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Muslim woman removed from flight

what do you expect when 3,000 of there citizens were killed by that obviously there will be discrimination and bigotry

They need to grow some back bone and get the hell out of something that happened over a decade ago.....and yes...they need to stop being cowards and start trusting their security agencies on which they spend billions.
In Hong Kong, whenever I pass the metal detectors at the airport, the staff there are just socializing with each other, and hardly even looking at us.

Then again, we've never been targeted by any international terrorist groups.

Also, I had a connecting flight through the Netherlands once as well, and the airplane food was served with metal utensils, including a metal knife!

That was several years ago, so I don't know if they still do it, but it was shocking to see in the post-9/11 era.
and Martians ;)

How about Mullahs? :P

In Hong Kong, whenever I pass the metal detectors at the airport, the staff there are just socializing with each other, and hardly even looking at us.

Then again, we've never been targeted by any international terrorist groups.

Also, I had a connecting flight through the Netherlands once as well, and the airplane food was served with metal utensils, including a metal knife!

That was several years ago, so I don't know if they still do it, but it was shocking to see in the post-9/11 era.

Try visiting America. My dad had to be stuck in some sort of interview room with some immigration officers asking questions for 2 hours! :lol:
In Hong Kong, whenever I pass the metal detectors at the airport, the staff there are just socializing with each other, and hardly even looking at us.

Then again, we've never been targeted by any international terrorist groups.

Also, I had a connecting flight through the Netherlands once as well, and the airplane food was served with metal utensils, including a metal knife!

That was several years ago, so I don't know if they still do it, but it was shocking to see in the post-9/11 era.

Having travelled to 42 countries round the world and used almost every major airline in the world,i should point out that strict and unusual security checks were there for muslim passengers even before 9/11.
I was refused one hour transit from Florida while on my way from Belize to Dubai...I didnt even had to leave the plane,the plane's route was via florida where it had to land,disembark passengers and take off for dubai,butthe american embassy Belize refused me saying that they will need to have a security check on me via Washington and there isnt enough time.
In addition to that i had numerous experiences of being singled out by security staff and being interviewed about why i am traveling to a certain country and prove my intentions with documentary evidence. This was Before 9/11.
So all of you who say 9/11 caused all this are wrong....Their Paranoia against Muslim was there before 9/11 and has only gone worse after 9/11.
And your eternal paranoia about Chinese, Arabs, terrorists, Quran, Hadith, Haqqanis, ISI and along list of unfiltered garbage in your mind.

By the way gambee remember on the Chinese thread you said thousands of protests in China, guess what turn on your CNN/FOX the whole US innocent people are out on streets protesting against the imperial government. Why do you have to make fool out of your self on international forums. :lol:

Although,this incident is a thing of concern.But after all She is an American citizen on American Soil and American have the right to decide how to run their Security.

After all they are not doing that bad in that depptt.Nada,nothing after 9/11.
When Indians(they are not criticzing the move) and Pakistanis have a safety record like the Americans do, then we can probably tutor the Americans till then it is just laughable to do that.
Although,this incident is a thing of concern.But after all She is an American citizen on American Soil and American have the right to decide how to run their Security.

lthough,this incident is a thing of concern.But after all a Pakistani citizen on Pakistani Soil and Pakistan have the right to decide how to run their Security.

So, what concern do you people have regarding Dr. Afridi and the countless others, in those threads, you come jumping merrily about the thing that they should be released and it is against rights.

In Saudi threads, you people come along, that it is wrong to behead people for murdering, there laws, there country, their matter.

Iranians do lashes, what is your problem, their laws, their country, their citizens, what is your problem.

Double standards huh?
Actually read your ticket i think you will find most airlies do have the right to refuse you passage, seeing there are probably 40 lawyers writting the small print they probably dont have to give you a reason, its their aircraft.

You are right but she is definitely gonna win this case. She is the one who suffered all the humiliation.
Having travelled to 42 countries round the world and used almost every major airline in the world,i should point out that strict and unusual security checks were there for muslim passengers even before 9/11.
I was refused one hour transit from Florida while on my way from Belize to Dubai...I didnt even had to leave the plane,the plane's route was via florida where it had to land,disembark passengers and take off for dubai,butthe american embassy Belize refused me saying that they will need to have a security check on me via Washington and there isnt enough time.
In addition to that i had numerous experiences of being singled out by security staff and being interviewed about why i am traveling to a certain country and prove my intentions with documentary evidence. This was Before 9/11.
So all of you who say 9/11 caused all this are wrong....Their Paranoia against Muslim was there before 9/11 and has only gone worse after 9/11.
9/11 was an American event, in a manner of speaking. So prior to 9/11, if you had experienced any deliberate discrimination of muslims by international airlines, it begs the question of why. Remember, 9/11 was an American event, and US airlines INSIDE our borders never had these security procedures before 9/11. You are not the only air traveler here who have experienced the differences.
Try visiting America. My dad had to be stuck in some sort of interview room with some immigration officers asking questions for 2 hours! :lol:

Oh yeah I went to Hawaii recently. It's not even America proper, yet they were really strict, and also there were loads of queues everywhere.

They asked me what my religion was, and even what religion my girlfriend was, lol. I think I saved myself a lot of hassle, because both answers were: non-religious.

Strangely, I had some problems in South Korea too. Maybe it's because the people they are worried about (North Koreans) look East Asian. At least that's what I assumed at the time.

There is definitely racial/religious/nationality "profiling" at airports, I think they even admitted it themselves a few times.

Quite a sad state of affairs really, when people are more likely to die from slipping on the bathroom floor, than by a suicide bomber.
Quite a sad state of affairs really, when people are more likely to die from slipping on the bathroom floor, than by a suicide bomber.

I would rather take my chances slipping in the bathroom than been blown apart by a suicide bomber , a mile high in air.
I would rather take my chances slipping in the bathroom than been blown apart by a suicide bomber , a mile high in air.

So you think racial/religious profiling is alright then?

Though personally, I have never been worried much about terrorism. Hard to be worried about that in Hong Kong, since I'd probably have a higher chance of being eaten by a shark.

I prefer being worried about things that are actually likely to kill me, like road accidents.
Oh yeah I went to Hawaii recently. It's not even America proper, yet they were really strict, and also there were loads of queues everywhere.

They asked me what my religion was, and even what religion my girlfriend was, lol. I think I saved myself a lot of hassle, because both answers were: non-religious.

Strangely, I had some problems in South Korea too. Maybe it's because the people they are worried about (North Koreans) look East Asian. At least that's what I assumed at the time.

There is definitely racial/religious/nationality "profiling" at airports, I think they even admitted it themselves a few times.

Quite a sad state of affairs really, when people are more likely to die from slipping on the bathroom floor, than by a suicide bomber.
What is really sad is that line of argument. People WANT bathrooms and EXPECT to use them, and we are willing to risk accidents that are largely of our own incompetence in using them. No one want and expect to die by a suicide bomber. So if you expect and want something, you will have a higher tolerance for the odds of accidents than for things for which you do not want and expect to happen.
So you think racial/religious profiling is alright then?

Though personally, I have never been worried much about terrorism. Hard to be worried about that in Hong Kong, since I'd probably have a higher chance of being eaten by a shark.

I prefer being worried about things that are actually likely to kill me, like road accidents.

As you said ,you live in a country where there is greater chances of you being eaten by shark than blown apart by suicide bombers. So you will never understand the mind set of countries who had been bitten by the snake called 'terrorism'. Even today a car leaden with RDX was seized on its way to Delhi to create mayhem. So I don't mind what my police or security agencies does, whether its racial or religious profiling, I want my family back in my home alive and in one piece after a family outing.
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