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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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thanks, when i say update, i dont mean pakisani side only, anything from afghanisan or nato yet?

As far i know no official response... And from Pakistan the news was on condition of anonymity. So no official news from Pakistan either.
I wish someday you will comment after reading the news...

Afghanistan attacked Pakistan retaliated. Even after this clash or even if we fight a war the role Pakistan played or can play will not change. Indians also call Pakistani lot of things... Actually the one i pointed out was a clash on indo pak border and India will start crying it was a cover up for infiltrators and directly accuse Pakistanis of being a terrorist supporter.

See the problem with you is you drag india's name in every indian's post, how does india even figure out in this clash?? please comment to the point
first thing buddy pak do want a stable afghnistan but what they want is nt in our controle NATO attacked with helos than ANA used shelling.than a hoard of 200 to 300 Ts come frm afghan side and attacked our post now NATO and ANA join forces to attack us and get there a$$ wooped so looking at the record ....well u get my point. secondly india is nt the most imp state in this matter so dont try to drag a troll war ...

ok so please explain why the Nato or the ANA attacked ur troops?? you don't have a enemity with them do you?? i think there might be some misunderstanding between the sides like ISAF chasing talibs into pakistan or something like that
This isnt a fight between pakistan and the people of afghanistan ,its a fight between Pakistan and the anti pakistan Northern alliance or in other words the ANA.As soon as the US/Nato invaders leave ,pakistan and afghanistan will once again be united as brotherly countries.
Pretty routine stuff really, this kind of stuff happens all the time. We set up fences, Afghan soldiers tear it down saying we are trying to keep them from their "Homeland" and then we shoot at each other for a week, hold a border flag meeting, eat Bajauri Gosht and live peacefully until the next incident which could come the next day or never...........
See the problem with you is you drag india's name in every indian's post, how does india even figure out in this clash?? please comment to the point

rofl ... You are asking me to comment to the point.... Sounds really funny
ok so please explain why the Nato or the ANA attacked ur troops?? you don't have a enemity with them do you?? i think there might be some misunderstanding between the sides like ISAF chasing talibs into pakistan or something like that

rite chazin talibs ..mate first in this attack NATO was involved they were given the coordinates of all the PAK check posts which is no secret and if they kney their position than y did they attacked .no sir we r there to provide tham all the assistance thay need .secondly we did not ask them to come near our posts and attack us they did it them selves and by any case if they were even chasing talibs they should have asked us to block their root rathar than sneaking like rats in our land i think no one have the rite to do that ,secondly if u think PAK is helping talibs ask the officers and jawans and they ll tell u the real story...sitting in front of a PC and basshing Pakistan like every one else is easy...get out and get ur facts rite ...i know i do
Don't call their lives as pathetic lives.... No one's life is pathetic... I don't think Afghans hate us Instead if you come out of this internet world you'll find them loving pakistan... There are some internet Afghanis who hate pakistani but in reality Afghanis love pakistan and we love afghanistan.... They have their businesses established here wand many pakistranis are doing business in afghanistan as well... and just because of some you should not abuse the whole afghan nation

Some Afghans hate Pakistan some don't. Those closer to the border don't hate Pakistan I think. But those in the north or the west do.
rite chazin talibs ..mate first in this attack NATO was involved they were given the coordinates of all the PAK check posts which is no secret and if they kney their position than y did they attacked .no sir we r there to provide tham all the assistance thay need .secondly we did not ask them to come near our posts and attack us they did it them selves and by any case if they were even chasing talibs they should have asked us to block their root rathar than sneaking like rats in our land i think no one have the rite to do that ,secondly if u think PAK is helping talibs ask the officers and jawans and they ll tell u the real story...sitting in front of a PC and basshing Pakistan like every one else is easy...get out and get ur facts rite ...i know i do

i never said pakistan army is helping talibs i merely said there might be some misunderstanding thats all. any way this shows there exists a great trust deficit among the coalition and pakistan in this "WoT". also please don't get hyper, i can assure u my thoughts about pakistan are not biased or prejudiced as u may find some others i also keep track on your people's viewpoint so just relax and think rationally. Why ISAF attacked pakistan border posts??
This isnt a fight between pakistan and the people of afghanistan ,its a fight between Pakistan and the anti pakistan Northern alliance or in other words the ANA.As soon as the US/Nato invaders leave ,pakistan and afghanistan will once again be united as brotherly countries.

When were Pakistan and afghanistan ever united as brotherly countries in the first place? wake the hell up already.
PESHAWAR: Three Afghan troops were killed, while two Pakistani soldiers wounded in a clash that ensued with the Afghan National Army’s border violations.

Sources said that Afghan National Army troops near South Waziristan border intruded into the Pakistani side that led to a deadly clash between Pakistani forces with the intruding Afghan troops resulting three Afghan soldiers dead, while two Pakistani forces sustained injuries.

Following the clash Pak-Afghan border and Angoor Adda Bazaar were closed for all sorts of traffic.
i never said pakistan army is helping talibs i merely said there might be some misunderstanding thats all. any way this shows there exists a great trust deficit among the coalition and pakistan in this "WoT". also please don't get hyper, i can assure u my thoughts about pakistan are not biased or prejudiced as u may find some others i also keep track on your people's viewpoint so just relax and think rationally. Why ISAF attacked pakistan border posts??
for the bold part go through all the news westren media is printing even the most minute than come to pakistan for truth ,secondly there is no doubt we dont like coilation ,thae ask us to do more ad dont even pay for the damage they caused they dont look at our achievements or sacrifise which r way more than them.than i m angry nt at u nither at the west but at my leaders so pardon me if i went bezerk,
Some Afghans hate Pakistan some don't. Those closer to the border don't hate Pakistan I think. But those in the north or the west do.

if criticizm means hate then i am the biggest hater of paksitan, and you know what, i dont come from central parts, or north or west, i come from east of the country and an hour drive from pakistani border.
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