a permanent wall needs to be present there. I have no idea why our policy makers haven't been able to come up with a comprehensive solution for our security.

Exactly. I am sick to see the Pakistani policy makers behaving like a clown. The Afghanistan is the biggest source of terrorism inside Pakistan. Whether it is BLA operating inside Balochistan or TTP in FATA, KP or other parts Pakistan. It is the Afghan land which provides them the most support. How long the Pakistani nation has to pay the price for the non seriousness and incompetency of Pakistani policy makers. I hope they get some shame from some where and do those things which are extremely necessary for the security of Pakistan.
Exactly. I am sick to see the Pakistani policy makers behaving like a clown. The Afghanistan is the biggest source of terrorism inside Pakistan. Whether it is BLA operating inside Balochistan or TTP in FATA, KP or other parts Pakistan. It is the Afghan land which provides them the most support. How long the Pakistani nation has to pay the price for the non seriousness and incompetency of Pakistani policy makers. I hope they get some shame from some where and do those things which are extremely necessary for the security of Pakistan.

Afghans are nuisance. The best way is entering Afghanistan and teach them a lesson.
Bloody Afghans! We helped you so much and you are returning this. :sick: If you cannot live with a peaceful country like Pakistan you will never have any peace in your bloody country. :devil:

Looking at the language on this thread, it is surprising the kind of epithets that Pakistanis use for Afganistan and Afgans. Now to be real, Pakistan's interest in Afganistan's stability is limited only to it being subversive to Pakistani interests. That may not be acceptable to them. So instead of cursing incessantly, why not look at the root cause of the conflict. Afganistan has been on the receiving end of things all these decades and now that they have an opportunity, they want to go for the jugular. Look, I am sure that you will not agree with this, but in my view, the endgame of all that happens in the region in the next years will culminate in Afganistan getting direct access to the Arabian sea either directly or via a new friendly state and Pakistan's stranglehold on it being relieved. Nothing short of that will ensure lasting peace and tranquility in the region. It is the only lasting and responsible solution. These attacks and the border situation will only get worse over the next years. US is not leaving the region before the issue is settled for all times. And before you start talking about ablutioning nukes, please note that that will never be a viable proposition for the sake of pakistani army because the day they do that, they have lost the nation that they have as their toy. Please think about it and respond. You may see some merit in this and at least will get back without the epithets I hope.
Looking at the language on this thread, it is surprising the kind of epithets that Pakistanis use for Afganistan and Afgans. Now to be real, Pakistan's interest in Afganistan's stability is limited only to it being subversive to Pakistani interests. That may not be acceptable to them. So instead of cursing incessantly, why not look at the root cause of the conflict. Afganistan has been on the receiving end of things all these decades and now that they have an opportunity, they want to go for the jugular. Look, I am sure that you will not agree with this, but in my view, the endgame of all that happens in the region in the next years will culminate in Afganistan getting direct access to the Arabian sea either directly or via a new friendly state and Pakistan's stranglehold on it being relieved. Nothing short of that will ensure lasting peace and tranquility in the region. It is the only lasting and responsible solution. These attacks and the border situation will only get worse over the next years. US is not leaving the region before the issue is settled for all times. And before you start talking about ablutioning nukes, please note that that will never be a viable proposition for the sake of pakistani army because the day they do that, they have lost the nation that they have as their toy. Please think about it and respond. You may see some merit in this and at least will get back without the epithets I hope.

You do not have afghan mess. you will not understand anything. you are lucky to have a peaceful country like Pakistan on your border. so shut up.
You do not have afghan mess. you will not understand anything. you are lucky to have a peaceful country like Pakistan on your border. so shut up.

May be somewhere in the course of this discussion you will start responding responsibly. I am hoping of that. Now on the topic, India is as concerned about Afganistan as Pakistan may be. Afganistan is a friendly country to India and have historical ties. So any endgame matrix regarding Afganistan will affect India and hence Indians will be working towards a peaceful lasting solution. The last time, Indians cowed down and we had and IC flight at Kandhar asking for the release of a Pakistani terrorist. For the region to be peaceful, it is necessary that Afganistan is released of the stranglehold that Pakistan thinks of as its birthright and hence even things out so that Pakistan Army stops having wet dreams about the misadventures that it has been so happily indulging in all these years. Pakistan needs to stop short changing Afganistan as it pleases. The incentive to Pakistan to play the devil in Afganistan as it chooses needs to be taken away. Only then will arrive the lasting peace in the region. Instead of asking me to shut up, why don't you speak up?
Exactly. I am sick to see the Pakistani policy makers behaving like a clown. The Afghanistan is the biggest source of terrorism inside Pakistan. Whether it is BLA operating inside Balochistan or TTP in FATA, KP or other parts Pakistan. It is the Afghan land which provides them the most support. How long the Pakistani nation has to pay the price for the non seriousness and incompetency of Pakistani policy makers. I hope they get some shame from some where and do those things which are extremely necessary for the security of Pakistan.

What Afganistan is doing is just telling Pakistan that two can play this game. If Pakistan stops supporting Haqqani and co. from destabilising Afganistan, that may play positively and make Afganistan reward Pakistan in similar vien.
What Afganistan is doing is just telling Pakistan that two can play this game. If Pakistan stops supporting Haqqani and co. from destabilising Afganistan, that may play positively and make Afganistan reward Pakistan in similar vien.

And what Pakistan is doing is telling Afghans that Pakistan is a reality so accept it. . Pakistan has already helped Afghanistan a lot and it is now for Afghanistan to reply in the same manner. It is in their own interest. :)
And what Pakistan is doing is telling Afghans that Pakistan is a reality so accept it. . Pakistan has already helped Afghanistan a lot and it is now for Afghanistan to reply in the same manner. It is in their own interest. :)

Well if by saying that Pakistan is a reality, you are asking them to accept the adventures that you are supporting against them, it will be an exercise in failure. Look at it from their point of view, why should they allow Pakistani hegemony. I mean what exactly is their compulsion of being subversive to Pakistan? And to be real, Pakistan has not helped Afganistan. All the endeavours to this date have been to ensure a subversive Afganistan. How is that helping them?
Well if by saying that Pakistan is a reality, you are asking them to accept the adventures that you are supporting against them, it will be an exercise in failure. Look at it from their point of view, why should they allow Pakistani hegemony. I mean what exactly is their compulsion of being subversive to Pakistan? And to be real, Pakistan has not helped Afganistan. All the endeavours to this date have been to ensure a subversive Afganistan. How is that helping them?

We aren't asking them to be subversive to us. We are asking them to quit the policy of interfering in Pakistan's affairs which they adopted long before Pakistan supported Taliban. We want to them to be happy what they have and to work for it's prosperity. Calling Pakistan a reality is simple. It is a separate country and if Afghans want to live with prosperity they should accept durand line, stop whining about FATA and KP and stop harboring terrorists and rebels against Pakistan. You are saying all this because you don't like Pakistan. But the fact is what we want from Afghanistan is trully justified. Be friendly with Pakistan and we will friendly with you. Or else policy of destabilizing which Afghans practiced right after Pakistan's birth has already destroyed Afghanistan. We want Afghans to behave sensibly. Simple. :)
We aren't asking them to be subversive to us. We are asking them to quit the policy of interfering in Pakistan's affairs which they adopted long before Pakistan supported Taliban. We want to them to be happy what they have and to work for it's prosperity. Calling Pakistan a reality is simple. It is a separate country and if Afghans want to live with prosperity they should accept durand line, stop whining about FATA and KP and stop harboring terrorists and rebels against Pakistan. You are saying all this because you don't like Pakistan. But the fact is what we want from Afghanistan is trully justified. Be friendly with Pakistan and we will friendly with you. Or else policy of destabilizing which Afghans practiced right after Pakistan's birth has already destroyed Afghanistan. We want Afghans to behave sensibly. Simple. :)

Any relevance to the past decades clearly show that Pakistan's sole interest in Afganistan has been to create a subversive government and chaos. A strong Afganistan is not considered by PA in its interest. I totally accept your logic of them being friendly with you. That is the way things should be, but for them to be friendly with you, you need to be reciprocal and stop the misadventures that PA is indulging in Afganistan. It has to be a two way traffic. Pakistan is in no position to dictate or to hold Afganistan to ransom due to its location. Let us understand that clearly, however if Pakistan yields to the prosperity of Afganistan, not only the Afgans but also the international community will appreciate the gesture. In short, Pakistan should stop the dreams of dictating the choices to Afganistan. Regarding the reality, I think it is more important in today's situation for Pakistan to accept Afgans as a reality rather than the other way round. If that is not happening then Afganistan has every right to protect their integrity against any agressors who have nefarious designs against them.
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