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Nachley.... The Biggest Reality Dance Competition of Pakistan

Wasnt ever supposed to be an 'Islamic Republic' according to Allama Iqbal and I doubt anyone else wanted it to be one.

Well, how about if we change it to something else? Let's face it, such behaviour isn't conform an Islamic nation claiming to be an Islamic Republic. By all means, dance, drink and party all night long, but not under the banner of an Islamic Republic. It's hypocritical to say the least. Really, what message are we conveying to the outside world? An Islamic nation with two faces?
A Salute to all the INDIANS for their cleverness .

They have cleverly played the long term culture card.

Seriously with these types of shows who needs sukhoi's or Taliban to defeat Pakistan.

Just let these things coming and bye bye Pakistan.:wave:

PAK YES.. Come on man.. what did we do? did we enforce anything? And you are just taking it all wrong, had these fun actives could destroy any country then India and USA would be the first to be kicked out..

This is not how this works... This is a talent show and it increases your reach in the world.. Please think about it.. I have seen your comments on other threads also, and I have an opinion that you are not an ignorant..
Dude - The argument is not whether this is vulgar or not. So no need to take the discussion in that direction and I don't think being a non-muslim you qualify at all to determine whether it is islamic or not. Do you see S-2 or Truth Seeker commenting here or for that matter any chinese brother? No, why? because they understand it's not their place to comment and you will never see them commenting on such a thread on such a issue. You being a non-Muslim are no better than them on commenting this but I don't know why you people always like to poke your noses in such affairs where you hold no water.


When you don't know anything about a person then don't comment.. I have friends in almost whole of gulf.. I read namaz with them even did roje once.. Regularly visits Mosque in my vicinity... To be a muslim first you have to a be a human.. Moreover I had a special relationship with a Pakistani once..

But If you think I am hurting you by any chance then I am extremely sorry, I never had and will never have such intentions. I would be the last person on this earth( At least I think) to make fun of Pakistan. Find me a single post where I ever attacked Pakistan on any grounds..

And if I try to carry on a conversation and develop a few relations in a so called enemy country is "poking" then again sorry.. Just because they are chinese they are your brother? and I am an Indian I cannot be one??


Consider this my last reply to you... Sometimes some people get on my nerves and convince me to leave defence.pk. Be it Indian or a Pakistani..
Well, how about if we change it to something else? Let's face it, such behaviour isn't conform an Islamic nation claiming to be an Islamic Republic. By all means, dance, drink and party all night long, but not under the banner of an Islamic Republic. It's hypocritical to say the least. Really, what message are we conveying to the outside world? An Islamic nation with two faces?

I see what you mean. If we take the banner off the rest of the Muslim world will be like 'WHAT?' but then again there are only 3 or 4 other countries, i believe, that are islamic republics out of the 30-something muslim majority countries.

Bangladesh is going secular, Turkey is already secular, and a whole bunch of other countries are semi-secular. But wait a minute... isn't Pakistan also semi-secular? Doesn't that ruin the Islamic Republic tagline?

Also, about the party,dance, and stuff... if you looked around Pakistan isn't the only Muslim country that likes to party. Take a look at Syria, Lebanon and Egypt. They absolutely LOVE to party and dance. And I am pretty sure they have Miss World representatives also :pop:
PAK YES.. Come on man.. what did we do? did we enforce anything? And you are just taking it all wrong, had these fun actives could destroy any country then India and USA would be the first to be kicked out..

This is not how this works... This is a talent show and it increases your reach in the world.. Please think about it.. I have seen your comments on other threads also, and I have an opinion that you are not an ignorant..

DO you know the Only difference between INDIA and PAKISTAN.The only thing due to which a potentially powerful United INDIA was divided.


As INDIANS say that hate against them is passed on to next generations.

So let's think.A Person sees these shows.When that Person grows up and have children.

What do you think that Person will tell his children.Obviously he will not tell them to go to Masjid and Pray.He will not teach them the teachings of Islam.Instead his children would Practically become secular

So this will severely weaken ISLAM.

And guess what when there is no more difference in Religion.Then Practically the very ideology on which Pakistan is based will end.

And Seriously if i have to see a day that when my child asks me that why do i not allow him to watch these things.I would think that Pakistan should be united again with INDIA.Because After the Religious difference would be eliminated there is really no need of an Independent country.Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and when there is no Islam left what's the legitimacy of Pakistan.Because culturally there is no big difference between the 2 countries.

Nah i probably failed to explain what i wanted to say.

As long as USA and INDIA are concerned it's your culture but comparing it to ISLAMIC civilization which is itself the most unique on earth is wrong.

Have you ever listen the word of united Christians or united hindus or for any other major religion.No.

But you have heard the word UMMAH.Inspite of that it practically is far from reality but still doesn't it signifies that ISLAM stands above everything else.
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When you don't know anything about a person then don't comment.. I have friends in almost whole of gulf.. I read namaz with them even did roje once.. Regularly visits Mosque in my vicinity... To be a muslim first you have to a be a human.. Moreover I had a special relationship with a Pakistani once..

But If you think I am hurting you by any chance then I am extremely sorry, I never had and will never have such intentions. I would be the last person on this earth( At least I think) to make fun of Pakistan. Find me a single post where I ever attacked Pakistan on any grounds..

And if I try to carry on a conversation and develop a few relations in a so called enemy country is "poking" then again sorry.. Just because they are chinese they are your brother? and I am an Indian I cannot be one??


Consider this my last reply to you... Sometimes some people get on my nerves and convince me to leave defence.pk. Be it Indian or a Pakistani..

Listen yar - I am sorry if I hurt you, I did not intend that either but I still believe that in general a non muslim does not qualify to determine whether something is Islamic or unIslamic. See.. you yourself have mentioned that all your sources of Islam are some random Muslims but not any Islamic literature. So, you might have some knowledge about some Muslims but that does not qualify to have knowledge on Islam.
No bro ohhh i am sorry Indians don't have right to use that term, No mate I understood your point, but only thing I don't understand is why I never faced this problem in practical world.. Well I have no say in your issue.. Too much differences in the opinion, its your country in the end. God bless Pakistan and India,

Have a nice day.
Listen yar - I am sorry if I hurt you, I did not intend that either but I still believe that in general a non muslim does not qualify to determine whether something is Islamic or unIslamic. See.. you yourself have mentioned that all your sources of Islam are some random Muslims but not any Islamic literature. So, you might have some knowledge about some Muslims but that does not qualify to have knowledge on Islam.

K I am not forcing any opinion.. its ok actually I agree I have never been in that environment. I believe in all the religions... My bad I am not muslim, Carry on.

I just finished watching all the videos, Sorry but its awful, they should really shut the program. :lol::lol:
A Salute to all the INDIANS for their cleverness .

They have cleverly played the long term culture card.

Seriously with these types of shows who needs sukhoi's or Taliban to defeat Pakistan.

Just let these things coming and bye bye Pakistan.:wave:


right.......a dance show is going to end pakistan who is forcing anyone to see it ??? is it harming anyone ? if people didn't like it they wouldn't watch it.Very funny how you people are making such a huge deal over a reality show like it threatens the existence of pakistan just change the channel if it hurts you so much.
right.......a dance show is going to end pakistan who is forcing anyone to see it ??? is it harming anyone ? if people didn't like it they wouldn't watch it.Very funny how you people are making such a huge deal over a reality show like it threatens the existence of pakistan just change the channel if it hurts you so much.

You don't seem to comprehend the long term consequences .
Well just for entertainment... This doesn't have any girl so everyone can watch... Its awesome..

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DO you know the Only difference between INDIA and PAKISTAN.The only thing due to which a potentially powerful United INDIA was divided.


As INDIANS say that hate against them is passed on to next generations.

So let's think.A Person sees these shows.When that Person grows up and have children.

What do you think that Person will tell his children.Obviously he will not tell them to go to Masjid and Pray.He will not teach them the teachings of Islam.Instead his children would Practically become secular

So this will severely weaken ISLAM.

And guess what when there is no more difference in Religion.Then Practically the very ideology on which Pakistan is based will end.

And Seriously if i have to see a day that when my child asks me that why do i not allow him to watch these things.I would think that Pakistan should be united again with INDIA.Because After the Religious difference would be eliminated there is really no need of an Independent country.Pakistan was created in the name of Islam and when there is no Islam left what's the legitimacy of Pakistan.Because culturally there is no big difference between the 2 countries.

Nah i probably failed to explain what i wanted to say.

As long as USA and INDIA are concerned it's your culture but comparing it to ISLAMIC civilization which is itself the most unique on earth is wrong.

Have you ever listen the word of united Christians or united hindus or for any other major religion.No.

But you have heard the word UMMAH.Inspite of that it practically is far from reality but still doesn't it signifies that ISLAM stands above everything else.

Most muslims see all this on a daily basis on Indian television but they still go to mosques and are proud muslims....The one thing between all of us, that is similar is "culture". If you understand the difference between culture and religion you would have answered many of your own questions.
Most muslims see all this on a daily basis on Indian television but they still go to mosques and are proud muslims....The one thing between all of us, that is similar is "culture". If you understand the difference between culture and religion you would have answered many of your own questions.

we dont wear sindhu, dance in temples, crimate the dead, sing bhajans. drinking alcohol, write sanskrit, wear sari etc we dont greet with namaste.do you follow pakistanis, if you dont follow us why we follow you??

its a shame that this pakistani media is playing such a shameful role only to satisfy its hunger for money, they dont realize that the stuff they propagate through their channels has such a deep impact.
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i think there are more worrying issues than nachley - go check top 100 pakistani websites...
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