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Nato, Afghan forces attack Pakistani border check post

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Does anyone think Pakistan (at US' behest) got itself involved in Afghan matters to oust USSR and this angered the AFghans ?

No we don't think that.... :disagree:
ok, thank you.

You are welcome. :)

---------- Post added at 04:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:19 PM ----------

Duh whatever !!!

Why would I worry about Pakistan facing two enemies rather than just one.

Lolzz. When I asked you to get worried in the first place.May be we might have two front war of our own. :lol:
Because they have nothing better to do except cursing it's neighbor for there own failures...

Don't call their lives as pathetic lives.... No one's life is pathetic... I don't think Afghans hate us Instead if you come out of this internet world you'll find them loving pakistan... There are some internet Afghanis who hate pakistani but in reality Afghanis love pakistan and we love afghanistan.... They have their businesses established here wand many pakistranis are doing business in afghanistan as well... and just because of some you should not abuse the whole afghan nation
guys just now some one on cnn called it a frindly fire incident and said its usuall ,F@$k him all thr border posts r on the gps of us forces as frindly positions than y do they always miss judge tham as talib positions.also earlier some news channel (PAK) said QRFs have arrived and heavy renforcement is expected there ,
Does anyone thing the cold war and US-PAK's role in Afghanistan against USSR to be the main reason behind the current Afghan mindset ?

Nope.... If you know history Pakistan was attacked by Afghanistan in 1961. That was before Soviet stuff

Both sides have their share and some external elements also have their share.
as long as you people dont interfer in our affairs(like you have been trying to do,for the last 64 years,but miserably failing,),we wont have to intefer in your affairs.

pakistanis have every right to defend our country,and we're not apologetic about it.

even those of us(majority of us around 60%) who never interfered with your issues and did recognize your territorial integrity is not dear to you and instead you armed and supported the same people against them that have an eye on your soil to take it, so that excuse might not be that relevant.
Another Pakistani soldier killed today,due to these afghan animals:

Officials: Pakistani soldier killed, 2 wounded in clashes with Afghan forces
By Ishtiaq Mahsud, The Associated Press – 55 minutes ago

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, Pakistan — Afghan border guards fired mortar shells toward a Pakistani military post in a northwestern tribal region on Wednesday, killing a soldier and wounding two others, a Pakistani government official said.

The mortars also wounded at least six local residents and damaged dozens of shops in the Angore Adda town of the South Waziristan region, Atifur Rehman said. "Pakistani security forces are also returning fire," he said.

No Pakistan army spokesman was immediately available for comment.

The latest clash came a day after Pakistani and Afghan forces traded artillery fire in the neighbouring North Waziristan tribal region, causing panic among residents. Afghan military official Abdul Rahman confirmed late Tuesday's clash in North Waziristan.

Afghan and Pakistan forces stationed along the rugged, porous border between their countries occasionally trade fire but the incidents rarely escalate or have diplomatic consequences. The clashes sometimes involve troops pursuing Taliban militants who travel from one side of the border to the other.
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