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My CRH trip from Shanghai back to Wuhan

The second station is featured by made-in Hanyang industrial products and weapons manufactured in the late Qing Dynasty and early ROC era. You will get to know more about this unforgettable history about Westernisation Movement when China was at its crossroad.

The location of Wulidun Sta.
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An industrial style.
Made-in-Hanyang when the Empire was confronted with foreign interference and endless treaties forced to be abided by.
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No they are not
Just posted them to show other great landscapes and famous cuisine of Wuhan and a recollection of my experience there

Please keep on posting your photos

I will. To be candid, I've never visited Wuhan University at its flower season, too dramatic in such massive crowds when people from Southern China flood into the campus. At that time, all HSR trains from Guangzhou will be packed with Cantonese. But some gardens by the East Lake perhaps provide better options
I am a budget independent traveler so we just found some family guesthouse in the very downtown. Two hours?Really? Cause i remember after national border, it took quite a long time by bus in 2013. Maybe a brand new expressway has been put in use ever since?

No. It takes 2 hours for me traveling 12 years ago.
The second station is featured by made-in Hanyang industrial products and weapons manufactured in the late Qing Dynasty and early ROC era. You will get to know more about this unforgettable history about Westernisation Movement when China was at its crossroad.

The location of Wulidun Sta.
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An industrial style.
Made-in-Hanyang when the Empire was confronted with foreign interference and endless treaties forced to be abided by.
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Amazingly, each station seems to have its own distinct features/identity, which is amazing.

It is much better than building stations identical/uniform.

In most cases, metro stations in Taibei have their own distinct identity, too.
thank you again for sharing! we need more solid first hand pictures and information here!
are you a local Wuhanese? i've not been to Wuhan yet, but it's on my list thanks to my Hubei friends, they always brag about Anlu, Xiaogan 安陆,孝感, which made me curious.


@Edison Chen and famous Wuhan specialty snack food 周黑鸭 Zhou Hei Ya....(Zhou Black Duck?):)

No they are not
Just posted them to show other great landscapes and famous cuisine of Wuhan and a recollection of my experience there

Please keep on posting your photos

nice to see your emoticons again!:)
Amazingly, each station seems to have its own distinct features/identity, which is amazing.

It is much better than building stations identical/uniform.

In most cases, metro stations in Taibei have their own distinct identity, too.
Actually, every line just has around five featured stations with the remaining decorated as standard stations which are financially cheaper.

thank you again for sharing! we need more solid first hand pictures and information here!
are you a local Wuhanese? i've not been to Wuhan yet, but it's on my list thanks to my Hubei friends, they always brag about Anlu, Xiaogan 安陆,孝感, which made me curious.


@Edison Chen and famous Wuhan specialty snack food 周黑鸭 Zhou Hei Ya....(Zhou Black Duck?):)

nice to see your emoticons again!:)

I am a total backpacker alway on the road. But those cities you've mentioned seem not so interesting from my perspective. If one pays a first visit to Hubei, then definitely southwestern Hubei should be considered, like Enshi and Yichang. I've never been to Enshi, but everyone who has been there reckons it better than Zhangjiajie to some extent.Years ago it would take a whole day by bus from Wuhan, crazily dangerous road where tragedies happened every single day( now we have a brand new expressway there). But now, nearly 30 semi-highspeed CRH trains per day to that remote corner of Hubei around four hours for 500km. I should send my sincere tribute to those engineers and workers, that project had been waiting for a century before 2010 and prevents locals from spending huge amount of money on blood-sucking planes and fatal long-distance bus.
Pls search for Yiwan Railway which is said to be technically more difficult than Qinghai-Tibet Railway
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No. It takes 2 hours for me traveling 12 years ago.
OK, perhaps because my bus was a shabby long-distance sleeper couch. But it would be really dangerous for you to cover that 180km? distance in only 2 hours on that traditional road. Safe drive.
@AndrewJin Good Job ~! It seems u r a experienced independent traveller in China, i appreciate ur photos to share China city in PDF. Enjoy HAPPY life in China, LOL ! :partay:
thank you again for sharing! we need more solid first hand pictures and information here!
are you a local Wuhanese? i've not been to Wuhan yet, but it's on my list thanks to my Hubei friends, they always brag about Anlu, Xiaogan 安陆,孝感, which made me curious.


@Edison Chen and famous Wuhan specialty snack food 周黑鸭 Zhou Hei Ya....(Zhou Black Duck?):)

nice to see your emoticons again!:)

Of course! Maybe I can call it Zhou's Black Duck if translation needed. Wuhan is famous for food, never forget 户部巷.


Pictures by 李德禄.
We are home already. My nephew is asleep, owing to the fact that he just sipped a little of my cappuccino without sugar and agreeably accepted a cup of hot chocolate:-).

Let's continue.
The final two stations are elevated when Line 4 drives in suburban Hanyang, near the third ring expressway.
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I really hate this kind of pink coat for male stuff. Pink is the colour of Metro2, imagine stuff of Metro Line 4 to wear green coat which complies with the colour of this line. Do you know what it means when a Chinese man puts on a green hat?:p:
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Line 4 terminates here. But it will be extended further west to the planned new Hanyang Station and a suburban district some 20km from downtown. Wuhan's current three stations are already in full use, Wuhan Sta. 300+, Wuchang Sta.200+ and Hankou Sta.240+ trains to or from Wuhan per day. A new super station and some medium-sized intercity terminals are in urgent need with more and more new lines to be launched and more greedy bus companies going bankrupt.:-)
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Line 4 terminates here. But it will be extended further west to the planned new Hanyang Station and a suburban district some 20km from downtown. Wuhan's current three stations are already in full use, Wuhan Sta. 300+, Wuchang Sta.200+ and Hankou Sta.240+ trains to or from Wuhan per day. A new super station and some medium-sized intercity terminals are in urgent need with more and more new lines to be launched and more greedy bus companies going bankrupt.:-)
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How u get in subway driver room ? I believe it's not open to passengers when the subway running. When i took subways, it's always closed...
The final station is of course near our ultimate destination.
How u get in subway driver room ? I believe it's not open to passengers when the subway running. When i took subways, it's always closed...
aha, of course i have no permission cause I was not inside, just through the window.

The final station is of course near our ultimate destination, the educational Revolution of 1911 Museum which was open to public in 2011, a century later.

Shouyi Sta.(literally first uprising), a featured station of course endued with revolutionary characteristics

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It says, Xinhai( the year of 1911) First Uprising, 1911
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getting closer, it is made up of small historic pictures related to this one of the most important changes in Chinese history
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The columns are engraved with some revolutionary remarks or enlightened ideas
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It was rainy and quite lived up to the solemn atmosphere.
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Free of charge. Everyone who has a chance of visiting Wuhan shall have a lesson here.
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Of course! Maybe I can call it Zhou's Black Duck if translation needed. Wuhan is famous for food, never forget 户部巷.

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Pictures by 李德禄.
I alway take a ferry from pedestrian Jianghan Road to the food street you've mentioned. But authentic local cuisine there is very limited. I'll only try Sijimei steamed dumplings ( A century-old restaurant, literally Four Season Beauty) , Cailinji Hot Dry Noodle(real black sesame source) and Xusao's fish soup rice noodle. The remaining is not top-notch choice. Highly trusted snack bars are scattered in the deep corners. This rule is universal.
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LOL ! Seriously i find the WuHan subway looks newer than ShenZhen city's (GuangDong province) ... next year here my hometown NanChang city (JiangXi province) will launch 1st subway running, hope as good as WuHan's.:-)
In fact the first line of Wuhan metro was opened in 2004 with some extensions subsequently, but the second line was delayed to 2012, then Line4 in 2013 and second phase of Line4 in 2014. Then Line 3 in 2015, and Line 6 in 2016.
You shall be patient for Nanchang Metro since it will be more useful when it becomes a network. It takes time.
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This is my initial thread in this forum I've just known of.

These photos were captured when I took a D-class(200km/h) semi-HSR from Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station to Hankou Railway Station which is located in Wuhan. It was in January this year with some unexpected snowy weather.

Let me first introduce this route. From Shanghai to Wuhan about 800-840km, it depends on which station in Wuhan( Wuhan has three major railway terminals, Hankou, Wuchang and Wuhan). Now 23 D-trains(200km/h) and 8 G-trains(300km/h) are at service per day. The train will be first flying on Shanghai-Nanjing Intercity Line or Shanghai-Beijing HSR Line between Shanghai and Nanjing, then after reaching Nanjing South Railway Station, it will be on Nanjing-Wuhan semi-HSR Line. The whole journey takes around 5.5 hours for D trains and costs 265RMB for the second class( G train about 4-5 hours and 301RMB for the second class, only slightly more pricy because only the first Shanghai-Nanjing full HSR part is charged differently).

OK, let the photos speak for this journey. All captured by my mobile photos so please don’t judge the low quality.:-)
p.s. some photos were taken by my friends, I will let you know in that case.
p.p.s. more about Wuhan attached

My route is illustrated in the CRH Network
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A larger map, Shanghai-Nanjing-Wuhan
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Waiting space of Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station, captured at the second floor where restaurants and cafès are located
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One of the 32 platforms of Shanghai Hongqiao Sta.
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The interior of my train D3090, Second Class
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First class
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Hefei Railway Station, tracks covered by snow
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Hefei Railway Station, the capital of Anhui Province. The biggest one after Nanjing South
On the right is my D train, on the left is a G train(300km/h) bound for Beijing
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Wonderful !!

a mountainous region at the border of Anhui Province and Hubei Province, called Dabie Mountain
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So beautiful...!

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