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Nachley.... The Biggest Reality Dance Competition of Pakistan

Wasnt ever supposed to be an 'Islamic Republic' according to Allama Iqbal and I doubt anyone else wanted it to be one.

Have u ever read Allama Iqbal. Oh yes u guys just generalized like these Molvi make comments about these shows and secretly watch them. Or like Lal Masjid people did that or what ever. Some one citing Lal Masjid example to that person if some one start a brothel in my street i will beat the hell out of his and kick him about the neighbourhood. This is what they did to that lady Shamim. The whole G6 area (where i my office used to be) can vouch for that.

Regarding calling it unislamic by not watching it, my friend that name "Nachley" is quite enough.
:rofl:lolllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!! oh my Good God.. After reading all these posts I could only recall our beloved Bal Thakrey and Raj Thakray...

Come on Guys there is nothing unislamic in this. Just watch a few video they are damn decent, don't you watch jennifer simpson/lopez/aniston, faithhill, dido, Rihana? I surely bet Many Pakistanis do..

And yours is pretty decent. I remember our college was more vulgar then this lol!!!

In fact it is not vulgar at all.

By your logic Salman, Shahrukh, Aamir, all are Unislamic?

And you might not know Farah Khan (female) is one of the best choreographers in India and I must say a pretty respected one... Our film Industry is full of Muslims only.. and some Khan yaar woh murder wala, he is also a Pakistani and pretty happy today..

PS- I don't like watching dance shows...:lol::lol::rofl::rofl:

Fact is that anything against the Quran and Hadith is unislamic. Regarding these people you mentioned, dude only Allah(SWT) knows best, and he is the Judge not us
At one end they preach that such stuf is unislamic on the other end , these guys enjoy the liberty of actually being amused by such stuff ...! Doublestandards ..!:disagree:

How do u know??????? Have u met any of us. It seems our so called Liberals are fond of making generalized statements
Have u ever read Allama Iqbal. Oh yes u guys just generalized like these Molvi make comments about these shows and secretly watch them. Or like Lal Masjid people did that or what ever. Some one citing Lal Masjid example to that person if some one start a brothel in my street i will beat the hell out of his and kick him about the neighbourhood. This is what they did to that lady Shamim. The whole G6 area (where i my office used to be) can vouch for that.

Regarding calling it unislamic by not watching it, my friend that name "Nachley" is quite enough.

Yes, sir I have.

Heres an excerpt from his speech:

Nor should the Hindus fear that the creation of autonomous Muslim states will mean the introduction of a kind of religious rule in such states. I have already indicated to you the meaning of the word religion, as applied to Islam. The truth is that Islam is not a Church. It is a State conceived as a contractual organism long before Rousseau ever thought of such a thing, and animated by an ethical ideal which regards man not as an earth-rooted creature, defined by this or that portion of the earth, but as a spiritual being understood in terms of a social mechanism, and possessing rights and duties as a living factor in that mechanism. The character of a Muslim State can be judged from what the Times of India pointed out some time ago in a leader [=front-page article] on the Indian Banking Inquiry Committee. "In ancient India," the paper points out, "the State framed laws regulating the rates of interest; but in Muslim times, although Islam clearly forbids the realisation of interest on money loaned, Indian Muslim States imposed no restrictions on such rates." I therefore demand the formation of a consolidated Muslim State in the best interests of India and Islam. For India, it means security and peace resulting from an internal balance of power; for Islam, an opportunity to rid itself of the stamp that Arabian Imperialism was forced to give it, to mobilise its law, its education, its culture, and to bring them into closer contact with its own original spirit and with the spirit of modern times.

So no, he did not want Pakistan to be a religiously ruled country aka Sharia aka Islamic Republic.:cheers:
2 batain

1) Dekhne aur kerne main faraq hota hai
2) Main aise dance shows nahi dekhta - par hain movies dekhta hon :partay:

:rofl: Bus na ho geya kam tamaam

How do u know??????? Have u met any of us. It seems our so called Liberals are fond of making generalized statements

We are really really sorry your Highness we never knew there are angels in Pakistan

BTW can any one tell me whether is TV is haram or not :rofl:

Whats wrong with it?

Alexa - Top Sites in Pakistan

I dont see anything bad

their popularity shows.......... :tsk:
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phir kahtay ho kay ALLAH kay azaab kyo phar raha hey... waah! WHAT A SO CALLED ISLAMIC STATE "PAKISTAN"

pore koom ko yahood nay ise kaam pe lagaya huwa hey oortain larkyaan naangi karkay ham TECHNOLOG YAUR DUNYA KE TEEZ TAREEN RAFTAAR ko pakar laineegay ?? BS!

Fone calls rate... night packages.
Singing dancing ...Clubs bars
Fanshion shows..

THIS IS OUR CULTURE ??? Right! stupid peple and those are more stupid who love these kinds of things


I don't understand why are you guys always so confused about what you want and what you don't.

Personally I hate Indian reality(fake.!!!) shows and this looks no different.
:rofl: Bus na ho geya kam tamaam

We are really really sorry your Highness we never knew there are angels in Pakistan

BTW can any one tell me whether is TV is haram or not :rofl:

their popularity shows.......... :tsk:

I dunno about Angels but sure know we have some brats around. Regarding TV being halal or haram, its the intentions that count
I see what you mean. If we take the banner off the rest of the Muslim world will be like 'WHAT?' but then again there are only 3 or 4 other countries, i believe, that are islamic republics out of the 30-something muslim majority countries.

Bangladesh is going secular, Turkey is already secular, and a whole bunch of other countries are semi-secular. But wait a minute... isn't Pakistan also semi-secular? Doesn't that ruin the Islamic Republic tagline?

Also, about the party,dance, and stuff... if you looked around Pakistan isn't the only Muslim country that likes to party. Take a look at Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. They absolutely LOVE to party and dance. And I am pretty sure they have Miss World representatives also :pop:

It's about what you and the people of Pakistan want. I believe that it's morally correct to fully comply and submit yourself to any cause. Applying double standards is hypocritical and doesn't do any justice to Islam which is a great religion. You either fully adhere to the Islamic teachings or don't adopt them at all. There's no in between so to speak.

Unfortunately, Pakistan isn't alone in this regard as you've rightfully pointed out. However, whatever other so-called Muslim countries are doing shouldn't be a justification for Pakistanis to apply the same double standards. We shouldn't jump in the sea when others are committing suicide and thus taking a hypocritical stance. Besides, I wouldn't be wrong by claiming that there doesn't even exist one Islamic country in true letter and spirit today.

I'm not responsible for the parties going on in Syria, Lebanon or even in Pakistan for that matter. Also, I'm not judging anyone. Feel free to party and dance. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. However, I like to make a distinction between right and wrong. It's wrong and hypocritical to claim Islam, yet resort to such anti-Islamic behaviour. When I see or hear wrong I'm going to condemn it.
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Best part..judges saying " Pakistani ma dua kar rihi hai aur uss ki beti nach rihi hai"
Most of the women are from the red light area or likewise and hence even the dances aren't anything above that standard. No respectable family likes to see their daughter dance on TV(underground nightclubs with her friends or in a wedding in front of waiters is ok.. :P) .
Go Ghazwa-e-Purification-e-hind!.. Viva la Inqilab.. Down with anti-islamic forces..death to HBO..
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