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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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for the bold part go through all the news westren media is printing even the most minute than come to pakistan for truth ,secondly there is no doubt we dont like coilation ,thae ask us to do more ad dont even pay for the damage they caused they dont look at our achievements or sacrifise which r way more than them.than i m angry nt at u nither at the west but at my leaders so pardon me if i went bezerk,

if you leave the coalition then no more toys free of cost from the americans. Say bye bye to F-16 and other techs they gave u for support. U can't depend only on the chinese for ur defense can u??
if you leave the coalition then no more toys free of cost from the americans. Say bye bye to F-16 and other techs they gave u for support. U can't depend only on the chinese for ur defense can u??

that is a wrong preception .we have time and again shown that we dont need americans ,also we all know once the no of f 16 nears 100 pak ll not buy any thing else fo many decads as i dont think us ll give us f35 .chinese want us to shift our selves frm us to their side fully and i think that is the best thing to do .china is shouting to help us but we (leaders) ar blinded by the dollar china can do more for pak than us ever could and im not just talking abt the defence.
Afghans are our brothers and the majority doesn't hate us this clash can be a result of a misunderstanding so please guys don't get so emotional RIP to the dead soldiers
It seems the three poor Afghani soldiers lost their way and trolled in to the Pak side, now seeing these three lads the Pak soldiers thought that the TTP are going around, where as the Afghan soldiers thought that its the other Taliban in their territory, and one shot was fired from God knows who, and by the time you know it, the whole game was over.

Now I still think whose fault was it???
But one thing is sure the border aint peaceful..:undecided:
It seems the three poor Afghani soldiers lost their way and trolled in to the Pak side, now seeing these three lads the Pak soldiers thought that the TTP are going around, where as the Afghan soldiers thought that its the other Taliban in their territory, and one shot was fired from God knows who, and by the time you know it, the whole game was over.

Now I still think whose fault was it???
But one thing is sure the border aint peaceful..:undecided:

where do NATO and morter shells fit in story???
Afghans are our brothers and the majority doesn't hate us this clash can be a result of a misunderstanding so please guys don't get so emotional RIP to the dead soldiers

Sorry to say that but- STFU
Afghanis are our enemies- not even afghan refugees living and eating on Pakistani soil loves Pakistan- We should send all of them back-
How pathetic can the Afghan Army get, the government is in shambles and moans on a constant basis using the pity card. Good reply by Pakistani soilders, you come near our territory again and the same consequence will repeat, which is the death of your soilders. Instead of Attacking Pakistan why don't you actually fight the Taliban.
ay bye bye to F-16 and other techs they gave u for support.

Before making such a bold statement, you should do research, because you make your self look foolish, but I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again. We Purchased those F-16s with our own money, do you understand because if you can't, I will break it down for you so that you can comprehend and digest the information. And even if we go by your hypothesis, have you not heard of JF-17 its on par with F-16 so I don't really see how we are dependent on the Americans when are technology is slowly becoming Chinese centric.
These afghanis are thankless bunch of losers- even worst than Indians- We and Indians are open enemies- these afghanis are like termites-
Some times i think it would have been better to leave them on the mercy of brutal Russians-
Afghans are our brothers and the majority doesn't hate us this clash can be a result of a misunderstanding so please guys don't get so emotional RIP to the dead soldiers

Glorious Resolve is right most of the Afghans don't like Pakistani's, they are ungrateful and have used the pity card for too long. They seem to forget we helped them during the 80s. furthermore many of the Afghans in the UK clearly show there dislike of Pakistan, I met them so I would know. The only good thing they do is complain, and less action. President Karzai is delusional and attacks Pakistan, claiming we don't do enough, but just a couple of days ago 300 Taliban escaped from prison, talk about hypocrisy at its best.
If these ****ard Afghan troops could keep a check on all the terrorists that infiltrate from Khost, Kunar, Nuristan; Afghanistan into South Waziristan, Mohmand & Bajaur Agency; Pakistan instead of firing at Pakistani soldiers, things might have been better for both countries.
Afghans are corrupt to the core: the guards aided 500 terrorists to escape from a Kandahar prison, their puppet president gets the support of landlords, the president's family members are drug lords, foreigners running Afghanistan & ruthlessly killing their innocent Afghan civilians; just a pathetic country made up of pathetic, shameless people. That's why Afghanistan has been a war-torn country in its entire history, & will forever be the most under-developed country in the world.
How pathetic can the Afghan Army get, the government is in shambles and moans on a constant basis using the pity card. Good reply by Pakistani soilders, you come near our territory again and the same consequence will repeat, which is the death of your soilders. Instead of Attacking Pakistan why don't you actually fight the Taliban.

There is no Afghan government, it is being run by foreigners.
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