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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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You brought afghanistan with Talibs and you want them to love you.
You brought the americans to them and you want them to love you.
you guys abuse them publicly every where and you want them to love you.

Afghanistan supported rebels against Pakistan long before taliban and USSR invasion and you want us to respect Afghanistan and it's sovereignty.
Afghanistan never accepted Pakistan and it's existence and you want us to not to interfere inside Afghanistan.
Afghanistan remained a hub of Anti Pakistan activities in last 64 years and you want us to act as a saint.

If you want us to do all this even after all the animosity shown by Afghan rulers against Pakistan then sorry we won't do it. We will do everything possible for the defense of Pakistan and that includes anything. Anything.;)
I have a small confusion???

Why did Afghan and NATO attacked pakistani outpost?????
NATO transports it's goods via pakistan,right?
Isn't NATO and Afghan forces work is to attack talibans???
can anyone clear my doubt???

Actually those loosers get frustrated as 600 talibans escape from a prison jail in Afghanistan. lol

Some people asking why Afghans hate Pakistan,....It is because they angry over Pakistan (which was poorest & totally undeveloped piece of land when got indepandance from Britishers) developed rapidly in just 64years & Afghanistan which is centuries old, is worst than somalia.

Can any one tell me why Pakistan authorities not interested in building a wall in such a troubled border? They should start constructing a wall with bunkers & towers & connect those bunkers & towers with each other via underground tunnel. It will solve alot of problems like some foriegn terror intelligence agents who supports anti Pakistan elements will be stopped, taliban moving from Afghanistan to Pakistan will be stopped & NATO & Afghan soilders will be replied back more brutually without Pakistani casuality.Also the drug money & weapons that comes from afghanistan to terrorists in Pakistan will be stopped & Pakistan forces will than find easy to fight & defeat terrorists from FATA.
5 NATO Soldiers and 7 Afghan Soldiers were killed today when Pakistani Forces retaliated to NATO-Afghan attack on a Pakistani Check post in Angoor Adda.

3 Pakistani Soldiers embraced Shahadat and 13 civilians were injured during the attack.
^ Which fights you talking about bro? Apart from political tension there has no official war taken place between both countries, ever. Rather than supporting one side in a war, support in reconciliation between both nations will sound more pleasing and appreciating.
BDW Iam with Afganistan, may you taste victory each time you fight against Pakistan .. may Allah bless you.

Dont worry they are already being helped by Americans and NATO, your support would cost them an embarrassment. DUDS
3 Afghan Soldiers killed and many wounded, not sure if any NATO injuries occurred.

Wasnt this yesterdays pic... what happened in between?

Actually Gilani was trying to hit Karzai on his belly and he pulled his hand away :lol:
has anybody else reported it apart from dawn news? and any update on it?
On one hand people say pakistan has the largest role in establishing a stable afghanistan on the other we see border clashes. What a joke !! and here in this forum pakistanis call afghans as bas**** and animals and lots of stuffs. I don't understand why does pakistan always gets into controversies even without india in the picture.
has anybody else reported it apart from dawn news? and any update on it?

No update... Guess the army don't want the media to get involved. However this issue will be raised with ANA and NATO.
No update... Guess the army don't want the media to get involved. However this issue will be raised with ANA and NATO.

thanks, when i say update, i dont mean pakisani side only, anything from afghanisan or nato yet?
On one hand people say pakistan has the largest role in establishing a stable afghanistan on the other we see border clashes. What a joke !! and here in this forum pakistanis call afghans as bas**** and animals and lots of stuffs. I don't understand why does pakistan always gets into controversies even without india in the picture.

I wish someday you will comment after reading the news...

Afghanistan attacked Pakistan retaliated. Even after this clash or even if we fight a war the role Pakistan played or can play will not change. Indians also call Pakistani lot of things... Actually the one i pointed out was a clash on indo pak border and India will start crying it was a cover up for infiltrators and directly accuse Pakistanis of being a terrorist supporter.
On one hand people say pakistan has the largest role in establishing a stable afghanistan on the other we see border clashes. What a joke !! and here in this forum pakistanis call afghans as bas**** and animals and lots of stuffs. I don't understand why does pakistan always gets into controversies even without india in the picture.

first thing buddy pak do want a stable afghnistan but what they want is nt in our controle NATO attacked with helos than ANA used shelling.than a hoard of 200 to 300 Ts come frm afghan side and attacked our post now NATO and ANA join forces to attack us and get there a$$ wooped so looking at the record ....well u get my point. secondly india is nt the most imp state in this matter so dont try to drag a troll war ...
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