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Naswar Corner

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I never said that!

I just hate TYPICAL Pakistanis judging me! Heck I should have just gotten a different passport if they dont want me :cray:

Five fingers are not always same. There are good and bad people in every country, even in western countries too.
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@Talon do not care about others, there are always some people who likes to criticize others without proper ground

One thing-

just write "@" then the "user name"-
you dont have to underline and bold it-

@ with the name will send the mentions automatically-
Lolz, you are a confused soul mate.. Sort out your preferences first ;)

Just like the picture you posted- it should be clear- :D-

Homing missiles? Just call them bullets from a pistol :P

Bullets or Missile- as long as it gets the job done- :lol:-
do you have Kevlar?- i do have Armour piercing rounds though- :rofl:-
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