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Namak Haram Vent their Frustration on Pakistani Fans in Sharjah

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That is nothing they tried the same thing in Birmingham and you know Pakistani pushtoons in Birmingham who have been here for couple of generations.

The amount of shootings that have been occurring in the bordesley green area has made the Afghans flee and leave the area .

And funny thing is they are now in another Pakistani area Sparkhill behaving themselves now .
I'm from originally from Birmingham mate..living in London now. Small world!!!
So because of a few hugs you want to starve thousands>
Some people may argue "oh one man's action doesn't represent the whole nation" or just like ugly SOB Mohsin Dawar says "because of Pakistan's strategic depth they dislike us" well Afghanistan was the only country that voted against Pakistan joining the UN in 1947. I am sure by that time there was no strategic depth concept.

The thing really comes down to racism. Afghans can't see Pakistanis progressing especially Punjabis. Their hate for Punjabis has no boundaries. Now is the time for tit-for-tat no more Brothers or Ummah Chummah. They will get x2 whatever they will toss at us, if it is love it will get x2 or if it is hate then x2 as well.

I am also IK die hard supporter but only thing i don't like about IK is his unconditional support to the Afghans. This is also one of the main cause of his downfall.
True, I love IK but he has no right to give our citizenship to those Namak Harams. You can give to anyone Syrians, Rohingyas, or anyone who has love and respect for Pakistan but not for these Namak Harams.
There is no way, we would see these horrible scenes like afghan hooligans riot try it on with the Mirpuris living in northern U.K. . They’d get the living heads kicked in pieces by those lads. Please Wimpy Punjabi or mujahir types who ever u were , sold advice coming , if you are going to taunt , your adversary, then please get ready to back it up with some balls u bunch of homos , embarrassing. How awful, Pakistani guy got his head bashed in by a chair does nothing big guy to, just walks away. What a tool-
When I saw the video, I was like this fat sh!t is taking a chair to his ahead and his reactions are as cool as a cucumber :). But can't really blame them I mean, when you are outnumbered against 20-4 and you are in a foreign land where laws are strict. I guess you can't do much.
They will get x2 whatever they will toss at us
People need to calm down. So some Afghans got a little excited. It happens. The vast majority of Afghans did not act in an inappropriate manner. Let's not judge all Afghans based on the actions of a few.

Pakistanis aren't angels either. Some of us can also get carried away and act like savages. Need I mention the Sialkot incident? So just calm down with the racist/nationalist superiority.
Its a shame that Pakistanis become racist. In all the world, we r better than 1 country only and even then we become racist. Allah tbai hamey koi muqaam nahi deta kyu k ham deserve nahi krte. Aik Bangladesh tha, we jsed to be racist towards them too, now they giving us bheek. Dunya me bhikaari famous hein aur dosro ko namak haram kehte hein.

But you should realize he’s not talking about Pashtuns or Afghans in Pakistan. He was literally referring to citizens of Afghanistan.

I agree that racism is stupid. I’m Punjabi myself and I’ve met so many Punjabis even from Pakistan that I’ve disliked. I judge people on a person to person basis. And I base my interactions on how that said person treats me.
You mean the Hindko speaking Pashtuns? Yes they’re very tough and have short fuses.
Aside my lot (AJK) they hold great respect among Pakistanis.

To be honest many good Afghans here and I’ve always got on so well with them.
A few years ago Pakistan played
Afghanistan at headingley in the WC - was the same. A few boisterous Afghanis all of a sudden wanted to become superheroes and started behaving like matcho men - showing off and acting tough. Most of them have little family and kids - hence don’t know how to behave in front of kids and ladies. Needless to say after an hour or so they dispersed back to reality world and back to their take away kitchens to clean etc.
They are first generation poor and uneducated bro - I’m not generalising - just stating facts - btw those creating havoc in UAE are probably already arrested and deported - these Arabs don’t fukc about
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