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My CRH trip from Shanghai back to Wuhan

I am your audience, I'm interested in the tower. Please, it can reminds some of my childhood memory.

In compliance with Mr/Ms Place of Space, I searched my photo database and ultimately, some related to the cultural landmark Yellow Crane Tower have been found.
屏幕快照 2015-02-24 00.23.03.png

On the tower, the eastern view
屏幕快照 2015-02-24 00.21.31.png

On the tower. There are a lot of good places around this tower to watch trains along the exceedingly busy Beijing-Guangzhou Line, very famous for Chinese railway fans around the country.
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Overlooking the Red Tower( The headquarter of Hubei Army in the late Qing Dynasty, now a major memorial site for 1911 Wuchang Uprising)
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Red Tower and Dr Sun Yat-sen's monumant
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Hubei Provincial Museum, an excellent site for acquire some knowledge about Chu Kingdom(1042 B.C. - 223 B.C.), a state dominated central and eastern China before Qin Dynasty's unification. One of the best provincial museums I think in China. Free of charge and located by the charming East Lake which is said to be the largest lake within a city.
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In compliance with Mr/Ms Place of Space, I searched my photo database and ultimately, some related to the cultural landmark Yellow Crane Tower have been found.
View attachment 195743

On the tower, the eastern view
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On the tower. There are a lot of good places around this tower to watch trains along the exceedingly busy Beijing-Guangzhou Line, very famous for Chinese railway fans around the country.
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Overlooking the Red Tower( The headquarter of Hubei Army in the late Qing Dynasty, now a major memorial site for 1911 Wuchang Uprising)
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Red Tower and Dr Sun Yat-sen's monumant
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Hubei Provincial Museum, an excellent site for acquire some knowledge about Chu Kingdom(1042 B.C. - 223 B.C.), a state dominated central and eastern China before Qin Dynasty's unification. One of the best provincial museums I think in China. Free of charge and located by the charming East Lake which is said to be the largest lake within a city.
View attachment 195741

Thank you, dude. I like these fotos. By the way, the Wuchang Uprising is not a correct expression. It's democratic and republic revolution.
Bazhong, I start the travel from ganzhou city, Jiangxi province, no HSR.
PDF means pakistan defence forum that you are in, MOD is master in the forum, I mean hope master can let your thread be into sticky thread, other chinese netizen also post their travel here, more foreigner know normal chinese life.

Hope so. No matter what I will post more about my previous journeys, including coastal HSR(Fujian, Guangdong), epic Qinghai-Tibet railway journey and of course my experiences in Southeast Asia where i took a train all the way from Hanoi to Saigon.
Bazhong is near the Chengdu-Xi'an HSR which is being constructed. Some lines directly connect Bazhong are being discussed. It takes time. You know we even don't have sufficient new CRH compartments to support those newly opened lines, which leads to a paucity of available tickets for immigrant workers in southern China during spring festival in 2015.

Thank you, dude. I like these fotos. By the way, the Wuchang Uprising is not a correct expression. It's democratic and republic revolution.
Well, i just literally translated our Chinese version since this uprising was only a part of the revolution you've just mentioned.

Some infrastructures in Wuhan

Tongji Hospital, the biggest and best medical centre in central China, top 10 among all domestic hospitals.
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Wuhan Railway Station, served by Metro Line 4
Cited from Wikipedia
Wuhan Railway Station is one of the main stations on the Beijing–Guangzhou High-Speed Railway. Completed in December, 2009, the station has 11 platforms and 20 tracks. It serves the Beijing-Hong Kong high speed railway, the Shanghai-Wuhan-Chengdu passenger line, and Zhengzhou/Jiujiang-bound passenger trains.
The design was inspired by the yellow crane, the symbol of Wuhan City. The distinctive roof is intended to resemble the crane's wings, and is based on a sine curve. The building consists of nine separated parts, symbolizing China's nine provinces, plus a central thoroughfare.

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Let me search in my 50G photo database. It takes time

The following about my family life.

The nearest traditional market
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Or you can by stuff in this excellent underground supermarket, well connected with a metro station and linked by an underpass to Zhongshan Park which I reckon as the Central Park of Wuhan.
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The self-service library in the nearest metro station. 100RMB-deposit, all free with an ID card.
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Every time I come back to Wuhan, I will have some Wuhan-style breakfast at this food street, like 3-5RMB hot dry noodle. Street art was illustrated below.
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A suburban colony in Hanyang, south to Han River and north to Yangtze River, an industrial region. Chinese are supposed to know some history about made-in-Hanyang a century ago when China was at its lowest time. One of my relatives lives here, late this year it will be connected by Metro Line3.
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Wuhan is different every day. There so many urban constructions now in Wuhan. Although they bring about air pollution, should the city just cancel them and let the next generations still suffer from overwhelming traffic jams and a sort of life of indecency?
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Gorgeous work !!! We need more of these useful threads in PDF.
@AndrewJin : Thanks !!! And could you share more on daily life like above ? very interesting for a traveller like me.
Thanks for you encouragement. But I couldn't find more my own photos about Wuhan. More threads will be about my own traveling experiences all around China and Far East. Since I'm now in Wuhan I'll renew it if new photos are taken
I am on my way to a museum in Wuhan with my little nephew who visits my family with his parents. Will post some photos later if wifi is provided. Got to save my 4G data.
Am I the only one waiting for pictures of hot and dry noodles?haha
aha, to be candid I'm not a noodle fan, I am totally for rice noodle in Wuhan. But of course I will post one.

Wuhan's iconic breakfast Hot Dry Noodle( with sesame sauce)

Wuhan is a paradise for breakfast. There's no exaggeration to say one can choose a distinctive option every single day for a year.
aha, to be candid I'm not a noodle fan, I am totally for rice noodle in Wuhan. But of course I will post one.

Wuhan's iconic breakfast Hot Dry Noodle( with sesame sauce)
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Wuhan is a paradise for breakfast. There's no exaggeration to say one can choose a distinctive option every single day for a year.
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2nd pic is rice essence in the bowl, isn't it ?
1st pic isn't good looking, but I guess it tastes good ?
2nd pic is rice essence in the bowl, isn't it ?
1st pic isn't good looking, but I guess it tastes good ?
The first is what most people here have for their breakfast, ranked as one of the Top10 noodles in China, not so fancy look. The second is also for breakfast, sticky rice with bamboo and pork with a layer of egg, sweet wine(brewed from sticky rice, less than 1%)with osmanthus flower
The first is what most people here have for their breakfast, ranked as one of the Top10 noodles in China, not so fancy look. The second is also for breakfast, sticky rice with bamboo and pork with a layer of egg, sweet wine(brewed from sticky rice, less than 1%)with osmanthus flower

Be careful when you talk to this guy. :) His posts are very toxic and he will try every possible tricks to sway and derail the thread into something inflammatory.

Just my friendly advice as you are new here. It is better to be ultra-cautionary now than be sorry later. Many new members learned this the hard way.
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The first is what most people here have for their breakfast, ranked as one of the Top10 noodles in China, not so fancy look. The second is also for breakfast, sticky rice with bamboo and pork with a layer of egg, sweet wine(brewed from sticky rice, less than 1%)with osmanthus flower

Very similar materials, I could try to do it myself at home. I will write my review later.
Any sauce as supplement to this ?
@TaiShang: ultra nationalist would fear about me, but not this nice guy @AndrewJin

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