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Myths about Urdu

Nehru wanted to unite India under a common language..and Majority of the people speak Hindi at that time and so he choose Hindi as our national language.There was a part in social science in our about the importance of common language for the progress of the nation citing the example of Japan and USSR ..saying that these countries become mostly advance in industries and Technology due to the help of common language and if we have different languages its difficult to understand the ideas of one person for another one ..

I guess India is too big in the sense of linguistic diversity to have one common language. China, Russia are dominated by one linguistic group and others have to live with it. However in Pakistans case the language of a small minority became the national language due to the symbolic value of the language. Not only is Urdu being understood more and more but it is being adopted as a mother tounge by more and more non-"muhajirs", especially the newer generations e.g. me a Punjabi speaks Urdu as do most of my cousins now.
here is the breakdown k

hindi---sanskrit origin/ for hindus since theyre holy book is in sanskrit

urdu---persian origin therefore a muslim language since it shares most of its alphabets and gramar style with arabic

Punjabi --- written in both sanskrit and persian style

whats the debate here ??

infact there cannot be any debate at all in the very first place. because the vey base of the debate is wrong. which is religion even arabic used to be spoken by the pagan's of the region before Islam had arrived & HOLY QURAN revealed in arabic.now when a massage is delivered it have to be in a language so that people when reads it gets the massage which is delivered ,the HOLY TOHRA which from the Hebrew root harah (Hebrew: תּוֹרָה, "Instruction"), Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), or possibly Ebonics or armianic HOLY BIBLE Biblical Aramaic Although most scholars believe that the historical Jesus primarily spoke Aramaic,[1] some believe he also spoke Hebrew and Greek.[2] The towns of Nazareth and Capernaum, where Jesus lived, were primarily Aramaic-speaking communities, although Greek was widely spoken in the major cities of the Mediterranean Basin. Jesus may have also known enough Hebrew to discuss the Hebrew Bible, and he may have known Koine Greek through commerce in nearby Sepphoris. HOLY TELMUD, HOLY ZABUR (Arabic: زبور‎) THE HOLY QURAN in Arabic

what you said as regard to urdu being a muslim language which it is not, can form the very bases of conflict & a source of disparity among the muslims in large if we say that urdu is a muslim language then tell me logically & practically how will a hindi speaking ,bengoli, speaking,panjabi tamil,telegu,maliyalam,assamese, malaysian,indonesian,sinhalese,brunei, english speaking,french speaking etc etc muslims feel will it be fair to them no this very notion can divided people on the basis of language,regionalism,ethnicity,tradition,culture,and nationalism and as a matter of fact is not only wrong but also dangerous
while islam preaches peace,love,humanity,unity, MOHAMMED (P.B.U.H) was declared a mercy to the universe ISLAM is it self a universal religion & not confined to any one particular region or ethnicity when even te Arabs & non-Arabs are equal in islam how can urdu have a spacial status fact urdu is both Indian & Pakistani so even if i take the wrong notion or myrhs that urdu is a muslim language an Indian urdu speaker wether with persian or dravidian,punjubi,persian,bengoli,hindi,arabic dialects is as much urdu like the pakistanis who speak it as well as well as an indian urdu speaker muslim or hindus,christains etc is as much Indian & muslim as any pakistani who speaks it are pakistani & muslim
as regards to the myth of urdu being muslim language you have conveniently ignored that its not about the language in the very first place. though arabic is important & not any other
language be it urdu or hindi or dravedian etc common sense if it is only one language its ok but if it is the specific few then it is inequality & conflicts while islam is albout equality peace & justice
ISLAM is not about the language (except only Arabic because it was revealed in it not in urdu or hindi or dravadian or persian) ISLAM all about its "KNOWLEDGE" & its "MASSAGE"

eg : Surah 96. The Clot, Read, Proclaim
( Proclaim! (or read!) in the name of thy Lord and Cherisher, Who created Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood Proclaim! And thy Lord is Most Bountiful He Who taught (the use of) the pen Taught man that which he knew not ....

Iqra/ bi-ismi rabbika allathee khalaqa.Khalaqa al-insana min AAalaqin. Iqra/ warabbuka al-akramu . Allathee AAallama bialqalami . AAallama al-insana ma lamyaAAlam

points being here is He Who taught (the use of) the pen Taught man that which he knew not ....)

& not he thought man urdu,persian,hindi,dravidian etc

(Taught man that which he knew not ....)

so what man knew not simple its "KNOWLEDGE" & its "MASSAGE"
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That's a disgrace.

Why is that a disgrace? doesnt mean i dont know Punjabi, nor does it mean that my kids wont learn Punjabi. But Urdu is our national language, i dont give a **** whether its associated with "muhajirs" or whatever. I dont give in to such racist bs. Im a proud Pakistani and Urdu is my language :pakistan:
Why is that a disgrace? doesnt mean i dont know Punjabi, nor does it mean that my kids wont learn Punjabi. But Urdu is our national language, i dont give a **** whether its associated with "muhajirs" or whatever. I dont give in to such racist bs. Im a proud Pakistani and Urdu is my language :pakistan:

So true brother. I'm a Punjabi Pakistani too, and I prefer speaking Urdu. My mother and my siblings all speak Urdu, my father speaks Punjabi with his friends/relatives but with us he speaks Urdu.

In Lahore, when talking to a girl in cafes such as Coffee, Tea, and Company and in Gloria Jeans Coffees its always better to talk in Urdu. If you talk in Punjabi with the girls there they'll call you paindoo that happened to my cousin once in Gloria Jeans Coffees when he wanted to start a conversation with a girl there :lol:
Without Urdu we would run into deep troubles in communicating with each other as a nation. And mohajirs dont own urdu. Infact Urdu has become adapt to local dialects now and one can feel the differences easily traveling cities to cities. If it was not Urdu we would be speaking some other common language like Persian or English.
Urdu (Urdu: اردو, IPA: [ˈʊrduː] ( listen)) is a register of the Hindustani language identified with Muslims. It is the national language and one of the two official languages of Pakistan (the other being English), and one of 22 scheduled languages of India, as an official language of five Indian states. Based on the Hindi dialect of Delhi, its vocabulary developed under Persian, Arabic and Turkic influence over the course of almost 900 years.[4] Urdu was mainly developed in Uttar Pradesh in the Indian Subcontinent, but began taking shape during the Delhi Sultanate as well as Mughal Empire (1526–1858) in South Asia. It is the means of communication between the people from various provinces and regions of Pakistan.[5] Urdu is mutually intelligible with the younger register of Hindustani, which is called simply "Hindi".


i wouldn't take wiki seriously, its not reliable source when its comes to matters like this!
wiki is not the genesis or bible of information..but rather a great source of copy-paste. let us evaluate the information for correctness before quoting from wiki!
i wouldn't take wiki seriously, its not reliable source when its comes to matters like this!

Yeah but it is definately more reliable than you and me sir. And as a matter of fact wiki is reliable sourse because everything written on wiki is checked by special team and removed if inappropriate or wrong but as this process takes place every week makes it non-reliable as in you put abuses on it, it will stay there for 1 week but, data is reliable. :)
Yeah but it is definately more reliable than you and me sir. And as a matter of fact wiki is reliable sourse because everything written on wiki is checked by special team and removed if inappropriate or wrong but as this process takes place every week makes it non-reliable as in you put abuses on it, it will stay there for 1 week but, data is reliable. :)

So your saying that a website where any random tom, dick, and harry who thinks he knows about Urdu and edits the contents in Wiki makes Wiki a reliable source?

:lol:, no wonder why you lack in knowledge regarding Urdu.
What do you call a son who claim to be the father of his father.....Think...it is simple English:partay:

i suggest you watch what you type as such offensive language won't be tolerated on this forum. And speaking of father(s), don't forget who ruled you for 1,000 years.
Gin,khusi is a hindi word(and also used in bengali),and we bengalis who arent really acquainted with hindi as the regulerly used lingo,often use words like gam and other urdu origin words in our broken hindi!!.......but whats the point?......both are indian languages!

khush is a persian word.

kush amadeed
Its simple man. The language commonly spoken in indian movies and on the streets now is urdu. Indians just paint it as hindi and then they will come up oh this word is also in hindi vocabulory and so on.
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