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Narendra Modi is coward and psychopath, says Arvind Kejriwal

Please check in which IPC code he can be booked. I believe there is a provison of booking a people who uses derogatory language against any on in social media. Just book him under that provision and let the law take his own course.
Here are the 10 latest developments in this story:
  1. Targeting Mr Jaitley over CBI raids on Delhi government's headquarters, Mr Kejriwal said, "It has become necessary to reveal that why did the CBI come to my office today and which file they were looking for. This is the DDCA file under which Arun Jaitley is getting trapped", adding, "Rajender is just an excuse, I am the real target."
  2. The Central Bureau of Investigation or CBI has described as "baseless" reports that it searched chief minister Arvind Kejriwal's office at the Delhi secretariat this morning. Mr Jaitley said in Parliament that the raid "has nothing to do with Arvind Kejriwal."
  3. When Trinamool Congress leader Derek O'Brien brought up the Tuesday morning raids at the Delhi Secretariat in Parliament, Mr Jaitley said, "Mr Derek O'Brien has not been correctly informed. The office of the chief minister of Delhi has not been raided.
  4. The searches, Mr Jaitley said, were conducted "at 14 places against an officer who is attached to the chief minister's office... regarding a complaint for an offense committed before he joined Mr Kejriwal's office. The CBI's Devpreet Singh said the agency has registered a case against Rajender Kumar, Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister, on the allegation that "during 2007-2014 he abused his official position to favour a private company."
  5. "FM lied in Parliament. My own office files are being looked into to get some evidence against me," Mr Kejriwal said today morning.
  6. Soon after Mr Jaitley's statement in the Rajya Sabha, opposition members entered the well of the house and raised slogans like "federalism bachaao (save federalism)", forcing the chair to adjourn the house. Uproar over the raids forced multiple adjournments.
  7. Earlier this morning, the Delhi chief minister had said that his office had been raided by the CBI and tweeted, "When Modi cudn't handle me politically, he resorts to this cowardice (sic)." He also tweeted, "Modi is a coward and a psycopath (sic)."
  8. "Kejriwal should tender an unqualified apology to the Prime Minister for using words like coward. What he said is uncalled for, unwarranted, shameful and condemnable," said Union Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad.
  9. Condemning the raid, Trinamool chief Mamata Banerjee tweeted: "Sealing of a Chief Minister's office is unprecedented. I am shocked." "Mamata Di. This is undeclared emergency," replied Mr Kejriwal.
  10. Since the AAP took power in February after winning a massive mandate in Delhi, it has been locked in a running feud with the Centre over the control of important functions like law and order, police and land

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OH ! LORD , where are U hiding when we need U the most .
We are being ruled by Lunatics .

Sometimes I think , We the people of India deserve this . After all these lunatics are our representatives selected by none other than Us .

I am in favor of abolishing the current politics of India .
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No matter what People say about China and its Political affairs , The are more developed than us in every aspect .

And there was a Time when India and China were similar in all aspects .
Look what we have made of our Country in last 4 Decades .
Using State apparatuses to go after political opponents is a popular ploy in South asia, why would herr Modi be any different ?
For the freedom of speech, I will much appreciate that :) In democracy everyone should be equal whether PM or a peon. It is just in subcontinent that we believe in such idiotic segregation. Respect has nothing to do with holding public office.
Freedom of speech does not mean you can insult the democratically elected leader of over 1.25 billion people. No matter what your personal feelings for Modi one has to respect the position of Prime Minister of India, Arvind Kajirwal has overstepped the line here.

Using State apparatuses to go after political opponents is a popular ploy in South asia, why would herr Modi be any different ?
Not at the central level in India, the judicary is entirely seperate from the poltical establishment. The CBI is an indepdeant body and would have had to receive a warrant from an independant magistrate.
@Khafee dude,try to act like a "Professional" for at least once in your life!I know it's quite a difficult task for you given the fact that your hatred towards Hindus and Indians know no bound but still try not to misuse the rating system for you whims and fancies.The poster whom i replied to first started abusing the P.M. of my country by labeling him as a "Slimy" person,so i returned the favor with interest.Then why in the name of Jesus Christ did you spare him a negative rating and instead gave it to me!!What you're doing is a blatant misuse of the rating system,there are several professional Pakistani and Indians here who never misuse their powers,try to learn something from them if you are indeed a "Professional" of some sorts!!Plus,what's with the false flagging thing,i mean we all know that you're a Pakistani citizen then why pretend to be a Emirati,don't you know that false flagging is an offense in this forum!!

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