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My CRH trip from Shanghai back to Wuhan

Very similar materials, I could try to do it myself at home. I will write my review later.
Any sauce as supplement to this ?
@TaiShang: ultra nationalist would fear about me, but not this nice guy @AndrewJin
Sorry, don't know how to cook that, easy to buy one, this kind of noodle restaurants are just easy to find like a pho one in Hanoi.
Be careful when you talk to this guy. :) His posts are very toxic and he will try every possible tricks to sway and derail the thread into something inflammatory.

Just my friendly advice as you are new here. It is better to be ultra-cautionary now than be sorry later. Many new members learned this the hard way.
Really? Thanks for your advice.
Ok, now I am in a Starbucks within a metro station. My little nephew visits me with his parents today. Upon their arrival at Hankou Station after half an hour ride by Intercity CRH, he immediately asked me to take him to the newly opened second phase of Metro Line4. Well, I would never say no to him cause he is an authentic subway fan. He has already been to nearly all the stations of Line 1, Line 2 and the first phase of Line4 last spring festival. So after lunch at home, we stepped out although today is boringly cloudy and showery all day long, I am not in a good mood.:(

First, I walked him through my neighbourhood.
The photo shows a part of the biggest lake within a city around the world.
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Wuhan is also called a city of a hundred lakes, whereas recently most lakes have shrunk owing to urban re-planing. It is uncomfortably humid in the summer by the lake.
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My nephew has never tried coffee in a café and kept asking me about this sort of cafés which are seen all around the city. I promised I'd buy him one cup if he agreed to visit a museum. Well, I cannot help preventing myself from preaching him every time. After all, he consented after contemplating my proposal for a while. But is it healthy for an 8-year old kid?
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We boarded Line2 from Zhongshan Park (Zhongshan=Dr. Sun Yat-sen)
He refused to walk in the park or play some rides like other kids did. He was just enthusiastic about trains just like when I was little and crazy about any sort of trains. I would be sleepless for several days for a traditional green train ride in a week.
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Zhongshan Park Sta. is featured by a decorative wall of paintings by kids about future transportation in Wuhan.
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Today is the 6th day of Jan. in Chinese lunar calendar. People are going back to where they work across China, being a migratory bird in this unprecedented immigration.
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And Wuhan is ranked as a 2nd tiered city in China
Clean and orderly. Many new cars were parked along the roadsides
What an amazing development it has made since my last visit there many years ago!
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And Wuhan is ranked as a 2nd tiered city in China
What an amazing development it has made since my last visit there many years ago!
It is still a long way to go to re-attain its historical glory. China should now definitely focus more on its interior. Infrastructures in central China are still far behind its eastern China counterpart.

Nice pictures Andrew, this for sharing.:tup:
Thanks. More on the way. I've taken more than 200 photos today with my nephew.
It is still a long way to go to re-attain its historical glory. China should now definitely focus more on its interior. Infrastructures in central China are still far behind its eastern China counterpart.

I had visited 东湖 nearby Wuhan University and was enjoying tasty 武昌鱼 there by the lakeside







The following will be about Line 4. My nephew just kept hopping in and hopping off at every station. I was totally exhausted.

Paired Cross-Platform Transfer between Line 2 and Line 4 (the first case in mainland China)
Cited from Wikipedia

Hongshan Square Station and Zhongnan Road Station offer paired cross-platform exchange for passengers riding between 4 directions of the two lines. The configuration for the two stations is similar to that of Mong Kok and Prince Edward stations in Hongkong's MTR.

Passengers riding on Line 2 from Hankou wishing to reach Wuchang Railway Station, can transfer at Zhongnan Road Station by crossing the platform. Those who going to Wuhan Railway Station, can transfer at Hongshan Square Station by crossing the platform, and vice versa.

Let me put in easily for you(resource from ditiezu)
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Hongshan Square Sta. Line 2 and Line 4 on the same floor
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People were flooding from Line2 to Line4 bound for HSR Wuhan Railway Sta.
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The 3-D layout of Hongshan Square Sta. A traveller new to this kind of exchange process will perhaps get totally bewildered.
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Zhongnan Road Sta. It's really easy to exchange here.
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I had visited 东湖 nearby Wuhan University and was enjoying tasty 武昌鱼 there by the lakeside








Are these your own works? They are undoutedly charming.
Are these your own works? They are undoutedly charming.

No they are not
Just posted them to show other great landscapes and famous cuisine of Wuhan and a recollection of my experience there

Please keep on posting your photos

东湖 East Lake of Wuhan.

I guess foreign readers will clearly locate the city by google map. herewith:

Yeah. There're so many lakes in Wuhan. What's the biggest, Donghu Lake ?
Coincidently, that we have 1 big freshwater lake in the Hanoi city center. West Lake / Ho Tay
similar name ? I guess in the winter, there're foggy caused by those lakes, because we suffered the same here.
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Let me officially start phase 2 of Line 4 which my nephew intended to visit.
We took Line 4 further west across Yangtze River, through the second Yangtze River metro tunnel of China from Wuchang to Hanyang. The first featured station we encountered was Zhongjiacun Sta. which will be another cross-platform interchange station after Line 6 is open. It is featured by the touching ancient story of friendship between Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, which is known to every Chinese. A memorial temple is closed to this station by the charming Moon Lake.

The location of Zhongjiacun Station, the very commercial centre of Hanyang.
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The platform stuff was shy and went away. Sorry, Ms.:-)
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Who doesn't know 高山流水遇知音 in China? (literally, high mountain and floating water, meet friends who really appreciate and know you) Only Zhong Ziqi could understand what Yu Boya's music which sounded like high mountain and floating water was really about. After Zhong died, Yu broke his instrument and never played music.
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Yeah. There're so many lakes in Wuhan. What's the biggest, Donghu Lake ?
Coincidently, that we have 1 big freshwater lake in the Hanoi city center. West Lake / Ho Tay
similar name ? I guess in the winter, there're foggy caused by those lakes, because we suffered the same here.
I have been to Hanoi by bus from Nanning, Guangxi Province of China. But just visited that small lake within the old quarter when it was really foggy and chilly. Pho was very delicious indeed.
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Wow. Hanoi is quite small, and it takes only 2 hours to reach from Youyi guan ( or Friendship gate ).
That small lake is a historic place name meaning "farewell to arms" right in the center, while the biggest lake is "West lake" with about 500ha area, about 1 kilometer away from that small lake, located many 5 star hotels as Intercontinental, Sheraton, Accor Sofitel Plaza Hanoi.
I am a budget independent traveler so we just found some family guesthouse in the very downtown. Two hours?Really? Cause i remember after national border, it took quite a long time by bus in 2013. Maybe a brand new expressway has been put in use ever since?
Yeah. There're so many lakes in Wuhan. What's the biggest, Donghu Lake ?
Coincidently, that we have 1 big freshwater lake in the Hanoi city center. West Lake / Ho Tay
similar name ? I guess in the winter, there're foggy caused by those lakes, because we suffered the same here.

I am not local, I am not sure the Donghu lake is the biggest, at least it's the most famous.

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