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Muslim woman removed from flight

As you said ,you live in a country where there is greater chances of you being eaten by shark than blown apart by suicide bombers. So you will never understand the mind set of countries who had been bitten by the snake called 'terrorism'. Even today a car leaden with RDX was seized on its way to Delhi to create mayhem. So I don't mind what my police or security agencies does, whether its racial or religious profiling, I want my family back in my home alive and in one piece after a family outing.
He made that argument not because he has any understanding of security issues and social expectations but to cast a convenient insult at US. One experience with a shark and he will change his mind about them toot-sweet.
This is a terrible incident but it doesn't help that even Muslims born and bred in US can turn on it. It's not about Arabs anymore. You cannot trust Muslims. Underlying theme. Unfortunate but crude reality.
As you said ,you live in a country where there is greater chances of you being eaten by shark than blown apart by suicide bombers. So you will never understand the mind set of countries who had been bitten by the snake called 'terrorism'. Even today a car leaden with RDX was seized on its way to Delhi to create mayhem. So I don't mind what my police or security agencies does, whether its racial or religious profiling, I want my family back in my home alive and in one piece after a family outing.

Fair enough, we all concentrate on the things that pose the most risk to us in our daily lives.
Racial profiling is a sad thing.Anyone looking south asian/middle eastern are viewed with an extra caution by western authorities..But it was not always like that.Who created such a situation?Was it indians?was it chinese?or was it those muslims of pakistani/middle eastern origin who conducted terror attacks in major european cities?Not just terror attacks if we visit a few pakistani/arab forums we can see a lot of brits and americans of pakistani/arab origin cheering for terrorists,celebrating death of american soldiers etc..They are the ones created this mess..
As expected, the Indian troll parade has deviated from the main subject. But that's what trolls do when they can't address the topic at hand.

The issue is not whether heightened security is justified -- of course it is. The question was whether this woman said or did anything that warranted suspicion. The courts will decide that.
Racial profiling is a sad thing.Anyone looking south asian/middle eastern are viewed with an extra caution by western authorities..But it was not always like that.Who created such a situation?Was it indians?was it chinese?or was it those muslims of pakistani/middle eastern origin who conducted terror attacks in major european cities?Not just terror attacks if we visit a few pakistani/arab forums we can see a lot of brits and americans of pakistani/arab origin cheering for terrorists,celebrating death of american soldiers etc..They are the ones created this mess..
Unfortunately, a necessary thing. The best we can hope for is that its official implementation by the state and covert adoption by the public will be temporary. The latter the most difficult to remove. When race and/or religion is targeted by a hostile, the defenders will have no choice but to use the same techniques the enemy uses in trying to defend themselves. The muslims have to face reality, that it is highly improbable that Islamic jihadists will recruit Catholic nuns as suicide bombers. So as long as there are muslims willing to shout 'Allah Akbar' before pulling the trigger, muslims at large will be targeted for profiling.

---------- Post added at 05:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:19 AM ----------

As expected, the Indian troll parade has deviated from the main subject. But that's what trolls do when they can't address the topic at hand.

The issue is not whether heightened security is justified -- of course it is. The question was whether this woman said or did anything that warranted suspicion. The courts will decide that.
If enhanced security measures are justified, then they are based upon what...???
If enhanced security measures are justified, then they are based upon what...???

Reasonable suspicion.

Customs officials have been screening potential suspects for decades -- long before terrorism became a household word. The professionals develop a sixth sense of identifying when someone warrants special attention. A person's demeanor and nonverbal cues are far better indicators than their race or religion.
Okay, the crew expressed their suspicions, lady got searched, questioned and later was not allowed to board the flight? :blink:

Did the crew think that C-4 clad terrorists can fly like in DragonBall Z? :lol: Or terrorists have fighters? Also, passengers cannot generally use mobile phones or any communication devise while on flight in case they were thinking terrorists can fly.

The question is: Why did the crew not allow the lady to board the flight? How was she a threat to security of the flight? Or are we missing something here?
lthough,this incident is a thing of concern.But after all a Pakistani citizen on Pakistani Soil and Pakistan have the right to decide how to run their Security.

So, what concern do you people have regarding Dr. Afridi and the countless others, in those threads, you come jumping merrily about the thing that they should be released and it is against rights.

In Saudi threads, you people come along, that it is wrong to behead people for murdering, there laws, there country, their matter.

Iranians do lashes, what is your problem, their laws, their country, their citizens, what is your problem.

Double standards huh?

Sir your thought process is great.
You are comparing a security Issue with-Justification of oppression of women,Trying a man who helped your ally to take out the world's most wanted man(not a Pakistani) in your country,Violent punishments as per law in Iran.

Btw way sir, You also compared US with Pakistan,Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Of the later two take out the oil and they are nothing economically.The first is already nothing.You expect these nations to be used as example of nation building and lecture US.

All the best with that.
Sir your thought process is great.
You are comparing a security Issue with-Justification of oppression of women,Trying a man who helped your ally to take out the world's most wanted man(not a Pakistani) in your country,Violent punishments as per law in Iran.

Btw way sir, You also compared US with Pakistan,Iran and Saudi Arabia.
Of the later two take out the oil and they are nothing economically.The first is already nothing.You expect these nations to be used as example of nation building and lecture US.

All the best with that.

You did not get the point did you?

You said that it is the US law regarding a US citizen in the US mainland.

So, my point is, that why do you have trouble digesting the news of Saudis beheading somebody, Iranians lashing somebody, and Pakistan sentencing somebody, it is after all their own law and their own country regarding their own citizens?
The question is: Why did the crew not allow the lady to board the flight? How was she a threat to security of the flight? Or are we missing something here?

Probably because other passengers were uncomfortable with her sharing the flight.
9/11 was an American event, in a manner of speaking. So prior to 9/11, if you had experienced any deliberate discrimination of muslims by international airlines, it begs the question of why. Remember, 9/11 was an American event, and US airlines INSIDE our borders never had these security procedures before 9/11. You are not the only air traveler here who have experienced the differences.

In Belize i asked for an explanation from the airline's office,because it was them who refused to board me and asked mt to go to US embassy as apply a US visa for my 1 hour Transit via Florida.The travel agent from whom i bought the ticket had no idea that any such thing will happen and i didn't know either.The airline officer came to me with a fax which showed an American number and was from some department of US government and it had a list of countries who's Nationals were not to be allowed to travel to USA,not even for a transit flight,or the airline faces hefty fines and legal action.Not surprising that all the countries in the List were Muslim majority countries,including Pakistan.
I missed the flight as couldn't get US Visa,the embassy refused.Then i had to stay in Belize for another 15 days,as all flights from Belize to anywhere in the world were Via USA.Then after 15 days there was a flight via Tuxpan mexico.Upon arrival at Mexican airport i was received by two armed police men who remained with me throughout my 8 hours stay at the airport before boarding a British Airways Flight to Dubai....Its another thing that soon i made friends with both the police men and all three of us were sat upstairs eating Pizzas and commenting on the passing Mexican chicks ;)..But upon asking the policemen apologized and told me that all this is done by Mexican Government on Pressure from US government..Muslim travelers had to be under strict scrutiny,and police escort while their stay on the airport so that "Nothing goes wrong"..
This was two years before 9/11

So there you go..USA has been instigating a policy of alienating Muslims where ever it had influence....even before 9/11

and so many years after 9/11 USA should throw the tissue papers,stop being the cry babies they are , grow some back n=bone , show some courage , stop being cowards and move on..And above all trust their security agencies...and stop refusing passengers on board even after security clearance...Thats just coward to the extreme.
In Belize i asked for an explanation from the airline's office,because it was them who refused to board me and asked mt to go to US embassy as apply a US visa for my 1 hour Transit via Florida.The travel agent from whom i bought the ticket had no idea that any such thing will happen and i didn't know either.The airline officer came to me with a fax which showed an American number and was from some department of US government and it had a list of countries who's Nationals were not to be allowed to travel to USA,not even for a transit flight,or the airline faces hefty fines and legal action.Not surprising that all the countries in the List were Muslim majority countries,including Pakistan.
I missed the flight as couldn't get US Visa,the embassy refused.Then i had to stay in Belize for another 15 days,as all flights from Belize to anywhere in the world were Via USA.Then after 15 days there was a flight via Tuxpan mexico.Upon arrival at Mexican airport i was received by two armed police men who remained with me throughout my 8 hours stay at the airport before boarding a British Airways Flight to Dubai....Its another thing that soon i made friends with both the police men and all three of us were sat upstairs eating Pizzas and commenting on the passing Mexican chicks ;)..But upon asking the policemen apologized and told me that all this is done by Mexican Government on Pressure from US government..Muslim travelers had to be under strict scrutiny,and police escort while their stay on the airport so that "Nothing goes wrong"..
This was two years before 9/11

So there you go..USA has been instigating a policy of alienating Muslims where ever it had influence....even before 9/11

and so many years after 9/11 USA should throw the tissue papers,stop being the cry babies they are , grow some back n=bone , show some courage , stop being cowards and move on..And above all trust their security agencies...and stop refusing passengers on board even after security clearance...Thats just coward to the extreme.
You totally missed the point. Prior to 9/11, if muslims were already viewed with suspicions, why?
You totally missed the point. Prior to 9/11, if muslims were already viewed with suspicions, why?

yet you never miss the point do you? For example to bring Jews into this thread earlier?
They were viewed with suspicions because after your army had trained and assisted in the development of Al queda against Russia in Afghanistan they had become too big to "control". Then when the pet that you fed and aided had become too big to handle hence your media arm started working overtime and telling the world that this was a terrible thing. Whilst it suited you and passivised your needs they were okay. When you couldn't control them you wanted to isolate them. You caused the disease and now you blame everyone else but yourselves.
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