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Myanmar denies Indian Army soldiers killed rebels inside its territory

I would like to see the president of Myanmar say it. I can check the ministers FB page which says its fake. But I cannot hear the Mayanmar president say anywhere.

First, its not the President himself, his office. Next, please post that FB page.

Till then, I'll take WSJ, you can take NDTV. :rofl:
I've been asking around and the action happened just West of a town called Tamu right on the borderline.

It really is right on the cusp so it's really debatable whether it was Indian or Myanmar territory. I think neither side will lose any face wherever it took place.

Indians will want to brag and we'll just remind them it was neither here nor there. It could have easily been either side of the border (which is not demarcated anyway).


Tamu is in the top left corner and the green line is the border.

Indian sources are saying that now they have established monitoring posts around Tamu and established military presence there to check militancy , did Myanmar agree to this or was this establishment of presence unilateral ?
Indian sources are saying that now they have established monitoring posts around Tamu and established military presence there to check militancy , did Myanmar agree to this or was this establishment of presence unilateral ?

I don't know for sure. India and Myanmar have cooperated in the past against the Naga but to be honest, those areas have very little government presence. It's mostly open jungle.
Hahahahahahhahah liers! India has been caught!

Lmao. I don't know what to say.

Facebook post? No access to Twitter? :what:

Did it take more than an entire day for these guys to find out what had happened? :rofl:

Come on, at least release an official statement. :lol:

That is a huge slap on the face of India if this denial is true.
How can India do this ?
Such a fake stunt ? 0MG

India is a fake country.

Desperately waiting for the next tweet of that Inferior minister Rathore !!

Could also be one more of the Indian media circus.

So Bharat Mata got caught with her pants down.

This mission did take place and some help on intelligence came from the CIA too.

I'm curious why you guys found some tacit denial, even if true - as the truth,?

Especially given how we drone your country freely with the blessing of your government- WHILE your government tells you the citizens that they never gave us permission. Do you think the americans are lying or it's your Pakistani government trying to save face with the masses ?

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