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Muslim woman removed from flight

Actually read your ticket i think you will find most airlies do have the right to refuse you passage, seeing there are probably 40 lawyers writting the small print they probably dont have to give you a reason, its their aircraft.

Well actually you did not read the complete story or grasp the situation on the ground, She was cleared by ground authorities, the investigators and Airline officials and so she was cleared to board the plane officially by the airlines, so there was no point in sending her back from the plane by asshol.e pilot and his uncomfortable crew.

By the way the Airline and the plane does not belong to that pilot.

Would you mind If I kick your arse for nothing because I don't have to give any reason for anything its in my personal rules, you talk ridiculous.
A Muslim-American woman was removed from an aeroplane as it prepared for take off - after a flight attendant told security staff she heard her say 'It's a go' into her mobile phone.

But U.S. citizen Irum Abbassi, who was travelling out of San Diego's International Airport, claims she actually said 'I've got to go'.

The mother-of-three was quickly searched and then made her way back to the flight - but the aeroplane's crew refused to allow her back on board.

She then took the next flight - and is now suing Southwest Airlines for the 'humiliating' incident.

Muslim woman removed from flight after security heard her say 'It's a go' on her phone | Mail Online

And why it is bold just to show "MUSLIM Women" ...would u post the news here if there were as Hindu women.....why peoples just high light the Muslims when there is even small thing happened.:devil:
this incident shows the mentality and hidden hate against Muslims ..... they talk about human rights and harmony among religions but when it comes to Muslims they ignore everything as Muslims have no rights........
Do not forget your eternal paranoia about the Jews.

And your eternal paranoia about Chinese, Arabs, terrorists, Quran, Hadith, Haqqanis, ISI and along list of unfiltered garbage in your mind.

By the way gambee remember on the Chinese thread you said thousands of protests in China, guess what turn on your CNN/FOX the whole US innocent people are out on streets protesting against the imperial government. Why do you have to make fool out of your self on international forums. :lol:
She is an American.

That's what I meant. Surely they would have recognized it from that phrase and her accent.

But it's not like an American citizenship would have prevented the sterotype anyway.

Even if she said "It's a go" how is that a threat? Was she discussing a business deal, a house purchase, a dinner party?

The airline would have to show that any reasonable person would have reacted the same way if a non-Muslim person had said the same thing in conversation. As you said, it is a common Americanism used in varying situations, so where again is the threat indication?

Agreed. And I find it hard to see how any reasonable person anywhere, would have taken the words "It's a go" (which she claims that she never even said) as a justifiable cause for what they did.
Do not forget your eternal paranoia about the Jews.

Well done gambit. Here is a clear case where an American citizen got it so wrong but you have to bring Jews into this and be off topic. This lady has been humiliated and her human rights taken away. If the flight attendant was concerned there are 101 things she could have done to eliviate her fears.
To bring up Jews puts this on a different level. Your blind backing of a zionist regime speaks volume. Our eternal paranoia about the jews is sadly necessary. They have lied on numerous occasions and with respect look at some of the quotes their leaders come out with. Racism at the very least.
Please do me a favour dont try cheap and pathetic attempts to derail threads. Thanks
Unfortunate incident. I don't understand why she denied entry when she was okayed by the security agencies?
As a frequent flyer, security first for me. For some it may be bias, for others the airline employees were using their judgement.

The circumstances under which she was denied permission to board need to be clear. If she was angry and agitated because of the incident, then it is again a matter of judgement for the crew to think its best for her to take the next flight.
Agreed. And I find it hard to see how any reasonable person anywhere, would have taken the words "It's a go" (which she claims that she never even said) as a justifiable cause for what they did.

The words themselves are innocuous enough. It will all come down to demeanor and witnesses.
Americans are afraid of spread of Islam in their country and they are trying to stop it but rise of Islam and defeat of its enemies is destiny and nobody can change it even how much they try
what do you expect when 3,000 of there citizens were killed by that obviously there will be discrimination and bigotry

Are you a fool,Sardar jee? Their citizens were killed by terrorists...oh wait..they were "Muslim" terrorists..Sorry I forget...BTW,Nazis were Christians...Are Christians seen the same way? Hypocrisy.Hitler also used the name of Christianity while committing atrocities against the Jews ..

Sadly, many sardars with turban were killed becoz they were mistaken as "Muslims" ...
Who says "It's a go" anyway, apart from Americans?

This news was posted yesterday in an American forum I visit very frequently, and it seems according to the American media, the lady said "I've got to go" but someone heard it as "it's a go"

Anyway after they searched her for the second time, she should have been allowed in. It didn't make sense to leave her out after all the security checks she had to go through.

And oh, on the other forum, this news caused a 12 page debate and guess what was the general consensus among the mostly American forum members?

"Nothing wrong with the incident. Better be safe than sorry"
This news was posted yesterday in an American forum I visit very frequently, and it seems according to the American media, the lady said "I've got to go" but someone heard it as "it's a go"

Anyway after they searched her for the second time, she should have been allowed in. It didn't make sense to leave her out after all the security checks she had to go through.

And oh, on the other forum, this news caused a 12 page debate and guess what was the general consensus among the mostly American forum members?

"Nothing wrong with the incident. Better be safe than sorry"

And what forum that might be pal ?
"Nothing wrong with the incident. Better be safe than sorry"

I think this is the correct policy.

Even Pakistanis implement the same policy, as does every country that wants to protect it's citizens.

Else there is no need for any security checks anywhere.
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