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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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The hate being directed to Afghanistan and in some extreme cases Afghans in general is simply a sad reflection upon us. I know many Afghans from every part of Afghanistan and have received nothing but warmth and affection, simply down to the fact that I am of Pakistani origin.

Now I for one don't try to make it out that Afghan sites are any better as I have seen the most disgusting racism being directed at Pakistanis on those forums. I even remember some of them celebrating Pakistan's natural disasters. But then the internet does seem to be bring out the worst in people.

I pray that Afghans and Pakistanis can live alongside each other in harmony. In day to day life, outside the destructive geo political landscape back home they do, so there is clear hope.

As for the attack, this seems to be a worrying escalation and this only just after the recent attack by hundreds of fighters from Afghanistan. Joint patrolling is the way forward.

Perhaps people tend to be more truthful on the internet and the kind hate that most afghans display on the internet against Pakistan is just their true ugly inner hate coming out in the open. Indian sites like bharat rakshak are full of hate spewing indians and visit any afghan forum and its at par if not worse than that garbage dump of an indian forum.

The wider Pakistani public has been very carefully shielded from finding out about the conflict we have had with afghanistan. In our school books were are taught about our conflict with india but not a word about the conflict we have had with afghanistan , that has been carefully tucked away!!

This bull crap cannot go on ... we have call a spade a spade, if an entity walk, talk and acts like the enemy then it IS the enemy!

It very unfortunate that the some people on etnic and religous ( more ethnic ) grounds will molly coddle the enemies of Pakistan.

There are those who are quick to jump in and divert attention away from the animosity that afghans have displayed against Pakistan from DAY ONE!
This same kind of soft spot can be seen in people who migrated from india. Talk about nailing Pakistan's arch enemy into the ground and one can just see them cringe.

We should believe in brotherhood of Muslims but lets not be blind.

On 14th August 1947 , ‘Nazriya-e-Pakistan’ became a reality and that is the only reality for Pakistanis.
Stop derailing this thread kiddo. This is the topic of this thread:

Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

see my earlier posts in this thread and the arguments made by your side. you'll know the reason why off topic content dragged this far
Pakistan is attacked from left and right. Yesterday there was news that firing on Indian side boarder. Today from Afghan side attack.

On top of that there is bombing from above with american Drones and suicide bombing.
after seeing all the pak member's post i found out a few points:
  • they get angry when someone uses the word "aid" but are happy with the word "purchase" as if they paid every cents for the toys
  • they like western toys but they don't want western presence on their land
  • they are the greatest player in afghanistan but they term it as a land of inferiors
  • they see indian hand behind every wrong and injustice to pakistan
after seeing all the pak member's post i found out a few points:
  • they get angry when someone uses the word "aid" but are happy with the word "purchase" as if they paid every cents for the toys
  • they like western toys but they don't want western presence on their land
  • they are the greatest player in afghanistan but they term it as a land of inferiors
  • they see indian hand behind every wrong and injustice to pakistan

All the Pakistani members on this thread, please ignore this troll. He is trying to divert the main topic being discussed on this thread.
after seeing all the pak member's post i found out a few points:
  • they get angry when someone uses the word "aid" but are happy with the word "purchase" as if they paid every cents for the toys
  • they like western toys but they don't want western presence on their land
  • they are the greatest player in afghanistan but they term it as a land of inferiors
  • they see indian hand behind every wrong and injustice to pakistan

aid? usa gives money for war, they gave us about 32 billion dollars, and Pakistan has spent 60 billion on the WoT,

i heard india still gets aid from uk or some where?

n dont try to act like RAW doesn't do anything, every1 knows that they fund terrorists
aid? usa gives money for war, they gave us about 32 billion dollars, and Pakistan has spent 60 billion on the WoT,

i heard india still gets aid from uk or some where?

n dont try to act like RAW doesn't do anything, every1 knows that they fund terrorists

good going!! but tell me why is there a tension between the afghan and the pak side??
Pakistan needs to deploy more troops, and be a bit more aggressive when dealing with the Afghan Army when ever it decides to make a bold move. Once that gets through to the Afghan Army it would think twice before attacking Pakistani troops. I would love the idea of having a fenced border but obviously the great America would have a hissy fit.
Pakistan needs to deploy more troops, and be a bit more aggressive when dealing with the Afghan Army when ever it decides to make a bold move. Once that gets through to the Afghan Army it would think twice before attacking Pakistani troops. I would love the idea of having a fenced border but obviously the great America would have a hissy fit.

Now even the US & NATO troops are starting to get killed by Afghan pilots, on top of guards freeing 500 Taliban fighters in Kandahar. Seems like the Afghans have completely lost their minds.
Now even the US & NATO troops are starting to get killed by Afghan pilots, on top of guards freeing 500 Taliban fighters in Kandahar. Seems like the Afghans have completely lost their minds.

Are afghans fooling us?? Do they really want a change?? or still they are medieval age warlords??
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