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Muslim woman removed from flight

You did not get the point did you?

You said that it is the US law regarding a US citizen in the US mainland.

So, my point is, that why do you have trouble digesting the news of Saudis beheading somebody, Iranians lashing somebody, and Pakistan sentencing somebody, it is after all their own law and their own country regarding their own citizens?

Sir I had gotten the point.My reply was if US beheads its people of uses any kinda Violence practices we will be the first to condemn.Remember Gitmo.
But Their Security maesures(topic at hand) are not Human rights issue and however sad they are a neccassry evil just like nukes for some.
If there is a point, why don't you clearly make it?
Prior to 9/11, muslims already been associated with terrorism. Airliners already had a reputation for being favorite targets for terrorists of any stripe willing to make a statement.
If enhanced security measures are justified, then they are based upon what...???
Reasonable suspicion.

Customs officials have been screening potential suspects for decades -- long before terrorism became a household word. The professionals develop a sixth sense of identifying when someone warrants special attention. A person's demeanor and nonverbal cues are far better indicators than their race or religion.

Look at the illustration below...


Whenever we see certain visual cues, we immediately form associations of those cues to certain behaviors, or at least of certain behaviors. For the 'soldier', even if we do not see a weapon, we associate his wearing of the uniform to weapons, to war, to destruction, and ultimately to death. For the 'civilian', when we see the camera, we associate this instrument to tourism, to travel, to decadence, to food, to businesses, and ultimately to peace and long life.

These visual cues are so important that they are codified into the conducts of war...

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War, 75 U.N.T.S. 135, entered into force Oct. 21, 1950.
(a) That of being commanded by a person responsible for his subordinates;

(b) That of having a fixed distinctive sign recognizable at a distance;

(c) That of carrying arms openly;

(d) That of conducting their operations in accordance with the laws and customs of war.
What the Islamic jihadists have done was to turn ordinary garbs that are associated with muslim civilians into visual cues of war. A religious war. So for those of us who, not only are used to but actually instilled from birth, to associate certain restricted visual cues to war, to encounter something that goes contrary to what we demand and expect, what do you think is going to happen? Like it or not, we will do EXACTLY what the Islamic jihadists have done: To associate a civilian, which is burqa-ed woman, a holy text, and a loud praise to a deity, with violence, war, and death.
Prior to 9/11, muslims already been associated with terrorism. Airliners already had a reputation for being favorite targets for terrorists of any stripe willing to make a statement.

and yet USA failed miserably in preventing 9/11?
Because 9/11 was not the start of the hijack of Islamic tag by Terrorists and fundamentalist, but just a tipping point..

so we can say USA knew it all along...but was so lame that didnt bother to prevent it or let it happen deliberately..
then people say dont make conspiracy theories about 9/11
so we can say USA knew it all along...but was so lame that didnt bother to prevent it or let it happen deliberately..
then people say dont make conspiracy theories about 9/11

lol... where did you get that from.. Did PA let Mehran happen or for that matter the daily/weekly blasts and killings? There is no way Law enforcement can succeed every time..
and yet USA failed miserably in preventing 9/11?

The same can be said about your security agencies failing miserably in stopping countless suicide/car/truck bombing happening in Pakistan
Sir I had gotten the point.My reply was if US beheads its people of uses any kinda Violence practices we will be the first to condemn.Remember Gitmo.
But Their Security maesures(topic at hand) are not Human rights issue and however sad they are a neccassry evil just like nukes for some.

Yes we got to condemn it if it is a human rights violation, such as Gitmo, but regarding some other thing, their law, their country, their citizen.
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Here is an interesting video.

Just proves that some people are racist, in the guise of free thinking.
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Prior to 9/11, muslims already been associated with terrorism. Airliners already had a reputation for being favorite targets for terrorists of any stripe willing to make a statement.

Airliners targeted by terrorism :)... Just like the Iranian passenger jet shot down by a coward US commander?

I am sure you are also well aware of the fact that US also has been doing undercover state terrorism for many decades in all over the world (South America, Middle East, Asia). Does the Confessions of an economic hit man ring a bell?
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Here is an interesting video.

Just proves that some people are racist, in the guise of free thinking.

Thank God, college students, young people basically the new generation at United States has much better mentality. I think growing up in schools with very diverse races together makes them understand how it should be. Meanwhile the old segregationists, racists, rednecks, white supremacists etc are being phased out. Even Texas is now majority not white and will be majority Latino in about ten years.
Why on earth did she need a headscarf? Wannabe arab :P
Scarfs don't make you holy, they make you a show off
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