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National Intelligence Agency (MİT) rescues all 49 Turkish citizens from ISIL!

Also I heard Şamil Tayyar was talking about CIA involment, may be Americans rescued them with military operation, but our guys so emberrassed to say it ?

I don't know, didn't the CIA fail to rescue that American journalist? How are they going to rescue 49 Turks if they can't rescue 1 American?
Operation launched after ISIL broke promise: FM

Forty-nine Turkish captives freed from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) on Sept. 20 might have been released sooner, but the jihadist group failed to “keep promises,” according to Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu.

Earlier contacts with ISIL through mediators had not resulted in the freedom of the hostages as the promises given were not kept, said Çavuşoğlu, who is in New York to attend U.N. General Assembly meetings.

“The last date they gave was Sept. 20. And this promise was therefore kept,” he told reporters in New York.

“I hope we will never face such a test in the future. I think our state was very successful in passing this test,” he said.

The minister said the hostages, who were taken June 11 at the country’s Consulate General in Mosul, were freed thanks to the meticulous and patient work of the National Intelligence Organization (MİT), the Chief of General Staff and the Foreign Ministry.
I don't know, didn't the CIA fail to rescue that American journalist? How are they going to rescue 49 Turks if they can't rescue 1 American?

I don't know, we should ask that to Şamo.
We are basically talking about same thing, hostages were the guarentee of ISIS, only difference is you don't bring any reason for their release, while I'm speculating.

Something is done but we don't know it, all we can say is ISIS would not release them without somethnig better in return.

Also I heard Şamil Tayyar was talking about CIA involment, may be Americans rescued them with military operation, but our guys so emberrassed to say it ?

This mindset is the problem of Turkish people generally..We dont have self-confidence at all..

Its; "Whether some promises were given to those beheading barbarians, or some big brother helped us, otherwise we are so incapable of a country that we cant conduct an operation on ourselves."
This mindset is the problem of Turkish people generally..We dont have self-confidence at all..

Its; "Whether some promises were given to those beheading barbarians, or some big brother helped us, otherwise we are so incapable of a country that we cant conduct an operation on ourselves."

Please stop talking like a government official, you have a brain , use it.
Well, it seems you figured it out all, "genius"

Bro you're are really ridiculing yourself with your lapdog mentality, if you can't answer why are you wasting your time ? logic is simple even children can see, hostages were the guarentee of IS to keep Turkey out of their gates, now considering there wasn't a military operation according to official sources, what made ISIS release hostages ? there is absolutely no logical reason for their release without any agreement or promise. Other option is, if we believe in Şamo's words, CIA done something we don't know, gave the hostages to us, and our guys are taking the credit, as if it was revealed their reputation would be ruined, similar to APO's capture.
Did they cut a deal or mounted an op?

They cut a deal, then mounted an op to go fetch them.

In any case, good news for Turks, but i do wonder about the story behind this. Was Turkish reluctance to bomb IS in the last few weeks enough, or was something else promised.
Bro you're are really ridiculing yourself with your lapdog mentality, if you can't answer why are you wasting your time ? logic is simple even children can see, hostages were the guarentee of IS to keep Turkey out of their gates, now considering there wasn't a military operation according to official sources, what made ISIS release hostages ? there is absolutely no logical reason for their release without any agreement or promise. Other option is, if we believe in Şamo's words, CIA done something we don't know, gave the hostages to us, and our guys are taking the credit, as if it was revealed their reputation would be ruined, similar to APO's capture.

Considering the circumstances, Turkey in no way would strike a deal with ISIS, especially when US is trying to form a coalition against them..Not to mention public discontent amongst West about Turkey`s "neutrality" I dont think thats an option...About CIA involvement, i dont think that happened in ground, but may be they helped us get intelligence i.e. satellite views and such

Lets see and wait for the details
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Interesting this coincide with the recent IS advancement in Northern Syria against the Kurds. Could this be a deal to collaborate with ISIS in order to free the prisoners?

Unless if Turkey is attacking ISIS then it's not it.
Considering the circumstances, Turkey in no way would strike a deal with ISIS, especially when US is trying to form a coalition against them..Not to mention public discontent amongst West about Turkey`s "neutrality" I dont think thats an option...About CIA involvement, i dont think that happened in ground, but may be they helped us get intelligence i.e. satellite views and such

Lets see and wait for the details

As I said from the beginning, something is done behind the doors but we will probably never know, no agreement no ransom is my a.s.
As I said from the beginning, something is done behind the doors but we will probably never know, no agreement no ransom is my a.s.

Thats only a speculation...You can speculate as much as you want..The fact might be something different..
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